It is a common problem for many women to feel insecure or embarrassed about having large breasts. Some feel so uncomfortable about their size that they experience breasts as an unwelcome inconvenience. Depending on how much effort and effort you are willing to take to change its size, there are several things you can do to make it appear - or even truly make it - smaller. Read on to find out how.
Method 1 of 3: Masking the Physical Aspect

Step 1. Use a compression bra or a sports bra
A bra that minimizes and squeezes the breasts is a special item that has the specific purpose of not adding volume. It can help and could be enough to reach your goals, especially if the thing that interests you most is being able to wear particular clothes. Sports bras also not only provide support, but also help flatten the breasts. Their original purpose is to prevent the breasts from moving during exercise, which could cause pain. If you have large breasts and moving around causes you pain and worry (for aesthetic and health reasons), sports bras may be the ideal solution for you.

Step 2. Try wearing a breast support band or girdle
Surely you already know the shaping corsets or other containment bands. These are elements that you can wear under your clothes and that hold your curves. You can buy those that cover the whole bust, but for your particular need, get a specific one for the breasts. You can do a search online and find it for sale on major commercial sites.

Step 3. Try wrapping your breasts
If you are desperate and none of the other options have worked, you can try bandaging your breasts as a temporary solution and a last ditch effort. It is very useful especially for those who wear bras from cup C to DD, but it is also good for other sizes. Keep in mind that it can be very uncomfortable, but you get your purpose if you want to appear in some cool photos or want to step into a special outfit.

Step 4. Pay close attention to the type of bandage you want to use
You can purchase a very good quality compression bodice on many websites. Make sure it is safe to wear and does not cause any physical problems. Take only specific modeling, do not use sports bandages or other types of bandages not specifically designed for this purpose. Sports bandages are designed to compress and can cause breathing problems, bruises, rib fractures, or damage the breasts if worn often and for prolonged periods of time.

Step 5. Wear a bra and clothes that match your size
If you wear loose clothing you will look more curvy and increase the problem. Dress in clothes that are not tight, but tailored, completely cover the breasts, to look good without attracting too much attention. Do the same thing with the bra - wearing one that fits perfectly makes a huge difference in how your breasts look.

Step 6. Avoid clothes that add volume to the chest
Don't wear turtlenecks and shirts, turtlenecks and turtlenecks, tops with lace and ruffles on the décolleté, ruched shirts on the chest and other volumizing elements - they will only make your breasts look even bigger. Instead, wear very simple, straight tops around the bust.

Step 7. Wear dark tops and colorful pants or skirts
This way you naturally draw the eyes downward, distracting them from your breasts. For example, wear a fitted black tee and a teal jersey skirt. Or wear a navy blue shirt and bright white pants.

Step 8. Accentuate the hips
If you want to naturally make your body more balanced and draw attention away from your breasts, make sure to direct your eyes to your hips. Wear trousers with horizontal lines and flounced skirts to create the illusion of more volume on the hips, while wearing simple dresses that do not add volume on the bust. This will make your breasts look smaller.
Method 2 of 3: Natural Remedies

Step 1. Stop doing whatever makes your breasts bigger
To get started, you should always try to follow natural methods. Generally the primary culprit is the birth control pill, which can add up to two cup sizes! You will need to talk to your gynecologist to find alternatives that are not hormone-based.
- A valid substitute for the contraceptive pill is the intrauterine spiral.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also natural causes of larger breasts, but you don't have to take steps for these contexts, as they are natural and temporary.

Step 2. Create a calorie deficit
Calories are the fuel your body uses, and if you want to burn fat (which is the main element that creates the bust line), you need to eat fewer calories than you consume. This doesn't mean that you have to go hungry, just that you have to balance the activities you do with the amount of fuel it needs. Cut back on the food you eat to even a small amount, and even slightly increase physical activity. it may be enough to lose weight.
- Use an online calorie calculator to figure out how to adjust your diet.
- However, keep in mind that this calorie deficit should only be temporary. Once you have reached a healthy weight level, go back to balancing your calorie intake with your daily activity.

Step 3. Eat a healthier diet
It is important to eat healthier if you want to make the calories you put in more efficient! If instead of eating a few unhealthy items, you increase the nutritional value of the food you eat, you can feel fuller with less food and more easily reduce the number of calories you eat each day.
- Include healthy foods in your diet. Eat kale, spinach, broccoli, quinoa, whole grain oatmeal, potatoes, lentils, edamame, white beans, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, and many other foods. Cut back on fruit if you can, which are high in sugar, and instead increase your intake of vegetables and beans, such as those listed above, which contain all of the same vital nutrients as fruit (and often more).
- Cut back on junk food from your diet. Eliminate unhealthy products like trans and saturated fats, salt and excess sugar. These are all elements that contribute to weight gain and fat storage. You can find these harmful elements in soda-based drinks, Starbucks-style coffee, and in foods like bacon, pork rind, French fries, butter, ice cream, and the like.

Step 4. Get more suitable portions of food
Most people eat too much food in one meal. If the plate is the size of a restaurant meal, then you are overeating. A good practice is to eat from the side dish instead of the main course plate, and only take a second serving if, 15 minutes after eating the first, you are still hungry. Take half a serving for your "second".
Eating small, frequent meals is a good way to control portion sizes and maintain a sense of satiety throughout the day

Step 5. Stay active in everyday life
There are many ways to keep yourself moving in your daily routine, none of which require too much effort that can take you away from your normal daily schedule.
- The easiest way to be more active and start burning calories is to walk more. Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator and park farther away to get anywhere to make sure you travel a greater distance.
- Other than that, try working standing instead of sitting, walking when you phone, and using a Swiss ball instead of a chair. All of this makes your normal activities into physical exercise.

Step 6. Work out efficiently
It's easy to focus on the usual push-ups and sit-ups, but know that there are more effective exercises to more easily keep you exercising every day. Among these are squats, planks, and burpees, which you can learn how to do by reading this article. Try to choose one or more of these exercises and dedicate at least 15-30 minutes to them every day.
Squats and planks are both abs and core exercises. If you only want to do these, however, it would also be advisable to try to walk more. Try to spend another 30 minutes each day walking, climbing stairs and climbing; the more you move the better

Step 7. Stay motivated
Training must be constant and prolonged if you want to achieve real results. You have to make a real lifestyle change if you want to maintain a healthy weight. This is why it is important to stay motivated. Finding a partner to practice with, a coach or someone else to take charge of can really help.
Listen to music during your workout to make exercise a lot more fun. You can even listen to audiobooks or podcasts
Method 3 of 3: Surgery

Step 1. Talk to your doctor
It is very important to talk to your doctor before seriously considering breast reduction surgically - and certainly before speaking to a plastic surgeon (who may have a financial interest). There can be other factors that affect the size of your breasts, as well as health conditions that can make surgery dangerous, not excluding the fact that there are also much simpler and less dangerous solutions.
- In particular, surgery is a bad idea if you are young. Wait: in a few years you may be experiencing your body differently.
- You shouldn't go to surgery just for cosmetic reasons or to get into the clothes you like. Surgery is dangerous and clothing shouldn't be more important than your life.

Step 2. Do your research
Look for the best healthcare facilities in your area that perform plastic surgery. If there are no qualified or reputable centers near your home, it is worth looking elsewhere, even at greater distances, to find a prestigious one. Again, plastic surgery is risky and you need to look for the best possible treatment.

Step 3. Talk to multiple doctors
Consult with a couple of plastic surgeons. They will be able to explain to you the different breast reduction methods and the results you can achieve. They will also be able to tell you the costs, as well as make other medical considerations. Don't rely on a surgeon who seems inexperienced to you or who offers extremely inexpensive procedures. An unprofessional surgeon can easily make your breasts look bad.

Step 4. Assess the risks
There are several risks associated with plastic surgery to reduce breasts, many of which are the same as any other surgery: these include the general risk associated with anesthesia, since anyone at any time can develop a negative reaction to the drug and die in the operating room. You may also develop an infection or blood clots. There are other risks such as:
- Scar formation which can also lead to keloids.
- Irregular or unusually shaped nipples.
- Loss of the ability to breastfeed, with negative consequences, if you are planning to have children.

Step 5. Be willing to accept the consequences
Breast surgery is not reversible. This is obviously a problem if the surgery went wrong, but it is equally important to remember that what is in fashion now or what you like now may also change over time. Over time, you may learn to love your body as it is, but if you've had surgery, you won't be able to go back.

Step 6. Make sure you can afford it
Often, breast reduction surgery is considered an aesthetic surgery, so it's not covered by health care facilities, so it can reach prohibitive prices. Think about your priorities and consider if this is really the best thing for you, since spending the money on other things like studies may be cheaper in the long run.

Step 7. Undergo surgery
Once you've weighed all your options and made a well-thought-out decision, you need to undergo surgery. It is usually performed in a hospital or surgery center, requires general anesthesia, and is done in a few hours. Very often you are discharged the same day, so you will need someone available to take you home.

Step 8. Get over your convalescence
You will need to be extremely careful during the post-operative phase. You may have a tube in your chest to drain fluids and blood. You will definitely have some stitches and a bandage. You need to make sure you keep all the area and bandages extremely clean, you will need to rest to facilitate healing and prevent infections. You will likely feel pain and have swelling and bruising. The stitches are usually removed after 1-2 weeks.