With a little more effort you can have a weed-free lawn without using chemicals. Weeds can't grow in a healthy lawn if they don't have room to live. Time and effort get less and less over the years, and minimal maintenance will eventually be required.

Step 1. Take soil samples to a local nursery or send them to a testing lab
The test will show nutrient levels and pH, and how much organic matter is present.

Step 2. Use the results to identify the most suitable organic fertilizers to maintain adequate levels for proper weed cultivation

Step 3. Use corn gluten in spring and fall to prevent weeds
This substance also provides a small amount of slow-release nitrogen, which makes it a good combination of nutrients and herbs.

Step 4. Water the lawn or go out after a rain to remove the weeds by hand, making sure to eradicate them completely, otherwise they will still grow
Use a specific tool to remove dandelions.

Step 5. Resow the entire lawn (in fall and / or spring), if necessary, paying particular attention to areas with no grass
Use a mix of herbs with a higher percentage of rye (which has a short annual growth [there is also a perennial rye herb] which helps stabilize the other perennial herbs that grow more slowly).

Step 6. Clear the soil from mulch and aerate the lawn in the spring
Continue to sow it once a year until the lawn becomes thick. If you fertilize and water your lawn more lightly, you won't eventually need to de-mulch or aerate. If you want more specific information, read the WikiHow article How to Get and Maintain a Healthy Lawn.

Step 7. Keep the mower set to its highest measurements during the summer months; if the grass is taller, it shades the weeds
- Be patient, it may take several years to get a maintenance-free lawn.
- "Sow more" in bare spots for full coverage.
- Sharpen the lawnmower blade at least once a year.
- For more detailed information on how to maintain a healthy lawn, read the WikiHow article "How to Get and Maintain a Healthy Lawn".
- Be sure to change the mower oil to avoid damaging it.
- Many consider the annual sowing of the whole lawn to be the best weed prevention you can have.
- If the water stagnates excessively after a rain, try planting bushes or flowers to absorb it a little.
- In the spring and fall, consider spreading about 0.5-1.5cm of compost over the grass to provide nutrients.