Here's how to be invisible as a ninja. It's all about wearing the right colors and changing the shape of the body.

Step 1. Do not wear black colored clothes
Black is not the best color for a ninja, it may seem invisible, but it is not. Remember that invisibility is the art of putting into practice simple techniques and skills used effectively in order to make yourself imperceptible. Ignore the guides that teach you how to wear black colored clothes to be a ninja.

Step 2. Memorize the definition of inaudible
To be invisible you don't have to be seen or heard so that you are not recognized. Remember the question: "when a tree falls in a forest but no one hears it, does it make noise?". Yes, the tree makes noise. Because if you were there you would hear it fall, and you would say "wow, what was that bang?". Regardless of your presence or perception of reality, the tree will always make noise. The real question is, "what is noise and how is it associated with hearing?". When the tree falls, in fact, it creates a noise regardless of whether we hear it or not. This is another concept of invisibility. The saying and the tree are both elusive, and therefore invisible. You must be that tree.

Step 3. Know that you can make noise, and even run into your opponent's field of vision, but you must not be perceived
You can enter your opponent's view, and even be seen, but if you manage to blend in with your surroundings you will not be perceived.
Take Waldo for example. You can search for Waldo on the famous American illustrations, and you might as well find him easily, since he's standing there, but until you feel him, Waldo remains invisible. Invisibility is the art of camouflaging oneself, becoming an insignificant part of the surrounding environment and disappearing into it

Step 4. Master the art of disguising the body and your indicators
An indicator is something that basically says, "Hey, it's me, and I'm hiding behind this rock." To hide the indicators you need to improve your skills in these fields:
Camouflage. Of course, you don't have to make any noise when walking through a forest or dark alley. The key to concealment is to learn how to put some invisibility techniques into practice. Camouflage is usually clothing with a green texture that is used in forests. Camouflaging (by artificial or natural methods) actually involves using a variety of skills to not be seen. It is camouflaged by sight, hearing, smell and touch:
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View. The human eye first perceives movements, so this is your main concern. In order not to be seen you must know what you can do and what your opponent is trying to do. This applies to all practices of invisibility. Here are the basics:
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Learn to move with patience and fluidity. Abrupt movements are easily noticed. Also do not disturb the peace of the natural environment. A flock of birds hovering is a clear sign of someone's presence.
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Step 5. If you are being heard, it does not mean that you are being perceived
Even if your presence becomes obvious. If you are seen, not only is your presence evident, but your location is also detected. What is that? Is it a big black head?
Your visual goal is to eliminate the distinct form of the human being. You will also need to pay attention to the highlights and shadows. Think about the factors that make up a person's shape and learn when to hide, crouch, walk, invisible, or run.
Be Stealthy Like a Ninja Step 5Bullet1 - What kind of uniform or clothing do you wear? Does your shape stand out or does it blend in with the surrounding environment? Do you carry a large sword with you or does that thing look more like a tree branch? Form is an opinion.
Depending on the situation, remember that thick jogging clothing is best for making yourself invisible in the city. Because? Well, think about getting caught. A jogging suit is much more credible clothing than a tabi (ninja shoe) in plain sight. On photo shoots and in movies, a ninja uniform looks gorgeous, but it's much more effective to look like a fallen tree branch than a ninja cover model.
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Step 6. Choose the right color for your disguise
To be invisible, it is essential to wear clothes or fabrics that blend in with the surrounding environment. Colors must have the same level of intensity, brightness and contrast to remain consistent. Use the guidelines below.
Night: dark blue, black, gray or other dark colors.
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Countryside: green and brown.
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City: gray, sometimes blue.
Be Stealthy Like a Ninja Step 6Bullet3 - Just because it's night doesn't mean a black uniform will make you invisible. In fact, it could make you stand out and make your location more easily discoverable. Unless you decide to stay in the darkest part of the shadow, the black uniform is not recommended. Remember that black is not a natural color. The sky is dark blue, not black, and the trees, leaves and grass are usually green or brown. In addition, a black uniform can only be used at night, while a green and brown jumpsuit can also be used when it is day.
- Remember that the goal is to eliminate the shape of the human body, and the choice of colors can help you in this.

Step 7. Watch the way you move
Always move from shadow to shadow, from rock to rock, from obstacle to obstacle. The other bodily strategies and tactics are used in conjunction with the movements. The more you become part of the surrounding environment, the less you look like a human being hiding in a bush, thus remaining invisible.
You will have to use the surrounding environment mainly in two ways: either you hide, or you blend into it. If the area where you hide does not completely cover your figure or your shape, then it is important that your body blends in with what you have chosen to hide. For example: lie down in a field, crouch by the rocks, and stretch your arms and legs alongside tree trunks and branches

Step 8. Remember, when aligning your body with an object to blend in, do your best to get yourself into a position where you can easily react
If you put yourself face down in the mud and are unable to react if an opponent is about to stab you with a 25 cm blade in the back, the mud stains will be the least of your problems.

Step 9. Train your night vision
It can take more than thirty minutes for the eye to get used to the darkness. Without this night vision, your ability to see is almost nil. A beam of light is enough to ruin the night vision for another 20-30 minutes. So be careful not to lose it and prevent your opponent from acquiring it. This will allow the shadow warrior to observe the enemy while remaining invisible, blending into the night.
Remember: when you look at something in the dark, your chances of seeing it are better if your vision remains blurry. Just move your eyes in a circular way looking around the object.
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Step 10. Be careful not to make any noise
Another fundamental component of the art of remaining invisible is the ability to move silently on all types of terrain. Below you will find some practical techniques to make yourself invisible. With a little time and practice, you will begin to develop your style and your invisibility technique. It will be a mixture of the techniques learned, adapted for a unique style. These techniques alone will not allow you to move through the night as silent as the wind.
This information is simple principles to help you practice, and it is not effective on its own. You will have to practice until you become very good at moving silently. To do this, you must first pay attention to what is making noise (without concentrating on it). The next step is to avoid making noise as much as possible. When you train you can practice your invisibility on various types of terrain and in many environments to understand which specific techniques to use

Step 11. Make decisions
You will come to the point of having to choose to take one path rather than another. One path is open and covered with sand, while the other is narrow and protected by trees. What path would you choose? The walk with sand allows for quieter movements while the walk with trees is full of twigs and dry leaves that are easy to break. However, the path with the trees offers cover and a chance to blend in and, as we said before, it is better not to be seen than to be heard. The choice just proposed will help you understand the variety of options you will have to deal with.
The step. It is the most important technique to learn in order not to make noise. Your invisibility depends on how you step, but practice will help you improve. Before completing a step, keep your weight on the leg that is on the ground until the other leg is in position. This requires the ability to balance harmoniously.
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Touch. Taking the step is only half the battle. Use your hands and feet to sense obstacles in front of you and to avoid them. Thick-soled footwear makes it difficult to perceive the ground, especially if it is full of twigs and dry leaves. Wear light shoes, or go barefoot. The more you are able to get in touch with the surrounding environment, the higher the chances of remaining silent.
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Exhale. Do not hold your breath as you move, breathe as you step, rotate, turn or shift your weight from one leg to the other. This will keep your muscles relaxed and help you adjust to your movements.
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Attention. Pay attention to the surrounding environment, not just the ground. Always keep a circular view, focus when taking a step, but stay alert to your surroundings. This principle applies to all senses.
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Listen. Pay attention to the noises you make and try to blend them with the noises of the surrounding environment. Stop completely if you make a noise, listen and try to understand if someone has discovered you or reacted to your noise. Pay attention to any changes.
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Tolerance. Patience is the key to staying silent. If you are not patient you may make sudden movements, and make mistakes. How long can you stay still without making a sound?
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Harmony. Stay focused, keep your knees bent and move so that your muscles and joints move naturally. Move like a cat, balanced, patient and fluid.
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Step 12. Develop a smooth step
It will be necessary for a master to teach you this technique.
Step 13. Practice
Below you will find some ideas, start with these and then try to create some yourself.
Come Here Kitty - Try approaching a sleeping cat and touching it before it finds out what you are doing. Remember that this technique is only effective with active, healthy cats. Furthermore, cats cannot in any way be replaced with soft toys. And by cat we mean the pet, not a mountain lion.
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Radio star - Another fun way to learn to move without being heard is to use a tape recorder. Keep some distance between you and the recorder, and try to move as quietly as possible. When you are done listen to your performance again. Pay attention to the natural sounds of the environment. Use this technique on different terrains.
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Games - Games are a great way to improve your pace. Many are practiced in martial arts courses. The only requirement to play is to have another person to play with. Here is a nice game:
- Stand thirty meters away from your partner. Your job is to get close to him and touch him on the back or shoulder without him noticing anything. Your partner listens and only has one chance to turn around, but only if you are within touch distance. Whoever touches the other first wins. It requires a lot of patience, both on the part of the ninja and the opponent.
- Bu! This game requires in-depth knowledge of your partner. If you haven't figured it out yet, the game is to surprise the other person from behind and scare them. Some people are not very nice, they might get angry if you scare them. So make sure you know the person you intend to scare well (and make sure they don't suffer from heart problems, or you may have them on your conscience). For the rest, you have to decide how to do it.
Be Stealthy Like a Ninja Step 14 Step 14. Consider the terrain in which you are moving
Dry areas are noisier and, unless you carry a barrel of water with you, you must try to avoid them or learn to cross them. Dry twigs and leaves are the main cause of unmasking.
Be Stealthy Like a Ninja Step 15 Step 15. Consider the smell
You would never want to hear yourself say: “I heard you coming from a kilometer away”. There are other things to worry about besides clothes, and that is your smell. Perfumes and deodorants are immediately felt, as is the smell of McDonald's. The more you assimilate to the environment, the more likely you are to remain camouflaged. Use natural oils from the environment around you to mask your smell. For example, take a mud bath. This is important if you want to blend in with nature and prevent animals from noticing your presence due to their overwhelming sense of smell.
Be Stealthy Like a Ninja Step 16 Step 16. Consider other factors
Being invisible is not a skill made up of just a few concepts mixed together to keep you from stepping on dry twigs. You will need to fully understand what it means to remain invisible. This includes learning to expand one's thinking and reflect across the board. There are many things that can affect your ability to remain invisible. For instance:
- You are in a group. One of the team members is discovered, and as a result all are discovered.
- Unexpected weather. The ground for which you prepared the day before is no longer there.
- A dog barks when he smells Big Mac and French fries.
- There is an accident, and you are the only one who can help the people involved.
- Did you remember to go to the bathroom before leaving the house?
- These are just a few elements, but if you take them into consideration you can prepare yourself and develop a greater understanding of the art of invisibility. No matter how much you already know, you will always have to learn to implement your teachings. If you want to be a good footballer, then kick it. If you want to vanish in a cloud of smoke, the same principle applies.