What comes to your mind when you think of bones? If the answer is "the Halloween skeleton", know that you are not alone. It is important to remember, however, that the bones in your body are neither dead nor "dry"; they are made of living tissue which is constantly being destroyed and rebuilt. As age advances, the rate at which bones repair becomes less than that at which they deteriorate; the direct consequence is a decrease in bone density. Taking steps to help you increase bone mass and density reduces the chances of suffering from osteoporosis, broken or broken bones in old age.
Method 1 of 2: Choose Foods That Are Good for Bones

Step 1. Get plenty of calcium
Calcium is the single most abundant mineral in the body: approximately 99% is contained in the bones and teeth. Getting enough of it helps you develop healthy bones and maintain proper bone density. Many people, especially women, are unable to meet their daily calcium needs due to an unhealthy diet. The recommended daily dose varies according to gender and age.
- Adult men under the age of 70 and women under the age of 50 should take at least 1000 mg of calcium per day. Men over 70 and women over 50 should take at least 1200 per day. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the need for calcium increases to at least 1300 mg per day.
- In the Western diet, dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, are the main source of calcium, as they contain large amounts of it. If you are in the habit of drinking vegetable milk, such as soy or almond milk, or eating vegetable substitutes for cheese, such as tofu, choose products to which calcium has been added.
- Plant-based sources of calcium include kale, turnips, savoy cabbage, Chinese cabbage, black-eyed peas and broccoli. Although they are good for your health, spinach is not a valid source of calcium because it is rich in oxalic acid, a substance that reduces its availability for the body.
- Canned salmon and sardines are an excellent source of calcium (bones of fish prepared this way are assumed to be eaten). Both are also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for brain health. Last but not least, they contain vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium.
- For breakfast, choose low-sugar whole grains with added calcium and other nutrients. Since cereals are generally combined with milk, they can become a valid daily source of calcium.
- Alternatively, you can take a calcium-based food supplement. The two main forms are calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. Calcium carbonate should be taken in conjunction with meals or immediately after, while citrate, which is more expensive, does not need to be combined with food, so it can be useful in case of inflammatory bowel diseases or malabsorption. If you are certain that you are getting enough calcium from your diet, do not take a supplement unless your doctor recommends it. Too much calcium can cause side effects, including the possibility of developing kidney stones.

Step 2. Get plenty of vitamin D
Vitamin D improves the body's ability to absorb calcium; moreover, it is an essential element in the reconstruction of bones. People under the age of 70 should get at least 600 IU (international units) of vitamin D every day, while those over 70 should get at least 800 IU daily. If you are at risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency, your doctor can measure your blood levels to better determine what your needs are.
- Most foods contain only very small amounts of vitamin D. Fatty fish, such as salmon, swordfish, tuna and mackerel, are the best natural source of vitamin D (they also contain omega-3 fatty acids). Beef liver, cheese, some varieties of mushrooms and egg yolks contain a medium-low amount.
- Nowadays it is possible to find milk fortified with vitamins A and D. Many cereals and drinks are also enriched with vitamin D.
- On the web you can find various tables relating to the nutritional composition of most foods, for example here, including those of INRAN (National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition).
- Being in the sunlight is another great way to fill up on vitamin D. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, the body produces this precious vitamin by itself. Note, however, that people with the highest melanin levels (those with darker skin) produce less vitamin D. Whenever you expose yourself to sunlight, remember to protect yourself from harmful rays with a broad spectrum sunscreen and a protection factor of not less than 15.
- Many experts agree that spending 5-10 minutes a day in sunlight without cream is not dangerous to your health and can help you produce more vitamin D.
- Vitamin D can also be obtained through food supplements. There are two forms, vitamin D2 and D3; both appear to be equally potent when taken in regular doses, but vitamin D2 loses its effectiveness when taken in large doses. Cases where vitamin D has been shown to be toxic are very rare.

Step 3. Eat foods that contain magnesium
It is an important mineral for all parts of the body, including bones. 50-60% of the magnesium contained in the body is found in the bones. Many people don't get enough of it through their diet. Adult men should take at least 400-420 mg per day, while adult women should take at least 310-320 mg daily. The ingredients that are naturally rich in magnesium are many, including:
- Almonds, cashews, peanuts and peanut butter.
- Dark green leafy greens, such as spinach.
- Whole grains and legumes, especially black-eyed beans and soy beans.
- Avocado, potatoes (with peel) and bananas.
- Magnesium competes with calcium to be absorbed by the intestine. If you have low calcium levels, magnesium could cause a real deficit in the body. However, if you get enough calcium from your diet, chances are you don't need to worry about it.

Step 4. Eat foods rich in B vitamins
A deficiency of vitamin B12 can reduce the number of osteoblasts, the cells that are responsible for bone renewal. Those who are deficient in vitamin B12 are at greater risk of suffering from fractures and bone loss. Adults should get at least 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 per day. Foods that contain higher amounts of it include:
- Offal and offal, such as liver and kidneys.
- Beef and other red meats, such as venison.
- Seafood, especially clams and oysters.
- Fish, fortified cereals and dairy products.
- Common grains and vegetables contain none or in extremely small quantities. Nutritional yeast may contain vitamin B12.
- Vegetarians and vegans may find it difficult to get the right amounts of vitamin B12. If necessary, it can be taken through a food supplement, for example in the form of capsules or sublingual tablets.

Step 5. Meet your vitamin C needs
Bones are mostly made up of collagen, a protein at the base of the structure of our skeleton that is fortified by calcium. Vitamin C stimulates the formation of collagen and increases its synthesis. Getting adequate amounts in your diet can help you increase bone mineral density, especially if you are in the menopause. Adult men should get at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day, while adult women should get at least 75 mg daily. Foods rich in vitamin C include:
- Citrus fruits (you can eat them whole or drink the juice), red and green peppers, tomatoes, kiwis, strawberries, melons and Brussels sprouts.
- Cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach and peas.
- Cereals and other products to which vitamin C has been added.
- Most people get enough vitamin C through their diet. If necessary, it is also possible to increase the doses by means of a food supplement.
- Smokers should take at least 35 mg more than the recommended dose every day, as smoking lowers blood levels.

Step 6. Get enough vitamin K
Among its many functions there is also that of increasing bone density, in some cases also reducing the risk of fractures. Adult men should take at least 120 mcg per day, while adult women should take at least 90 mcg daily. Most people manage to meet their vitamin K needs through their diet; in addition, intestinal bacteria also produce vitamin K. The ingredients that contain it are many, but only some in large quantities, including:
- Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and turnip leaves.
- Vegetable oils, especially those extracted from soy and dried fruit.
- Fruits, such as grapes, figs, and berries.
- Fermented foods, especially cheese and natto (a traditional Japanese ingredient produced thanks to the fermentation of soybeans).

Step 7. Monitor your vitamin E consumption
Vitamin E is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, making it a key element of a healthy and balanced diet. Adult people should take at least 15 mg or 22.5 IU each day. However, vitamin E supplements should be used with caution as they generally provide more than 100 IU per serving, far exceeding the recommended daily amount. Several studies suggest that taking these supplements can even reduce bone mass and renewal.
On the other hand, taking a sufficient amount of vitamin E through the diet can bring various benefits to the body, with very little chance of damaging the bones. Foods that contain a good amount of it include: seeds, nuts, vegetable oils, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, mango, and tomatoes

Step 8. Don't overdo it with alcohol and caffeine
The link between caffeine and bone density is not yet fully understood; however, it appears that some caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and some sodas, may be associated with bone density loss. Note that not all drinks that contain caffeine affect bone density, among the "not guilty" ones we can include for example black tea. Drinks with a high alcohol content are bad for the whole body, including bones. Cola-flavored soft drinks can cause even greater bone damage, possibly due to their phosphorus content.
Public health authorities say consuming alcohol in moderation is the safest way to prevent it from harming your health. Specifically, women should not exceed the amount of three drinks per day to a maximum of seven drinks per week. Men should not drink more than four drinks per day and avoid exceeding the maximum limit of 14 drinks per week
Method 2 of 2: Change Your Lifestyle Intelligently

Step 1. Lift weights every day for 30 minutes
When muscles are set in motion, they pull the bones to which they are attached. This tension facilitates the production of bone tissue, which is why lifting weights helps you to have stronger and denser bones.
- Strengthening the mass of the bones before the age of 30 helps to prevent them from breaking in old age. Lifting weights throughout your life helps you maintain the right bone density levels.
- Unlike aerobic exercises, those for muscle strength do not require you to do a single prolonged workout to be beneficial. For example, doing three daily weightlifting sessions of just 10 minutes each brings the exact same benefits as a continuous half-hour workout.
- To increase and maintain bone density, health authorities also recommend doing aerobic exercise, such as hiking, tennis, dancing, aerobics or brisk walking.

Step 2. Skip
Jumping as high as you can is not an exercise reserved for children, as it is very helpful in increasing bone density. A recent study carried out on a group of postmenopausal women confirmed that doing a series of ten jumps twice a day can help increase bone mineral density and prevent thinning.
- Jump barefoot onto a solid floor. Try to get as high as you can. Take a break of about 30 seconds between one jump and the next.
- You can also try jumping jacks or using a trampoline.
- Be consistent. Regularity is essential; to be able to see any benefits, you must repeat the jumps every day for a significant period of time.
- People with osteoporosis should not jump as they could risk falling or getting injured. The same goes for those who have hip or leg problems or have other medical conditions. If you are unsure whether you can jump without putting your health at risk, ask your doctor for advice.

Step 3. Strengthen your muscles
Muscles help you hold your bones in place; also, making them stronger will make you more likely to be able to increase and maintain bone density.
- Lifting weights, using rubber bands, and doing exercises that use your body weight, such as push-ups, are excellent ways to build muscle.
- Yoga and Pilates also help improve muscle strength and flexibility. However, people with osteoporosis should not perform certain positions, as they can increase the risk of bone fractures.
- If you are concerned about injury due to your current health condition, talk to your doctor or physical therapist to find out which exercises are best for you.

Step 4. Stop smoking
You are probably already aware that smoking is extremely harmful to health, but you may not have known yet that it significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis. Smoking interferes with the body's ability to use nutrients and minerals; smoking is in fact directly associated with low bone density.
- If you are a smoker, quitting smoking will quickly reduce the risk of a variety of health conditions. The longer you continue to smoke, the greater the risk of having low bone density and risking fractures.
- Exposure to secondhand smoke during childhood and adolescence can increase the risk of having low bone density in the years to come.
- Smoking also reduces the production of female estrogen, another possible cause of weak bones.

Step 5. Go to the doctor if proper diet and exercise are not enough
Even though bone loss has already begun, there are medications that can slow it down. Your doctor will also be able to assess your vitamin and mineral levels in your blood to more precisely determine your needs.
- Estrogen and progestogen help maintain proper bone density in both men and women. The aging process causes a reduction in the body's production of these hormones. Hormone replacement therapies, including those based on estrogen, can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
- Medicines that can help treat or prevent osteoporosis include those based on ibandronic acid (Bonviva), alendronic acid (Fosamax), risedronic acid (Actonel) and zoledronic acid (Zometa).
- The categories that are at greatest risk of developing osteoporosis include women, the elderly and those with small bones. Some therapies, such as those with steroids, can help increase the risk.
- Anorexia nervosa can also increase the risk of osteoporosis.
- If you are at risk of developing osteoporosis or if you are over 50, you should go to your doctor to measure your bone density through a specific examination.