After reading this article, you will be ready for your first kiss (or to improve your approach to kissing).

Step 1. Don't be pushy
Girls don't like to step out of their comfort zone, especially during the first kiss. Let it happen naturally.

Step 2. Look deeply into her eyes

Step 3. Play with her hair and watch her lips so she notices
Now you can give it a try or compliment her on something she's wearing or something you like about her.

Step 4. Do one of the following according to your courage:
- Ask her permission if you are unsure. It is best to wait until she is ready. Otherwise it will create an embarrassing situation.
- Tilt your head and get 90% closer let her do the rest.

Step 5. Don't kiss her until she walks away, and you have to be the one to break away first
It's all a push and pull game, one of the basic rules of attraction.

Step 6. Put your hand in her hair as you kiss her
You can also hug her (BUT NOT TOO BOTTOM! You know what I mean!). Put her at ease, you want her to want to kiss you again, right?

Step 7. Smile and say something after the kiss
It depends on what you were doing; something like "Do you want to go back to the others?" or "Do you want to go out together again?". "I love you" is another great thing to say, but only if you really mean it! Also if you like you can kiss her lower lip gently while you smile, she will think "this was nice" or maybe you can tell her.

Step 8. A simple thing to do if you are in the cinema or in a similar situation:
while sitting side by side, turn to face her. Touch her arm so that she turns towards you. Look her in the eye, then get closer and see what this moment brings you.
- Make sure you have fresh breath. Bad breath equates to probable rejection.
- Always listen to it and remember, self-confidence is the key.
- Be charming. It will make her want to kiss you even more.
- Girls love scented colognes. But do not exaggerate! Too much can be annoying. Here's a tip. Spray some cologne or perfume into the air and stay there for 1-3 seconds, depending on how much you want to perfume. Then walk away.
- Be affectionate, if that's the kind of girl who appreciates it. Otherwise, leave little room for these moments and you could rack up points.
- She probably just wants to kiss you, don't lose hope.
- Look deeply into her eyes, you can probably understand what she is thinking.
- Don't get nervous, go for it.
- Hold her hand, but lightly. Don't pressure her!
- If you're walking her home after a date and she stops by the door, it's a sign that she wants to kiss you. If she greets you right away and walks away, don't try to kiss her. It means he doesn't want it.
- Remember, if you feel her getting lighter and lighter during the kiss, it usually means she wants to stop. So step back a bit and ask her if she's okay.
- Tell her how you feel about her and see how she reacts.
- Put on some perfume that doesn't remind her of her father, it could be strange for her and make her want to kiss you.
- If you are on a bus, it may be difficult to kiss and many girls don't like kissing in front of other people!
- If you are one of those who say nonsense when they are nervous, don't! You could screw it up. With SOME girls however it might be okay, the ones who think it's tender behavior!
- Some girls are allergic to strong perfumes, so be careful and inform yourself maybe first.
- Many girls like the fragrance of common deodorants like Ax or others, but they haven't heard it often lately. It tends to annoy after a while! However, if you forgot to shower, it's better than nothing.
- Be careful if you try to kiss her at school! Many schools have specific rules regarding displays of affection in the school perimeter. If you want to do it anyway, hurry up. It doesn't have to become a kissing lesson.
- If you're nervous, tell her, she probably is too! This way you will be able to relax a little more, knowing that you are both nervous.
- NOT MAKE THEM SCARED. If you take her to some place where you are alone, without her particularly agreeing and not looking you in the eye, but looking down or staring at a distant point, she is not comfortable. Another sign of being unwell is if she is texting someone or asking "where is everyone?" or "Look! [a friend's name] is there! I'm going to say hello!"; let her go and later apologize for making her feel uncomfortable.
- Pay attention to what you say. If you say something like "I can see under your shirt when you get down", or "Your makeup is smudged or ugly", she will probably go away and be embarrassed. Do what you can to maintain a comfortable environment for both of you.
Do not touch it inappropriately. This is true for most girls, but there are exceptions. However, note that NOT it's a first kiss move!
- If you are asthmatic, you may have a reaction to alcohol-based perfumes or colognes. Inquire first. Find out if you are using an inhaler. Find a way to talk about her and find out about her by asking her to tell you about her childhood.
- Some girls don't like the smell of cologne at all. It's probably best not to have too much on your first date.