Medial tibial stress syndrome, or simply tibial fasciitis, is a fairly common injury among runners, dancers, and people who suddenly increase their level of physical activity. Generally, it is caused by excessive stress applied to the connective tissue of the shins. Usually, it is possible to prevent this ailment by following a gradual workout; however, you can learn some remedies to get rid of them quickly.
Method 1 of 3: Using Home Treatments

Step 1. Rest your legs
Avoid running or exercising for a few days. If you continue your usual workout, you can aggravate the symptoms, so consider this pain as an indicator that you need to rest.
- Tibial fasciitis is caused by strain and overexertion of the muscles and tendons of the legs.
- It takes a few days of rest to feel a reduction in tension and pain.
- Avoid tiring your legs even during normal daily activities.

Step 2. Apply ice to your shins for 20 minutes, three or four times a day
Choose cold compresses instead of hot packs every time you need to treat this ailment.
- Ice reduces the pain and swelling associated with the injury.
- However, avoid applying ice or cold packs directly to the skin.
- Wrap the compress in a towel before placing it on your skin.

Step 3. Put on a graduated compression stocking or an elastic band
These devices help improve circulation in the area and speed up the recovery process.
- A compression bandage also keeps swelling under control and supports the injured area more.
- Don't wrap it too tightly. Although it can help reduce swelling, the band may block blood circulation in the tissues.
- If you start to feel numbness or tingling in the area downstream of the bandage, loosen it up a bit.

Step 4. Lift your shins
Sit or lie down with your legs higher than your heart.
- Try to lift your limbs every time you apply ice.
- Whenever you sit for a long time, it is worth lifting your legs.
- Keep the shin area higher than the heart, especially when lying down; this way you reduce swelling and inflammation.

Step 5. Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatories
It is quite common for the tibia and surrounding muscles to be inflamed, so it is good to take anti-inflammatory drugs for a few days.
- Among them, consider ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin.
- Take them according to the instructions on the leaflet: generally, ibuprofen should be taken every 4-6 hours, while naproxen every 12 hours.
- Never exceed the maximum dose stated in the instructions within 24 hours.
Method 2 of 3: Stretch the Tibia Area

Step 1. Do some slow stretching exercises for the shins
You don't have to go back to intense training right away. This section of the article describes some examples of stretching exercises.
- Gentle stretching aimed at the shin area helps to warm up the muscles and relieve tension.
- You can start doing these exercises only after several days of rest.
- Most of these stretches involve stretching the calf and ankle muscles.

Step 2. Do standing calf stretches
Start by standing upright in front of a wall, with your hands resting on the wall at the same level as your eyes.
- The elbows and arms should be well extended and straight.
- Keep the injured leg back, with the heel resting on the floor.
- Put the other leg forward with the knee bent.
- Turn your back foot slightly inward.
- Slowly lean towards the wall until you feel a stretch in your calf.
- Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds.
- Return to the starting position and repeat three times.
- Do this exercise several times a day.

Step 3. Try the front leg stretch
In this case, the muscles and tendons of the tibia stretch.
- Start by standing upright, sideways to a wall or chair. The injured leg must be the one furthest from the support.
- Place one hand on the wall or chair to maintain balance.
- Bend the knee of the affected leg and grab the foot behind you.
- Bend the front of the foot towards the heel.
- With this movement you should feel a stretch at the height of the shin. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise three times.

Step 4. Do some toe raises
Start from a standing position, keeping your feet firmly on the ground.
- Rock on your heels and lift your toes off the floor.
- You should feel a stretch in your ankles.
- Hold the tension for 5 seconds and then put your feet completely on the ground.
- Do two sets of 15 stretches each.
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Tibial Fasciitis

Step 1. Wear correct footwear
If you are a runner, you need to invest in a good quality pair of running shoes.
- Choose footwear that supports the foot well and that has adequate cushioning to absorb shocks while running.
- Replace your shoes every 800km if you are a runner.
- Talk to a professional to be sure you are purchasing the correct and appropriate footwear for the type of sport or physical activity you practice.

Step 2. Consider wearing orthotics
These are supports of the plantar arches that must be inserted into the shoes.
- You can find them in most drugstores or you can have your own custom made pair built by a podiatrist.
- These orthopedic insoles help relieve and prevent the pain of tibial fasciitis.
- They fit inside most trainers.

Step 3. Get low impact exercise
You can still exercise, as long as it does not further stress the already aching shins.
- Among these activities you can consider cycling, swimming and walking.
- Start each new activity slowly and work your way up until you reach greater resistance.
- Increase the tempo and intensity gradually.

Step 4. Also include a strength activity in your exercise routine
You can add some light weight lifting to strengthen your calf and shin muscles.
- Try simple toe lifts. Grab weights with both hands. Start with lighter dumbbells.
- Slowly rise to your toes, then bring your heels back to the floor.
- Repeat 10 times.
- As the exercise starts to get easy, progressively increase the weights.