How to Make a Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft

Table of contents:

How to Make a Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft
How to Make a Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft

In Minecraft, fermented spider eye is an ingredient used in the brewing of potions with negative effects (apart from the Invisibility Potion), such as the Damage Potion and the Slowness Potion.


Part 1 of 2: Preparations

Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 1
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 1

Step 1. Build a work table

The work table, also known as the workbench, is one of the most important blocks in Minecraft. To build a work table you will need at least 4 blocks of wooden planks.

  • Blocks of wooden planks can be obtained by cutting down trees to collect rough wood blocks and then placing them in the construction grid found in your inventory.
  • Once you have your wooden plank blocks, use the construction grid again and place a wooden plank block in each empty space.
  • Click on the worktable that appears in the output box and place it in your inventory to complete the construction process.
  • You can also use the worktable to build other weapons, armor, or tools.
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 2
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 2

Step 2. Collect some brown mushrooms

Mushrooms are found in dark caves and shaded areas, so look for them underground, in swamp biomes, or in the Nether. You will find them especially in these places due to their low lighting conditions.

Brown mushrooms can also be found in jungles and open caves

Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 3
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 3

Step 3. Get some sugar

To get the sugar, click on your work table and place a sugar cane in the center of the grill.

  • Sugar is a food class item made from sugar canes, and sugar canes are spawned with the world and are usually three (or two) blocks high.
  • Sugar canes grow naturally in the world. They are relatively rare and can only grow on blocks of earth, grass and sand that are directly adjacent to the water.
  • To have a renewable supply of sugar for future uses in distillation and food production, you can create a sugar cane crop by planting them on any block of earth or sand, as long as it is adjacent to a water source. Collect the sugar canes by breaking only the top two blocks (the canes grow up to three blocks high) and leaving the base intact, so it can grow back.
  • 1 sugar cane produces 1 unit of sugar.
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 4
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 4

Step 4. Kill some spiders

Spider eyes are a consumable (but poisonous) food and an ingredient for distillation. Spider eyes are dropped to the ground by spiders, cave spiders, and witches.

Common spiders are easily found in forests, but the best source of spider eyes are cave spiders, as these can be found even more easily and quickly if there is a suitable monster generator nearby (especially in abandoned mines)

Part 2 of 2: Creating the Fermented Spider Eye

Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 5
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 5

Step 1. Use the work table

With the items you have collected and placed in your inventory, open your work table to create the fermented spider eye. Place the sugar in the center box, the brown mushroom in the box to the left of the center box, and the spider's eye in the box below the center box.

Once all the items are placed, click on the fermented spider eye in the output box and place it in your inventory to complete the process

Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 6
Make Fermented Spider Eye in Minecraft Step 6

Step 2. Use the fermented spider eye for the distillation of your potions

This ingredient is usually used to obtain particular types of potions with negative effects. Use it for the following potions:

  • Potion of Weakness, which reduces the ability to deal damage in close combat by 50%.
  • Damage Potion, dealing 6 health (3 hearts) damage.
  • Potion of slowness, which reduces the movement speed of players and mobs by 15%.
  • Potion of invisibility, which makes players disappear from sight and makes mobs neutral towards the player invisible (if the player is not wearing any armor).
