How to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight (with Pictures)

How to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight (with Pictures)
How to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You have established how many kilos you need to lose, you have planned your training regimen and you have signed up to the gym: now you just have to maintain the enthusiasm to reach the goal you have set for yourself! Losing weight seems like an impossible undertaking, but a few simple strategies will help you stay motivated and at the same time appreciate the path you have decided to take.


Part 1 of 3: Stick to the Diet

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 01
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 01

Step 1. Avoid crash diets or more in vogue

If you decide to follow a diet based on maple syrup or chili powder, it is obvious that you cannot keep it. The same is true for diets without carbohydrates or high-protein. When something is neither natural nor realistic, it is short-lived. There is no quick remedy that promotes constant weight loss over time.

If a diet includes very severe calorie restrictions, self-induced vomiting, elimination of entire food groups (or consumption of only one group), use of laxatives, drugs or weight loss products, it is unhealthy. You'll feel much better and more motivated by following a diet plan that helps you gradually improve your physical appearance without neglecting emotional well-being

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 02
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 02

Step 2. Never completely foreclose on certain foods

As we grow up, we tend to accept the idea that we have permanently moved away from childhood, but this is not the case. If you put three toys in front of a child and forbid him to take the third, which one will he want to play with? The same happens with food. If you can't eat dessert, you want it even more. So instead of eliminating it, you just have to limit its consumption. Give yourself a bite, otherwise you risk overdoing it with something else!

The ban on eating anything is very unpleasant. It is punishment and undermines motivation. The truth is, one taste of dessert doesn't make you fat, but three servings do. So, have a nice plate of steamed vegetables for dinner and nibble some of your friend's dessert when she turns around. You deserve it after a large serving of cauliflower

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 03
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 03

Step 3. Find alternative ways to manage emotions

When friends get together, be it a holiday, a sad event or just a meeting to kill time, what do they do? They eat (or drink). When we are happy, we eat. When we are sad, we eat. When we have nothing better to do, we eat. Unfortunately, this is not good for the line. Come up with alternative ways to manage your emotionality!

Start thinking about when and why you eat, not just what. Maybe you do it without thinking about it while watching television or maybe you rush to the fridge when you are stressed. If you become aware of your behavioral patterns, it will be easier to determine the cause. Start by keeping your hands busy, such as knitting, reading, or doing crosswords. This way, you'll avoid having to stretch them to get the popcorn out of the bag

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 04
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 04

Step 4. Get help

Everything becomes easier if you are not alone. While the people you live with (family, friends, roommates) probably don't mind going on a diet or losing weight, they can help you with your business. If they know you want to lose weight, they will be less likely to lure you into temptation by offering you sweets and cookies.

To get support from people who have set the same goal as you, try joining a motivational group, such as the Weight Watchers diet. If there is no one in your personal contacts who wants to shed the extra pounds (although it's hard to believe, as almost everyone wants an enviable physique), joining a motivational group can help you stay on track

Get Rid of Bloating Fast Step 14
Get Rid of Bloating Fast Step 14

Step 5. Keep a food diary

By writing down everything you eat, you are more likely to lose weight than someone who doesn't have this habit. Being fully aware of your diet will allow you to have clearer ideas: you will notice your eating patterns and you will be forced to reconsider bad habits.

If possible, find someone to do this exercise with. It will be much more embarrassing to gorge yourself on chocolate if you then have to tell someone about your bad deeds. The more you take responsibility for the commitment you have made, the more willing you will be to follow the diet correctly

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 06
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 06

Step 6. Review your diet regimen

As you continue your weight loss program, your body gets used to the new habits and needs a lower calorie intake for every pound you shed. You will notice that the 1700 calorie diet no longer gives the results it once did. Sin! However, if it doesn't work, why keep following it? For this, you need to review and correct your diet.

The thinner you are, the fewer calories you need. At some point, it could get pretty difficult. You could eliminate a small amount (not too much, just a hundred a day), but the easiest way is to increase physical activity

Part 2 of 3: Follow a Training Schedule

Lose Belly Fat (for Men) Step 08
Lose Belly Fat (for Men) Step 08

Step 1. Find a partner to train with

It's harder to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym or on the street to go for a run. If playing sports alone isn't challenging enough, you need to find someone! You definitely don't want to feel guilty about ditching him!

  • Friends and family are excellent incentives to continue losing weight. They can not only support you along the way, but also follow you.
  • Even in the gym you can find excellent training companions. Ask the room instructor if he can pair you with another member who has the same level of physical fitness as you.
  • Stimulate your teammates. Infuse energy as they do with you. The benefits will be on both sides!
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 08
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 08

Step 2. Stay active, don't just think about working out

Sport is not the only form of physical activity that allows you to lose weight. To keep body weight within the normal range or to achieve this goal, it is necessary to make physical movement a part of daily life. For example, going up the stairs instead of taking the elevator will allow you to achieve it faster.

In addition to the benefit of slimming the waist, keeping physically active helps relieve sluggishness and move throughout the day. Sometimes, the only difficulty is getting started

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 09
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 09

Step 3. Gear up

For most people, purchasing sports equipment is a great way to feel compelled to put it to good use. Spending some of your hard-earned money on clothing and sports equipment could increase engagement in several ways:

  • If you buy new sports equipment, you feel compelled to use it, especially to put your money to good use.
  • It's more enjoyable to move around with a new music player, new music to listen to while exercising, and a new water bottle. Even a particular piece of equipment could make training more exciting.
  • You are more beautiful. A new sporty outfit could also make you feel better. And when you feel good, you are more likely to achieve your goals.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 10
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 10

Step 4. Choose a sport that matches your tastes

Even if your favorite sport does not go with the trends of the moment, don't deprive yourself of it. While it's good to challenge yourself, it's also good to develop your strengths. If you try to reach your goal while maintaining a certain flexibility in the choice of sports activities, you will be more likely to make progress. Small changes can be crucial. For example, ask yourself a few simple questions, such as:

  • Are you more likely to train in the morning or in the evening?
  • Do you like to train in groups of several people, with a few friends or alone?
  • Are the rewards stimulating or do they have no effect?
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 11
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 11

Step 5. Go slow

Every now and then, especially at the beginning, it is easy to think: "I will run 16 km a day, I will not consume more than 500 calories at each meal and I will lose 15 kg in 30 days". Well, for starters, don't view your weight loss program this way. Absolutely not. That's not how it works. Go slowly so as not to find yourself hanging a "closed for repairs" sign outside the door.

  • Losing 0.5-1 kg per week, for a total of 3.5 kg per month, is a reasonable goal that carries no health risks.
  • Overeating with food harms health as well as undermines motivation. You don't set ridiculous goals right from the start when you train (or go on a diet). Proceed calmly. Increase your physical activity by only 5% -10% at a time, regardless of whether you feel like you dare. You may get hurt or try so hard that you can't even walk the next day.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 12
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 12

Step 6. Diversify your training so you don't get bored

Running 5km a day to keep fit and lose weight is a great idea. It is effective and allows you to achieve your goal until you get bored and throw in the towel. To stay motivated, change your routine. The mind and body tire easily.

  • Don't think about taking some days off. If you replace the gym with a hike or a day at the pool, that's great because you still keep moving and, when you get back to the gym, you'll feel so much better after a day off. You will be invigorated and full of energy.
  • Cross training, or cross training, is an excellent choice. In practice, it consists in combining different sports disciplines. It not only keeps you mentally motivated, but also in balance. Running or strengthening is not enough to get back into shape. Cross training combines the best of different activities.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 13
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 13

Step 7. Use the photos

Sometimes we need little reminders to remind us why we made a decision, and some photos might do just that. Get some photos and hang them in the office, in the kitchen or put them on your desk. What kind of photographs? Good question! There are two kinds:

  • Find some old personal photos that show you what you were like. By remembering how fit you were, you will be more encouraged to improve!
  • Find pictures of other people you would like to be like. It can be a great incentive to have an eye on something you want and are committed to.
  • However, remember that many models, movie stars and celebrities are too thin. Many have undergone body modification surgeries and / or corrected and retouched photos.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 14
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 14

Step 8. Sign up for a course or competition

A concrete activity to complete or work for is a great way to keep yourself fit and in shape. If it's a competition, you have a specific date by which to prepare and finish your training. It is no longer a question of simple personal commitment, but it is something defined to be put into practice and reap the rewards.

Not sure if there is any sporting competition planned in the future? If you are reading this, it means that you are online, so use the Internet to inform yourself. You have no excuses! Visit sites such as to update you on upcoming races held in various places

Part 3 of 3: Preparing for Success

Step 1. Consult a dietician

It will help you lose weight and may even work with your doctor to get you straight! Dietitians use evidence-based strategies to promote weight loss without putting patients' health at risk.

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 15
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 15

Step 2. Set reasonable goals

One of the biggest deterrents that inhibit weight loss is the fact that you often have illusory expectations. If you set yourself a goal that is unrealistic or impossible to achieve, you will feel more and more unmotivated and frustration will take over.

  • Check with your doctor or fitness instructor before you begin to figure out how many pounds to lose based on your height and age.
  • Dispose of up to 1 kg per week is a fairly realistic and safe prediction for health. While it doesn't seem like a huge progress at first, the pounds you lose will add up over the months. A healthy and safe weight loss lasts over time and, planned in a realistic way, will allow you to adequately distribute your goals in the long term.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 16
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 16

Step 3. Give yourself some rewards

Limit temptations, but don't completely eliminate sweets and treats. If you deprive yourself of your favorite foods, you later risk collapsing irreparably by dropping every embankment. Learn to live with the dishes you love instead of completely avoiding them.

  • As for the rewards, don't just think about what you can give yourself in the end. You will also need others along the way. Did you train every day for two weeks? Perfect, gratified in some way! Did you lose the first 5 kg? Great! Don't reward yourself with food, but take a nap, go shopping, or do anything else that keeps you going.
  • Think also about punishments. If you missed a workout, put 5 euros in the jar for the fundraiser for the purchase of the bicycle of your husband, your son or your best friend. No excuses!
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 17
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 17

Step 4. Track your progress so you can see how far you have come

If you have to lose weight for health reasons, it can be helpful and challenging to compare your results as you go along. Write down your nutrition and training goals to get a closer look at your work. It will be truly rewarding.

  • Body weight can vary due to water retention. So instead of judging your progress daily by weight on the scale, choose a day and time of the week to check how much you weigh. Then write down the results and calculate the average at the end of the month. This way, you will get a more realistic idea of your progress.
  • Muscles weigh more than fat, so overall body weight doesn't always reflect the improvements achieved. If you have no problem taking pictures of yourself, do it monthly. When you see them to analyze your progress, you may feel further encouraged.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 18
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 18

Step 5. Start a blog

Whether it's for personal purposes or for others, keeping a blog can spur you on: having a space dedicated to your goal, you won't be tempted to go wrong! And if you win readers, it's a great way to get their support!

Also, try reading other people's blogs trying to lose weight! There are hundreds of success stories on the net to draw inspiration from. Maybe yours will be the next to get noticed

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 19
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 19

Step 6. Expect setbacks and accept them

If you need to lose weight, you don't want to be a perfectionist. You are a human being and obstacles are inevitable. At the grocery store they might offer you some snacks, maybe you have to work late and skip a workout, or a friend shows up with a maxi-sized tub of ice cream after breaking up with her boyfriend. These are situations of ordinary administration. Accept them.

The real problem is not the setbacks, but getting back on track. You can also miss a workout, but the difficulty arises when a day of absence at the gym becomes a week. So, in these cases, think to yourself and stand up. Remember the goal you set for yourself and move on to counterattack

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 20
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 20

Step 7. Remember that numbers aren't everything

Losing weight is just the beginning! Even if you rate your success based on how many pounds you can lose, what is really motivating is that you appreciate the changes made overall instead of just paying attention to the changes in weight.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself. Even if you fall short of your training schedule or indulge in too many ice cream, it's natural to break the rules. If you think you made a mistake, accept it and keep following your weight loss plan.
  • Remember that psycho-physical health is the most important motivational factor. Losing weight is just one of the many benefits that come with a healthy lifestyle, but an energetic attitude is also helpful!
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 21
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Step 21

Step 8. Be proud of the work done

Tell friends and family about the goals you have achieved or your efforts to achieve something you are particularly proud of. By sharing your goals, you will be much more likely to set others and eventually you can celebrate!

Be proud of your achievements, however small. Shedding the last 2 pounds is an incredible goal that not everyone can achieve. Remember that simply improving physical activity has health and quality of life benefits, even for those who love you


  • Ask for help if you need it. If you are a beginner, you cannot become an athlete overnight. Take the time to learn how to perform various types of exercises correctly.
  • Judge your results based on your own needs rather than comparing them to those of others. Everyone is different!
  • Don't look in the mirror every day, especially at first. You won't notice any difference after losing the first 2 pounds, and if you focus too much on your appearance, you risk undermining your motivation. Instead, think about your progress, your successes, and your health. Don't worry because very soon you will see and feel the difference. Every little change matters.


  • Remember to hydrate yourself adequately, whatever type of physical activity you want to practice.
  • Take a day off between workouts and don't overdo it.
  • Take a moment to rest or recover if you begin to feel dizzy or faint.
  • Before using unfamiliar equipment, take precautions to learn its proper use.
  • Don't rush and ask the instructor to make some adjustments if you feel pain or think you've pushed yourself beyond your limits. Tell him if you get hurt.
