The chocolate cups are original and delicious containers in which to serve candies, chocolates, truffles, berries, strawberries, wafers and much more. They are easy to prepare and you can make them at will, like on an assembly line; this recipe is for at least 6 cups of chocolate.
- 250 g of quality black chocolate (but also milk or white)
- Cooking spray

Step 1. Gather the ingredients needed for this project
You can find them in the "Things You Will Need" section.

Step 2. Inflate all the balloons
The inflated balloon should not exceed 15-20 cm in diameter. Close with a knot. Sprinkle each balloon with cooking spray; this will make the cups easier to detach.

Step 3. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper

Step 4. Melt the chocolate
Melt it in the microwave or in a double boiler. For more information, read How to Melt Chocolate.
If you use a microwave, don't overdo the cooking time

Step 5. Let the chocolate cool for 10-15 minutes or until it is warm to the touch
The balloons will explode if the chocolate is too hot.
Even if you let the chocolate cool, the balloons may still explode. When dipping the balloons in chocolate, try to work as fast as possible to avoid the risk of explosion

Step 6. Dip the balloon in warm chocolate
Do this:
- Hold the balloon pinched with two fingers at the knot, keeping it slightly tilted. Dip the balloon to the desired height; at this point only a portion of the balloon will be in contact with the chocolate. Take out the balloon and dip it again at the same angle, but in a different direction. Repeat this operation several times, changing direction each time. To obtain a smooth cup, finally rotate the balloon gently in the chocolate covering the bottom evenly.
- Take out the balloon and let the excess chocolate drip into the bowl with the chocolate.

Step 7. Pour a tablespoon of melted chocolate onto the baking sheet covered with parchment paper
Try to create a circle.

Step 8. Place the chocolate covered balloon on the newly created circle

Step 9. Let it sit
Put the balloon to rest in a cool and dry place.
If the room is too hot, put it in another room or in the refrigerator for 10-30 minutes. Make sure you don't have strong smelling foods in the refrigerator, otherwise the smell may stick to the chocolate. Warning: if left too long in the refrigerator, the chocolate could "bloom" and become covered with a whitish, harmless but unpleasant-looking patina

Step 10. Detach the cups from the balloons
First, remove the balloon and cup from the parchment paper. If the base is attached to the cup, gently stick a knife between them to separate them. Make a small hole in the balloon near the knot, and let the air out slowly. Do not detonate the balloon or the cup may fall apart. A tip: put a piece of duct tape on the balloon before deflating it - this should decrease the chances of it bursting. Separate the cup from the top of the balloon - you may need to peel off small pieces of the balloon attached to the chocolate.

Step 11. Fill the cups with the delicacy of your choice
Serve them full of fruit like strawberries, cherries, fruit salad or with treats like truffles, chocolates, candies. Chocolate mousse, custard and ice cream are a great addition.
If you want to use the cups filled with truffles as an original gift, wrap them in clear cellulose paper and tie them with a decorative colored ribbon
- Prepare extra cups to avoid nasty surprises. You can choose the best-looking cups or have some to spare in case of an accident.
- Instead of using a pin to expel the air, use a pair of scissors to make a slit in the balloon just below the knot. This will further decrease the chances of an explosion.
- Alternative recipe: mix a bag of chocolates and 250 g of chocolate chips, melt slowly, stirring constantly until the mixture is smooth. Dip the balloons and let them rest on the parchment paper without letting them drain, resulting in thicker, flat-bottomed cups.
- Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil for every 250g of chocolate to get an even smoother mixture.
- Store the chocolate cups in a cool place.
- If you use latex balloons, make sure your diners are not allergic to latex. Do not serve chocolate cups to people allergic to latex, or use latex-free balloons.
- Do not add hot substances to the chocolate cup.