A feeder is a food container used to hold feed for farm animals and the like. The word comes from the French manger, to eat. A manger can be made of any material, such as wood, earthenware, or metal. The manger is also associated with Christmas because in the Bible stories the baby Jesus is placed in a manger at his birth. Today, Christians use mangers at Christmas to represent the Nativity. Use these tips to make a Christmas manger.
Method 1 of 3: Build a Lath Feeder from Wood

Step 1. Determine the size of the feeder
This style of manger is simple to make with pieces of wood of the same size. For example, you could make laths 24 inches (60.9 cm) long and 1 inch (2.54 cm) wide for a manger large enough to accommodate a baby doll (representing Jesus) that is less than a foot long. Think of smaller slats if you want a smaller manger, and larger ones if you have a large doll.

Step 2. Get pieces and scraps of wood
Any type of wood is good for a manger. Consider using scraps you already have from an old wooden box, an old piece of furniture you no longer use, or, for a miniature manger, popsicle sticks. You can also buy firewood from a home improvement or home improvement store to make a manger.
- Consider pre-cut pieces. You can buy packs of pre-cut pieces of wood in stores if you don't want to cut them yourself.
- If you can't find pre-cut pieces and don't want to cut the wood yourself, many home improvement stores can cut the wood for you.

Step 3. Cut the wood to the size you need
Using a table saw or whatever you prefer. cut the wood into 11 pieces of the same size. In this example, the pieces will be 24 inches (60.9cm) long and 1 inch (2.54cm) wide.
- Make sure you measure the pieces before you cut them, so that they all have the exact same size. Use a ruler and pen to mark where to cut.
- Saw wood outdoors or on a newspaper covered table for easier cleaning afterwards.

Step 4. Create the legs of the manger
The legs will be an "X" on each side of the manger to support it. The outer surface of the wood will be visible, so use the four most beautiful pieces for the legs.
- Cut a 45 degree angle at one end of each piece. This angled cut will allow each piece to lie flat on the ground, giving stability to the feeder.
- Identify the center of each piece. Measure the pieces, mark the center using a pencil, and drill a hole in each piece in the center.
- Assemble the legs together by overlapping the holes two by two so that they form an X. Place screws in the holes, holding the legs together. Use gaskets and butterfly bolts to secure them.

Step 5. build the body of the manger
To create the slatted look, start by placing the pieces of wood between the two pairs of legs where they meet, in the center of the V they form. Use a hammer and nails to secure the piece in the V of each leg set. Space the 7 remaining pieces along the top of the legs to assemble the manger. Space the remaining 6 pieces evenly across the legs, so they go from pair to pair. Ink them in place on the legs to complete the body of the manger.
Method 2 of 3: Build a Christmas Manger from a Cardboard Box

Step 1. Find a sturdy cardboard box
Choose a box of any size you want. Boxes made of plain cardboard are the easiest to turn into feeders, but you can also use a box with a design.

Step 2. Create a wood-like design on the outside of the box
Use markers to draw the texture of the wood on the outside of the box. Draw slightly curved lines to give the idea of pieces of wood. Add details like wood knots, spirals and cracks to give the wood feel. Try drawing nails on the ends of the box as an extra touch.
- If you are using a box with a design, first cover it with brown paper or cut out bread bags. Use double-sided tape or glue to secure the paper to the box and completely obscure the design underneath. When the glue is dry, use the markers to create the texture of the wood.
- Your manger doesn't have to be brown. You can cover the box with clay-colored paper, or with the reds and greens typical of the holiday season, or any other color you want. If you are making the manger with the children, let them decide how to decorate it for Christmas.

Step 3. Add hay or straw
Arrange hay or straw along the inside and outside of the box. The straw will help hide the box and create the look of a manger.
Method 3 of 3: Repurpose an Pet Trough

Step 1. Get a trough
If you have a chance to find farm equipment, use a proper trough as a feeding trough. You can use any of any materials, including wood, plastic, and metal. Check at the nearest farm accessories store if you don't already have your own trough.

Step 2. Wash the trough
If you are using a trough that was used for animals, clean it by spraying soapy water and rinsing properly. Let it dry in the sun before decorating it.

Step 3. Decorate the trough
Sprinkle it with tinsel, make garlands, or other decorations to celebrate the nativity. Place hay in the trough to create a realistic Christmas manger.