To catch a legendary Pokemon like Reshiram you need technique and strategy. It is in fact a Dragon-Fire Pokemon, which can give you a lot of problems. The game suggests that you use the Master Ball you just obtained to catch it, but if you did, you might not use it in the future for even harder-to-catch Pokemon. Start with Step 1 to learn how to catch Reshiram the first time you encounter him, and add one of the most powerful Pokemon in the entire series to your party.

Step 1. Prepare for battle
You will have the first chance to capture Reshiram immediately after defeating the Elite Four. Reshiram is an extremely dangerous Legendary Pokemon. When you face him he will be level 50. That said, you should have a good team that can take him on an equal footing. Stock up on healing items and at least 30-50 Ultra Balls.

Step 2. Get a Master Ball
- You will receive a Master Ball after defeating the Elite Four that you can use, but you may decide to save it for more difficult Pokemon like Volcarona and Kyurem.
- You can only catch Reshiram in Pokemon Black. If you are playing Pokemon White, you can only get Reshiram with a trade.

Step 3. Defeat the Elite Four
You will need to beat the Elite Four to gain access to N's castle where you can face Reshiram. The Elite Four will have different types of Pokemon, so make sure you have a well-balanced team to beat them all.
You will be able to change your party after taking on the Elite Four, so don't worry if you don't currently have the right party to capture Reshiram

Step 4. Enter the Castle of N
After defeating the Elite Four, activate the glowing statue to descend inside the mountain. After a cutscene, you will be taken to N's castle. You will be able to see some scenes, and then you will have to find N in his castle and face him.

Step 5. Create your party to capture Reshiram
When you catch Reshiram, you can add him to your party right away if you have less than 6 Pokemon with you. This will allow you to get through the rest of the castle much easier. You can find a PC to deposit one of your Pokemon on the third floor. On the second floor, however, you can heal your team.
- To make it easier for you to catch Reshiram, make sure your party has a Pokemon that knows False Swipe and one that knows Hypnosis or Paralysis.
- You can leave the castle if you need to buy items or level up your Pokemon. Go to the third room from the right on the third floor of the castle. Talk to the Plasma Henchman and you can be teleported out. When you're ready to return, talk to the Henchman in the Pokemon League Pokemon Center.

Step 6. Find Reshiram
You will find N at the top of the tower. After a cutscene, Reshiram will be summoned. You will have the option to save your game, and then to speak to Reshiram to start the battle. Make sure you save to be able to try again in case the fight fails.

Step 7. Fight with Reshiram
He uses Pokemon that deal a lot of damage to lower his health. When you turn your health bar yellow or red, use False Swipe to reduce your health to 1 without defeating Reshiram. Use Hypnosis or Paralysis to make Reshiram's capture even easier.
- Reshiram is weak against Earth, Rock and Dragon type attacks.
- When Reshiram is asleep or paralyzed and at 1 life, he starts casting Ultra Ball. If she wakes up or regains the ability to move, use Hypnosis or Paralysis again.
- Keep throwing orbs! You may also need 50 Ultra Balls to catch Reshiram.
- If you fail to capture Reshiram on this occasion, you will have another chance on the seventh floor of the Dragospira Tower, which you can find north of Cirropolis. This is also where you can find Reshiram in White 2 after receiving the Light Stone from N.