Are you planning Mad Hatter tea time? These cute edible cups are perfect for the occasion! In addition, they are ideal treats for many themed parties, such as princesses, fantasy or afternoon teas. They are simple to make, as long as you manage to source the right ingredients; Plus, if the kids are old enough to help you, it'll take even less time to create them.
- The doses depend on the number of cups you want to make:
- Cones with a circular base for ice cream; choose those with a large opening; they exist of various brands and are sometimes simply called conical "pods";
- Circular and smooth biscuits; many times the shortbread biscuits are just round with the edge slightly raised and are perfect for becoming edible saucers;
- Ring-shaped gummy candies;
- Glaze for decorating;
- Cup-filling treats, such as candy, chocolate, dried fruit or thin wafers, and so on.

Step 1. Remove the top of the cone from the tapered one
Place the cone on its side and "rattle" gently with a serrated knife to separate the two sections.
Some may break during this procedure, don't worry too much

Step 2. Adhere the round gummy candy to the cookie using the icing as a "glue"

Step 3. Join the large part of the cone (the "cup") to the candy always using the icing

Step 4. Create the cup handle by cutting a candy in half
Glue the semicircle to the side of the cup, always using the icing.

Step 5. Let the structure stabilize
When you are satisfied with the creation and the icing has hardened, fill the cups with candy, chocolate and other treats.

Step 6. Repeat the process based on the number of cups you need to brew
If you plan to make several, set up an "assembly line" with the help of several helpers: one person glues the circular candies to the cookies, another cuts the cones, and yet another takes care of the handles. It's a fun way to prepare the party all together and cut down on time.

Step 7. Serve the cups
Choose one of the solutions described below to present them or get creative and come up with one:
- Arrange the cups on a tray covered with a pretty fabric and place it on the table;
- Place each edible cup on a real saucer and serve it individually to each guest;
- Place the cups on paper doilies, so that everyone can take their own from the buffet table;
- Arrange them on a cake or cupcake stand.
- To make cups that look like they are filled with coffee, hot chocolate or another of your favorite beverages, add ice cream with the appropriate flavor and serve them immediately to guests.
- If you are making round cookies yourself, make sure they are smooth and uniform in shape, otherwise they don't look like saucers and you risk ruining the overall effect.
- When cutting gummies, dip the knife into very hot water to ease the process and prevent the treats from sticking to the blade. You could also store the candy in the refrigerator early, as it is softer and stickier when it is hot.