Morgellons disease is a very controversial disease. Whether it is a true physical disorder or just a psychiatric disorder delusion is still a matter of debate. If it is a physical ailment, it is believed to be a combination of viruses, bacteria and fungi. While it is absolutely imperative to see a doctor, there are home remedies you can try that may be effective for you. To deal with this disease, read on.
Part 1 of 3: Medical Treatments

Step 1. Find a doctor you can trust
Morgellons' disease (or syndrome) is shrouded in mystery. The signs and symptoms you may experience are so bizarre and unusual that your doctor may have a hard time finding a way to relieve the discomfort. This is why it's important to partner with a doctor who knows you well and feels comfortable with in the long run.
You don't just need a disease "expert", but a caring doctor who understands what you are going through. The last thing you want is a doctor who cannot empathize with your pain, effort and confusion

Step 2. Be patient
Morgellons disease is not a common condition. Your doctor will likely have to try many diagnostic methods and different treatment approaches that may not produce quick results. You must understand that doctors cannot find remedies they do not know to treat the symptoms, but they can only rely on their knowledge.
It takes a lot of patience to completely get rid of the symptoms of this disease. You need to have an open mind about the condition and listen to your doctor's therapeutic advice, even if it includes a psychiatric evaluation. The treatment of this disease is a collaboration between patient and doctor; at the heart of an effective treatment plan there must be trust and mutual respect

Step 3. Be open to what your practitioner says
He is an expert and that is why you should listen to what he has to say about your condition. What he will tell you, perhaps, is not what you want to hear, but this should not be an excuse for not following his advice. He acts in your best interest.
Treatment for this syndrome can take a long time and usually involves not only treating the physical symptoms but can also involve psychiatric treatment

Step 4. Know the various treatment options
Unlike popular belief, there are controversial treatment plans for this mysterious disease. Although these methods are not endorsed by many medical experts, some professionals use drugs that are administered to deal with psychosis and even tics, such as olanzapine and pimozide.
However, it is important to understand that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly believes that Morgellons disease is not a specifically classified clinical disorder; this means that there may be unauthorized or not always effective medical treatments for this condition. The mystery surrounding the disease and the lack of reliable data to perform an etiology analysis should make the patient skeptical of any specific treatment that claims to act quickly

Step 5. Do not rule out treatment for other diseases
It is very common for patients with Morgellons disease to be suffering from depression, anxiety and other psychological problems. Keep in mind that treating these problems can also relieve primary physical symptoms, which can lead to the syndrome disappearing.
Suffering from psychological distress isn't as terrible or stigmatized as you might think. In fact, millions of people with these problems are treated every day around the world. You are not alone and you don't have to feel embarrassed if you are under treatment for these diseases. This could really be what you need to get rid of the symptoms you are experiencing as a result of the disease
Part 2 of 3: Home Remedies

Step 1. Consider Oregano Oil
This oil can be taken orally or rubbed into the skin (internal or topical). Either way, it can be effective as an antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-mold agent. You can find it in major pharmacies and stores where vitamin supplements are sold.
- Oregano is rich in carvacrol, a phenol. Oils containing 62-85% carvacrol are believed to be among the most effective solutions; you can find the quantity contained on the label on the package.
- If you apply it to the skin, it works best when used with olive oil or coconut oil. This can help strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells.

Step 2. Prepare a bathroom solution
Borax diluted with water and mixed with antibacterial soap during showers / baths can help kill microorganisms suspected of triggering Morgellons disease. It is even better if you air dry without rinsing the solution first. Once dry, the mixture is believed to fall off the skin, just like sand or dust, bringing with it the symptoms of the disease.
- This ritual can be completed with the application of glycerin all over the body to completely block the air from the microorganisms of the disease.
- Epsom salts, alfalfa and hydrogen peroxide are valid disinfectants and antiseptics. To enhance / increase the effects of Epsom salts, use all three disinfectants.
- Washing dirty clothes with borax, baking soda, and vinegar can also help eliminate substances from the disease that are thought to remain in the clothes.

Step 3. Use mothballs
This substance can kill various types of bacteria in the environment, on furniture, bed, mattress, sheets, blankets or even in wardrobes. You can put it in any of these places for a couple of hours; mothballs releases a poisonous gas called benzene which is believed to interfere with Morgellons syndrome microorganisms by removing their source of oxygen.
- You can also follow this treatment for dirty shoes and clothes by putting them in airtight bags with mothballs.
- Gas can sometimes be harmful to humans if breathed in excess, so be careful. Use mothballs for only a few hours at a time.

Step 4. Eat a diet rich in antiviral substances
A diet rich in foods with antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties helps, in theory, not only to eliminate skin rashes, but also to prevent the conviction of relapses. Here are some foods you can keep in your kitchen pantry:
- Foods rich in anti-parasitic properties: turmeric (it is also effective for increasing alkalinity in the body), neem, cinnamon, cloves, anise, cumin, pepper, garlic, ginger, sage, thyme, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate, papaya, pineapple, coconut oil, blueberries, sauerkraut.
- Foods rich in antiviral properties: turmeric, garlic, green tea, apple, coriander, honey.
- Foods rich in antibacterial properties: garlic, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, lime, oregano.
- Foods rich in antifungal properties: grapefruit, apple cider vinegar, cloves, thyme oil, carrot, colloidal silver, oregano, castor oil, tea tree oil.

Step 5. Purify the body
Internal cleansing of the body can make you feel better physically and psychologically and, as a result, can help you fight the disease. However, it's best if you talk to your doctor to see which products are the most effective for your condition. Using proper precautions, the products listed below can be taken orally:
- Colloidal Silver. Some believe that this substance can effectively kill the fungi, bacteria and viruses responsible for Morgellons disease, but for the most part, science views this product as unsafe and ineffective.
- Grape juice. About 2 cups of pure grape juice each day can work to break down and eliminate the fiber that tends to develop in the digestive tract and throat, although there is no definitive science to support this.
- Green papaya. The consumption of small quantities (3/4 of a teaspoon) of green papaya can play an important role in eliminating the alleged syndrome, parasites and amoebas, by breaking down the proteins that are believed to be a source of life for the disease. It also allows you to keep the intestines clean.
- Chlorella. You can take this seaweed (3/4 of a teaspoon) to strengthen the immune system. It is able to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body and promote the growth of friendly bacteria. But, once again, science is not out of balance.

Step 6. Magnetize the water
The magnetization process helps water to maintain alkalinity in the body. It is believed that an alkaline system can discourage the growth and spread of microorganisms in the body, which some claim are the cause of Morgellons disease.
- To magnetize water, the simplest way is to get a "water magnet". This is a cylindrical magnet that looks like a pen. Put it in a large pitcher of water and let it sit for about an hour.
- Morgellons syndrome is thought not to spare even the teeth. To eliminate the toothache that you believe is caused by the disease, place a strong magnet on and near the affected area, as well as drink the magnetized water.
Part 3 of 3: Understanding Morgellons Disease

Step 1. Keep in mind that treatment for this disease is absolutely necessary
It is imperative to treat Morgellons disease. The lesions in the skin can become severely infected, and the anxiety and depression, which in some cases accompany the disease, can progress and develop into a more serious psychological disorder. Even if the cause is unknown, treatment is still needed.
- The first step is to go to a doctor. To date, there is still no standard diagnostic process for the disease. Doctors often begin with a patient's medical history and, in some cases, may subject the subject to a skin biopsy on areas of the body that have severe sores.
- A psychiatric evaluation is often done later, especially if doctors believe the condition is linked to mental and behavioral problems.

Step 2. Know that the cause is still unknown
Professional doctors are still confused about this condition. Some believe that it is a real, specific disease that requires confirmation in the near future, while others believe that it is just a manifestation of a mental illness. Other experts argue that it is not a disease that can affect anyone, but is a consequence or complication of an existing condition.
- Although widespread, the theory that the disease is the result of a parasite has no medical basis. There are also proponents who believe the condition is caused by an environmental toxin. This hypothesis is also devoid of well-founded elements.
- The most reliable theory on the cause of the disease is that it is a psychiatric condition, in which sufferers suffer from delusional parasitosis and not from a physical illness. This, of course, is an idea that many patients are unwilling to accept.
- There is a small number of researchers who support the theory that the condition is linked to bovine digital dermatitis, a condition found in cattle that creates symptoms very similar to those of patients with Morgellons disease. This is the only theory that firmly believes that the condition is not just a delusional disorder, but a real physical illness that can be treated.

Step 3. Be aware that skin lesions are extremely common
Symptoms of this condition are skin lesions that are usually self-inflicted. These sores mostly form on the forearms, back, face and chest. They appear quickly, often without warning, but remain on the skin for long periods of time.
Experts compare these sores to irritating spider bites. The itchy skin can become so severe that sufferers end up scratching themselves to such an extent that they form open wounds that become infected with bacteria already present on the skin. This further complicates the condition

Step 4. Know that many feel like something "crawling" in the skin
Sufferers of the disease often claim that they feel something unknown crawling into their skin. This often prompts them to press, scratch and scratch the skin until they cause injury to seek or remove the small creatures they are convinced are under the skin. This "extraction" often creates deep wounds.
Most often, among patients, threadlike objects and fibers are removed from these open wounds. Research conducted by the CDC found that it is often cotton and materials that are identified with those used in bandages

Step 5. Learn about the related symptoms of Morgellons disease
Other symptoms of this disease are hair loss, excessive fatigue, tooth loss, muscle and joint pain, sleep problems and many more. These symptoms add further mystery, making the condition one of the most feared in the world.
It is important to note, however, that traces of marijuana and codeine-derived pain relievers were found in their system in 50% of people with symptoms. Some have also found traces of anxiolytic drugs in hair and skin samples. This adds another dimension to the disease and reinforces the belief of many experts that it is actually a psychiatric problem, but with physical symptoms

Step 6. Understand the mental implications of Morgellons syndrome
This disease is easily dismissed by many doctors as delusional parasitosis or Ekbom syndrome. In fact, they often believe that it is psychological in nature, when medical treatments do not seem effective in relieving symptoms.
- The uncertainty about this disease is leading many doctors to believe that it is a mental disorder, especially when patients feel that there are "creatures running under their skin." This is a classic symptom of Ekbom syndrome called tingling.
- Many believe that those with Morgellons disease are only experiencing psychosomatic symptoms and that psychiatric drugs are needed to cope with the disease.
- The belief that there are parasites under the skin often prompts patients to visit dermatologists, parasite infestation specialists and even veterinarians. This can lead to completely wrong treatment and can even worsen the severity of the condition.