3 Ways to Get Your Sims Marrying with Cheats

3 Ways to Get Your Sims Marrying with Cheats
3 Ways to Get Your Sims Marrying with Cheats

Table of contents:


This article explains how to use the tricks to get your Sims married in The Sims game series. Unfortunately, there are no cheats for The Sims Mobile or The Sims Freeplay versions.


Method 1 of 3: The Sims 4 (PC)

Step 1. Install TwistedMexi's AllCheats script

To change your Sims' relationships using cheats, you need a third-party program.

  • Download the file from https://www.patreon.com/posts/cheat-fix-for-22697405. Click on


  • Save the file in the Mods folder. You can find it in the path

    Documents> Electronic Arts> The Sims 4> Mods

  • Start the game, open Options, select Game Options and click on More.
  • Enable mods and scripts by ticking the respective boxes.
  • Restart the game to apply the changes.

Step 2. Activate testingcheats

Press Ctrl + Shift + C, type

testingcheats true

then press Enter.

Step 3. Get the IDs of the Sims you want to marry

Open the cheat window, write

sims.get_sim_id_by_name [Sim's name] [Sim's surname]

then press Enter.

Sims must be young adults or older

Step 4. Use the relationshipBit trick


relationship.add_Bit [First Sim ID] [Second Sim ID] romantic-Married

then press Enter.

Step 5. If you are unsuccessful, try the modifyrelationship trick

You can use this command to manually raise the level of the relationship between the Sims you are interested in, so that they match the normal game options.

  • Type

    modifyrelationship [first Sim's full name] [second Sim's full name] 100 friendship_main

  • , then press Enter. It is also necessary to increase the friendship level, otherwise the marriage proposal will be rejected.
  • Type

    modifyrelationship [first Sim full name] [second Sim full name] 100 romantic_main

  • and press Enter. With this command you increase the level of the romantic relationship of the two Sims, who will be able to start dating and consequently get married.

Method 2 of 3: The Sims 3

Step 1. Activate testingcheats

Press Ctrl + Shift + C, type

testingcheatsenabled true

and press Enter.

Step 2. Let the Sims know they need to get married

Before you can change the relationship of two Sims, they must have already introduced themselves.

Sims must be young adults or older

Step 3. Go to the Relationships window

The icon of this card depicts two Sims side by side and is next to the plumbbob one.

Step 4. Drag the relationship bar between the two Sims you want to marry

Move the selector all the way to the right, so that it is in the green part.

To make sure the second Sim accepts the marriage proposal, push the relationship to the max. This will come in handy if either Sim is lonely or grumpy

Step 5. Have the two Sims engage in romantic interactions

In this way their relationship will become romantic and the chances of the marriage proposal being accepted will increase.

Step 6. Order one of the Sims to propose marriage

If accepted, you can get your Sims married right away.

Method 3 of 3: The Sims 2

Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 2
Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 2

Step 1. Activate testingcheats

Press Ctrl + Shift + C, type

testingcheatsenabled true

and press Enter.

Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 5
Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 5

Step 2. Let the Sims know they need to get married

Before you can change the relationship of two Sims, they must have already introduced themselves.

Sims must both be adults or older

Step 3. If you have the Nightlife expansion, use the Sim Modder

With this expansion, you can easily increase the relationship between the Sims you care about without making them selectable.

  • Shift-click a Sim, select Spawn…, then click Sim Modder. A doll will appear nearby.
  • Click on the doll, select Relationships…, click on Me to Other…, choose the name of the Sim you want to marry your character, then click on Love.
  • Click on the doll, select Relationships…, click on Other to Me…, select the name of the Sim you want to marry your character and click on Love.
Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 6
Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 6

Step 4. If you don't have Nightlife, make the second Sim selectable

While holding down Shift, click on the Sim you want your character to marry, then select Make Selectable. The Sim will appear in the sidebar.

Step 5. Open the Relationships window

The icon of this card depicts two Sims side by side and is next to the plumbbob one.

Step 6. Drag the relationship bars

You will see two bars below your Sim's portraits. Drag the selectors to the right, in the green area, in order to maximize the levels; then, switch to the other Sim and repeat the operation, so that the love is mutual.

  • To complete this step, hold down Shift if necessary.
  • Once done, you can click on your Sim's future spouse by holding down Shift and clicking on Make Unselectable.

Step 7. Make the Sims kiss

They should fall in love right after the first kiss.

Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 10
Get Your Sims Married Using the Cheat Code Step 10

Step 8. Order one of the Sims to propose marriage

When the two Sims are engaged, you can get them married whenever you want.


  • Teens in The Sims 4 can exchange promise rings, but they can't get married without using third-party mods.
  • In The Sims 2, young adults in college can get engaged; however, they cannot marry until they finish college and become adults.
