Cortisol is a chemical released by the adrenal gland upon stress stimulation. Although, in the right doses, it is useful for survival, some people produce in excess. When this happens, you tend to feel anxious, stressed and tend to gain weight. It is important to remedy when you have these symptoms. Reducing the body's production of cortisol can have a positive effect on overall health and you feel more relaxed and balanced.
Part 1 of 2: Changing the Diet

Step 1. Cut back or eliminate all drinks that contain large amounts of caffeine
These include all carbonated drinks, energy drinks and coffee. Caffeine causes an increase in cortisol. The good news, so to speak, is that the effects of cortisol are reduced, but not absent, in people who regularly consume caffeine.
If you like to consume products that contain caffeine and are not inclined to reduce the amount, you could drink them at the most opportune times. Many have a peak in cortisol levels from 8.00 to 9.00, from 12.00 to 13.00 and from 17.30 to 18.30. You could schedule coffee breaks around 7am, 10am and between 1.30pm and 5.30pm. This way you can maintain your energy levels without affecting your cortisol levels too much

Step 2. Reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet
It is mainly simple carbohydrates and sugar that raise the cortisol level. Over-processed foods raise the blood sugar level, which causes arousal. The following refined carbohydrates are definitely to be avoided:
- White bread
- "Normal" pasta (not wholemeal)
- White rice
- Candies, sweets, chocolates, etc.

Step 3. Drink enough water
One study has shown that dehydration, even as little as half a liter, can increase cortisol levels. Dehydration is harmful because it causes a vicious cycle: stress can cause dehydration, and dehydration can cause stress. Always drink plenty of water throughout the day to reduce the risk of high cortisol levels.
If your urine is darker in color, you may not be drinking enough water. If you are hydrating properly, your urine is more transparent, almost like water
Step 4. Take ashwagandha supplements to keep cortisol levels in check
It is a plant that helps keep cortisol levels balanced. If your levels are high, this plant can significantly reduce them. Ashwagandha can also help you reduce stress and anxiety.
- However, remember to check with your doctor before taking any medication, especially if you are already taking others.
- You can find ashwagandha online or in the supermarket, in the department where they sell the supplements.
- No contraindications have been reported for the use of this supplement.

Step 5. Try rhodiola when your cortisol level is high
It is a herbal supplement such as ginseng, a popular remedy for lowering it. It gives you more energy, helps burn fat, and lowers cortisol levels.

Step 6. Include more fish oil in your diet
According to doctors, 2 g of fish oil per day is enough to lower cortisol levels. If you don't want to take supplements, you can eat these fish:
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Mackerel
- European bass
Part 2 of 2: Changing Your Lifestyle
Step 1. Reduce your stress levels
Stress causes cortisol levels to rise: the body reacts to stress by releasing more cortisol. If you are particularly stressed, cortisol levels can rapidly rise uncontrollably. Fortunately, if you learn to manage stress, you will also be able to keep cortisol levels in check.
- Learn to use mindfulness to lower stress levels. Simply living in the moment can help you feel less stressed.
- Try relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, visualization, or try to write down everything you feel.
- Create an "emergency box" and put inside a soft cover, a book, a relaxing activity, a piece of dark chocolate and an aromatic oil, perhaps with the scent of lavender. You can add other things that have a relaxing effect on you.
Step 2. Maintain a good rest schedule
Getting up and going to sleep at the same time every day can have a huge impact on your stress and cortisol levels. Not only will it help you to keep stress under control, but it will help your body better manage the release of cortisol. A good night's restful sleep will help keep you calm and keep cortisol levels low.
Also keep a routine that can help you go to bed and fall asleep more easily. Relax by turning down the thermostat, getting comfortable and doing activities that relax you, like reading or listening to some music. You could also spray a soothing scent like lavender

Step 3. Make a cup of hot black tea
In research done on a group of people who lead stressful lives, black tea lowers overall cortisol levels. So the next time you have excessive cortisol levels and are feeling very stressed, have a cup of tea for breakfast and you will feel zen.

Step 4. Try meditation techniques
Meditation activates the vagus (pneumogastric) nerve, which triggers a response in the body to lower cortisol levels. Some meditation techniques involve several sessions such as taking deep breaths to allow the mind to wander quietly. For best results, you can do the meditation for 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. Already after the first session, you should see a significant difference in your state of well-being.
- Sit in a quiet, dark room. Leave your mind free and meditate. If you need help relaxing, visualize a quiet, peaceful place. Imagine when you are relaxed and try to recreate this feeling inside your body. This helps you release muscle tension.
- Close your eyes. Take deep breaths until your heart rate slows. Listen to the heartbeat. Imagine that all the tension is exiting your body through your fingers and toes. Feel the tension leave the body.

Step 5. Watch a funny movie or listen to a happy story
According to the FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology), a good laugh can actually reduce cortisol production. Spending time with a good friend or remembering a fun episode can help.

Step 6. Practice physical exercises aimed at lowering your cortisol levels
Exercise is a stress reliever, right? So should all workouts be helpful in reducing cortisol? This is not exactly the case. The problem is that cardio exercises like running and all those that increase heart rate, ultimately increasing cortisol.
- Do yoga or Pilates because they burn calories, work your muscles and lower cortisol.
- Try other tailor-made exercises using the Wii console, for example, to get your heart rate that doesn't trigger an unhealthy spike in cortisol.
Step 7. Incorporate some play into your day
Spend some time each day on a fun activity, especially on vacation days. Gambling can often help you enjoy your life, which allows you to avoid stress and thereby keep your cortisol levels in check. Try to dedicate at least a quarter of an hour a day, even when you are particularly busy.
- For example, you could take a walk to go get ice cream, have dinner out, play a board game with friends or your girlfriend, watch a movie, walk the dog in the park, complete a puzzle, or whatever. another thing that you particularly appreciate.
- On the weekend, go to the beach, go bowling, play sports and so on.

Step 8. Listen to some music
Music therapy has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in patients undergoing colonoscopy screening. So the next time you're feeling stressed or nervous, listen to some relaxing music and put a stone on the cortisol.