Capture the Flag is a great game if you are in a group of more than six friends. In this game, the goal is to find the opposing team's flag and bring it back to your court without being touched.
Method 1 of 2: Capture the Flag Version 1

Step 1. Find a place to play
A good place is a garden with a house in the center. It is important to choose an area with a large obstruction in the center so that the guards cannot see all over the playing field. Try not to play in an open area!

Step 2. Find people to play with
You can play with any number of people, but it's best with at least 10 or 12.

Step 3. Choose the flags, which must be two objects of similar size and shape
If you are playing at night, it is best to choose something light in color.

Step 4. When everyone has gathered in the playing field, and you have decided the rules on how to hide the flag (it must be accessible from the ground, it must be hidden on one of the participants)

Step 5. Hide the flag
To make the match correct, make sure it is at least partially visible (do not bury it). Also make sure you can grab it and run (don't tie it to a branch).

Step 6. When the flag is hidden, reach the border and yell at the other team
If they're done too, invite them to the border and quickly summarize the rules. If you agree on the rules, start the game, otherwise find a compromise.

Step 7. Once the match has started, divide your team into a few groups
Ideally you should play with enough companions to make two groups of each of these: border guards, scouts, infiltrators, and rangers. Scouts are the players who need to retrieve the flag. The infiltrators are the ones who find her, while the rangers take care of the remaining tasks: they get people out of jail, chase those who can get past the border guards, and can replace the scouts and infiltrators who are captured.

Step 8. When you receive a role, honor it
It is important to communicate with teammates, and you can do this in code or by screaming.

Step 9. Depending on the size of the playing field and the number of guards, the game could go on for hours
Since you are supposed to be playing at night, the game may get boring after some time. In this case, talk to the other team and agree to finish the game.

Step 10. A good way to get the flag is to team up with three or four people
Then everyone try to run towards the flag.
Method 2 of 2: Capture the Flag Version 2

Step 1. Play with 6 or more people
Divide them into two equal teams.

Step 2. Look for an outdoor playing field
Divide the field in half.

Step 3. Place flags on both sides of the field
Using poles and ropes, create a space for each team to use as a prison.

Step 4. Run to your flag

Step 5. Once the match has started, split both attacking and defending teams
- The defending player must touch the players of the other team.
- The attacking player will try to capture the flag and bring it back to his field.

Step 6. When a player from the opposing team touches you, you will have to go to jail
The players on your team can free the prisoners

Step 7. Pay attention
When you hold the flag, you can still be touched and sent to jail.

Step 8. When one team captures the opposing team's flag, they win
- When choosing roles for people, think about their strengths. Infiltrators should be small, quiet, and have good eyesight. Scouts and rangers should be able to run fast. The guards must have a powerful voice and good eyesight.
- Make sure you determine the boundaries very clearly to avoid confusion.
- If you are playing at night, wear dark clothing.
- If you are playing at night, do not have rangers cluster near the flag, or you will reveal its location to the enemy.
- Consider establishing a neutral zone for punishment and rest.
- Try playing at night or in twilight to make the game more difficult and interesting.
- If you decide to assign some rangers close to the border to make sure no one can get past the guards, do not place them close to them.
- If the pitch is very large, make sure the other team can hear you if you decide to finish the game early.
- If you are playing at night, be careful not to run into an obstacle.
- Try to find a playing field that is not close to roads or cars (especially if you play at night).