13 Ways to Get Rich in "The Sims 3" Without Using Cheats or Finding Jobs

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13 Ways to Get Rich in "The Sims 3" Without Using Cheats or Finding Jobs
13 Ways to Get Rich in "The Sims 3" Without Using Cheats or Finding Jobs

The Sims 3 is a very fun game that essentially simulates life. One of the things you need to do in The Sims, as in real life, is to earn. It is a lot of fun to have a lot of money, but without cheats it can be quite difficult. So you can get your Sim to find a job. Either way, it can be very tedious to wait for your Sim to get the job done. So how can you earn a lot without having a job? Cheating, of course!


Method 1 of 13: Painting

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 1

Step 1. Select "Build and Buy" to buy a tripod

You can put it wherever you want, but it is better outside, to have more space in the house.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 2

Step 2. Go back to the game mode, click on the kickstand and choose the interaction that appears

You can choose whether to paint a large, medium or small picture (large is better, because you will get more income from the sale).

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 3

Step 3. Sell the finished painting

It won't be worth much at first, but as your painting skills increase, you will be able to sell the paintings for big bucks!

Method 2 of 13: Write

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 4

Step 1. Select "Build and Buy" to buy a computer

If you can, buy an expensive one to keep it from breaking.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 5

Step 2. Go back to the game mode, click on the computer and choose the "Write" interaction

You will probably be able to choose the genre. Pick any one, but the best are those that open up other subgenres. For example, if you write a couple of cheesy novels, and you are a "hopeless romantic" Sim, then you can write a romance.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 6

Step 3. Publish and sell your finished book

If it's good enough to be published, you might see it on the shelves in the library or bookstore!

Method 3 of 13: Inventions

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 7

Step 1. Select "Build and Buy" to buy a work table for your Sim

It is a good idea to build a separate room for the table, as it takes up a lot of space. Note: The "Ambitions" expansion is required in order to invent / buy a work table.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 8

Step 2. Go back to the game mode, click on the work table, and select "Try it" or whatever other option appears

It will also be possible to buy scrap metal, and you can, but a) you don't need it yet and b) if you have "Sims Pets 3" then you can adopt / buy a dog and have him bring you scrap metal.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 9

Step 3. Go to inventory and sell your creation

Your Sim's first invention will be just a toy and won't be worth more than a couple of dollars, but over time your inventions will get crazier and worth more! However, to power up your bizarre inventions, you'll need metal (which you can buy at the work table, or dig with a dog in "Sims Pets") or a ghost (which you can capture with the special device - which at some point point you will invent, or get help from a cat in "Sims Pets").

Method 4 of 13: Fishing

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 10

Step 1. Order your Sim to go to any fishing location

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 11

Step 2. Click on the icon next to the place and choose "Fishing"

If your Sim doesn't catch fish, try buying some bait.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 12

Step 3. Sell the fish you catch

The bigger and rarer the fish, the more money they are worth!

Method 5 of 13: Guitar

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 13

Step 1. Select "Build & Buy" to buy a "Sonflux" guitar

Put it wherever you want, inside or out.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 14

Step 2. Click on the guitar and choose "Practice"

When your Sim's skill level rises to level 4 or 5, you can move on to the next point.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 15

Step 3. Click on the guitar, choose "Inventory", go to a crowded park, choose the guitar from the inventory and select "Play Hat"

If you are good enough, you can make some money from watching you play.

Method 6 of 13: Collecting

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 16

Step 1. Go to any place outdoors

Try going right out of the house, into the front or back garden, or into a park.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 17

Step 2. Look for things similar to small animals that you can collect

When you find one, click on it and pick it up.

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Step 3. Go to your inventory and sell what you just collected

The rarer the item, the more you will earn by selling it.

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Step 4. Exit your inventory and continue looking for collectibles

This method can be a bit random, as it is not an actual skill the Sim can improve on, so it is basically your skill, not the Sim's.

Method 7 of 13: Living with latch

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 20

Step 1. Select "Create a Sim" and create a Sim with the "Scrounger" trait or choose a Sim already in the neighborhood with the "Scrounger" trait

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 21

Step 2. Build a strong relationship with a wealthy Sim

It is better to at least become best friends.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 22

Step 3. Click on the rich Sim you are best friends with, select the Special category and then "Scrounger", then select "Scrounge a large sum of money"

You can also choose to scrounge food, but this way you will only be able to eat, not buy things. However, scrounging for food is a good way to cut costs, because you get free food!

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 23

Step 4. Keep scrounging

Don't do this too often, just a couple of times each visit. In the end, you will have gotten a lot of money!

Method 8 of 13: Cat (only with "Sims Pets")

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 24

Step 1. Adopt or purchase an adult cat if you don't already have one

You can also create one in "Create A Sim" mode. If you create the cat, give it the "Hunter" trait and if possible the "Adventurous" trait.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 25

Step 2. Click on the cat and choose "Teach to hunt"

If you have a version of the game where you can control the pet (like "The Sims Pets 3" for PlayStation 3), instead of having the Sim teach the cat to hunt, simply click outside, choose the hunting interaction and then "Follow something" (it will be the only possible interaction). If you can't control your pet, just use the "Teach to Hunt" interaction often (using it too much, the cat will be fatigued and you won't be able to teach him anything for a few hours).

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 26

Step 3. Check the inventory to see if the cat has caught anything

If he did, sell what he got (probably a beetle). The rarer the prey, the more you will earn by selling it! As you may have already understood, this method is the same as that of collecting, but much more effective!

Method 9 of 13: Digging ("Sims Pets" recommended)

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 27

Step 1. If you have "Sims Pets", adopt or buy an adult dog

If you can control the dog, while playing as the dog, click outside, choose "Dig" and then "Dig" again (this is the only interaction available). If you can't control the dog, have a Sim repeatedly use the "Teach the Dog to Dig" interaction (by using it too much, the dog will be fatigued and you won't be able to teach him anything for a few hours).

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 28

Step 2. If you don't have "Sims Pets", click anywhere outside and instead of choosing the "Go Here" interaction, choose "Dig Here"

A hole will be dug and you may find something underground.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 29

Step 3. Go to the inventory and sell what you found

It will probably just be something like iron or a seed, instead of a gem. Sell it anyway. After a bit of digging, you will find rarer and more valuable things, which will therefore make you much more money.

Method 10 of 13: Extra Guitar (only with the "Late night" expansion)

This method requires the "Bridgeport" map for the subway. It is included in the 'Late Night' expansion.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 30

Step 1. Acquire the fifth guitar level

Learn a composition.

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Step 2. Pause the game and fill the action bar with 'Play (name of composition)'

For starters, it will usually be something simple.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 32

Step 3. Press "play"

After the first line of each measure, delete the action.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 33

Step 4. Do it as many times as you want

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 34

Step 5. Go to the subway and ring for tips

At first you will only get 80-300 every 30 minutes or so. As your musical skills increase and your repertoire grow, you can earn a lot more. In a short time, you could get 40-100 thousand a day. With about 6-10 hours of practice. It is certainly enough to lead a luxurious life!

Method 11 of 13: Harvest

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 35

Step 1. Grow fruit and vegetables

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Step 2. Collect when ready

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Step 3. Sell the products through "Build and Buy"

Or, sell using the counter in a community lot or perhaps at the market.

Method 12 of 13: Future Lotto (Requires Sims 3: Into the Future)

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 38

Step 1. Set up the Time Portal

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Step 2. Go to the future

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Step 3. Go to the Park (where the Town Hall will be located)

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Step 4. Check the Lotto records until you find one

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Step 5. Go back to the present and buy a lottery ticket

Method 13 of 13: Sunflowers from Plants vs. Zombies (Requires Premium content from The Sims 3 store

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 43

Step 1. Place some Sunflowers from Plants vs

Zombies ™.

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 44

Step 2. Wait for the plants to produce "Sun", then sell the product in the "Buy" mode

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Get Lots of Money in the Sims 3 Without Using Cheats or Getting a Job Step 45 Correct

Step 3. Plant more Sunflowers to produce more "Sun" over time


  • You can also add the kleptomaniac trait to your Sim. Then you can steal and resell things. If your Sim doesn't already have the kleptomaniac trait, you can add it by using the "testingcheatsenabled" trick and then clicking the "shift" key on your Sim.
  • Complete every trial that comes your way, especially for cash prizes.
  • There are a couple of other ways to make money in Sims 3 that involve selling things acquired from a certain skill, not included in this article. Try to discover them on your own!
