The "Waterfall" move is one of the many moves that can be used when playing the Gold version of the Pokémon video game. Finding this special move can be a little tricky, as you won't know where to look for it if you don't know the "Johto" region well and unfortunately no one in the game world will be able to tell you where it is. This article explains how to find the "Waterfall" move quickly and easily.

Step 1. Go to the city of "Mahogany"
You can easily reach it in flight by relying on one of your "Flying" type Pokémon.
Make sure you face and beat all the "Team Rocket" henchmen you encounter within the "Mahogany" city before continuing. Until you complete this passage a man placed near the exit of the city will prevent you from passing

Step 2. Proceed to the right side of the city and take "Route 44"

Step 3. Keep walking along "Route 44" until you reach a cave known as "Via Gelata"

Step 4. Follow the "Frozen Road" until you reach the first environmental puzzle to be solved (consists in being able to overcome an expanse of ice following a predetermined path)

Step 5. To exit the first frozen puzzle of the "Frozen Road" move your character close to the ice surface and make him walk up
Now follow these instructions: go left, up, right, up again, right, down, left, up, left, down, right, down again, right, down up and finally right again.

Step 6. You should see a Pokeball nearby
This is the "Cascade" move.

Step 7. To be able to take the "Waterfall" move you will have to face the second puzzle-game by moving on the frozen surface following these instructions:
go right to reach the first rock then move up, right, down, right again, back up, left, down, left, up and finally right again.
You should be right in front of the Pokeball that contains the "Cascade" move. Press the "A" button to get it. Congratulations, you managed to find the "Waterfall" move in Pokémon Gold
- Put the lowest tier on your Pokémon team first before starting a fight. This way your weaker Pokémon will gain a lot of experience points by increasing its level faster.
- Use the "Repellents" inside the cave to prevent wild Pokémon from appearing. Pokémon Zubat and Golbat are irritating.