Have you always wanted to know how to teach the "Volt Tackle" move to Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu? This is a special move, which only these three Pokémon can learn. In order to have a Pokémon that knows this move, you will need to use a rare item called "Electroball" and raise a small Pichu. The new born will already know the "Volt Tackle" move and you can make it evolve into Pikachu or Raichu according to your needs.

Step 1. To have Pikachu or Raichu who knows the Volt Tackle move in your team, you need to raise a small Pichu that already has that mastery
Volt Tackle is a special move, which can only be mastered by Pichu and its more advanced forms, but can only be obtained by breeding a Pichu. Later, you can evolve it into a Pikachu or a Raichu.
The "Volt Tackle" move is only available from the Pokémon Emerald version onwards. In other words, it is not obtainable by playing Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Gold, Silver, Red, Blue or Yellow

Step 2. Find an "Electric Ball"
In order to breed a small Pichu that knows the "Volt Tackle" move, you need to own an "Electric Ball". It is a fairly rare tool, the obtaining procedure of which varies according to the version of the game in use:
- In Pokémon Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, X and Y, you can get a "Electro Ball" by capturing a Pikachu that owns one. There is a 5% chance of encountering a wild Pikachu who owns an "Electroball"; this means that you will have to catch several specimens of this Pokémon before you find the one that has it. If you don't want to catch the Pikachu specimen that is equipped with an "Electroball", you can use the "Steal" or "Begging" ability to try and steal it.
- In Pokémon "Black and White" and "Black 2 and White 2", the Electroball is owned by only a few Pikachu specimens, which can be spotted based on specific events. If you need to get an "Electroball" playing these versions of the Pokémon video game, you must use a cheat code or get it in an earlier version of the game and then transfer it to the current one.
- In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, you can find an "Electroball" at the south end of "Route 120", atop the large patch of grass near the "Route 121" exit.

Step 3. Catch a Pokémon capable of producing a small Pichu
There are two methods of raising a small Pichu specimen: you can use a female Pikachu / Raichu and a male obtained from eggs belonging to the "Magic" or "Field" group (including other Pikachu and Raichu) or you can mate a male or Pikachu or Raichu female with a Ditto.
- Eggs from the "Magic" group can give birth to Pokémon such as Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Togetic, Marill, Roselia, Shroomish, and many more. See this URL https://wiki.pokemoncentral.it/Elenco_Pok%C3%A9mon_per_gruppo_uova for the complete detailed list.
- Eggs from the "Field" group can spawn Pokémon such as Rattata, Ekans, Vulpix, Psyduck, Eevee, and many more. See this URL https://wiki.pokemoncentral.it/Elenco_Pok%C3%A9mon_per_gruppo_uova for the complete detailed list.

Step 4. Give an "Electro Ball" to one of the two Pokémon chosen to pair
This item must be held by one of the two Pokémon you selected for egg production. It doesn't matter which of the two has it, the choice is yours.

Step 5. Place both Pokemon in a "Pokémon Day Care"
While the specimens chosen for mating will remain in the pension they will have the opportunity to lay an egg.

Step 6. Until the egg is deposited, explore the game world by walking with your character
The time required for this step varies as it is a randomly handled event. Every 256 steps the game algorithm will calculate if the egg has been deposited or not, also taking into account the types of Pokémon chosen for mating. It is very likely that choosing to mate two Pikachu specimens will get you an egg more quickly.
- The egg creation process is even faster if one of the two Pikachu comes from another player (i.e. it was obtained by trading a Pokémon with another trainer).
- There is no automatic notification that the egg has been created at regular intervals, so you'll have to go back to the "Pokémon Day Care" to check it out for yourself. If an egg has been laid, the pension attendant will be in a slightly different area.

Step 7. Retrieve the egg from the "Pokémon Day Care", then have it hatch
Walk around the game world while keeping the egg inside your team. After some time, she will hatch giving birth to a small Pichu. You can speed up the hatching process by getting around on a bicycle.

Step 8. Use your new Pichu's "Volt Tackle" move
Since you used an "Electric Ball" during the mating process, you now have a Pichu specimen that knows the "Volt Tackle" move. You can evolve this Pichu into a Pikachu and later into a Raichu without losing the chance to take advantage of the new special move.
After evolving Pichu into a Pikachu if you pair him again, the new Pichu will not know the "Volt Tackle" move. To make this happen, you will always have to use an "Electroball"
- Playing the HeartGold and SoulSilver version of the Pokémon video game, after defeating the "Elite Four", you can battle the "Red" on "Mount Silver" and use the "Steal" or "Begging" move against his Pikachu to get an "Electroball".
- By walking through the game while you have a Slugma on your team that knows the "Fire Body" or "Magmascudo" moves, the eggs you carry will hatch more quickly.
- The "Volt Tackle" move is the "Electric" type attack equivalent to the "Splitter" move (in the Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum versions the "Volt Tackle" move is a "Physical" type attack, while in Pokemon Emerald it is an attack "Special" type).
- When playing Pokémon Emerald, in order to meet and capture more of Pikachu, select a Pokémon that has the "Static" ability as the starter Pokémon.
- Pikachu can be captured inside the "Safari Zone" of Pokemon Emerald or inside the "Garden Trophy" in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.