Do you need a Pokemon with a very high level of defense? Then you need Wailord. Here's how to find it.

Step 1. Go to Route 129
You will need a Pokemon with the Surf ability.

Step 2. Be patient
You have a 1% chance of finding a wild Wailord.

Step 3. Find one
Remember, it's hard to find so you might get discouraged. Also there will be many Tentacools to bother you.

Step 4. Fight against Wailord
It is difficult to catch. It is recommended to use Ultra Balls and Net Balls.

Step 5. Congratulations, you got it
You just captured Wailord!
Method 1 of 2: Alternative Method

Step 1. Get Wailmer
It is the previous evolution of Wailord.

Step 2. Train Wailmer
Wailmer is difficult to train. Be patient.

Step 3. Train it until it evolves
Wailmer will evolve into Wailord.
Method 2 of 2: Battle Frontier Method

Step 1. Go to Battle Frontier and copy Rare Candy

Step 2. Give the rare candies to a Wailmer and have it evolve into a Wailord
Use status moves like sleep or freeze
- Do not poison or burn him, he may pass out before catching him.
- Don't defeat him or else you'll have to look for him again!