6 Ways to Mine the Red Stone in Minecraft

Table of contents:

6 Ways to Mine the Red Stone in Minecraft
6 Ways to Mine the Red Stone in Minecraft

The most common way to obtain Red Stone powder is to mine Raw Red Stone. The Raw Red Stone can be found 10 blocks (or layers) above the Mother Rock or between the Mother Rock itself. This means that it is usually found in blocks 5 to 12, and rarely at layer 16 or layer 2 below. You will need an iron pickaxe to mine the Raw Red Stone.


Method 1 of 6: Method 1: Extraction

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 1
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 1

Step 1. If you prefer to mine, go to the Mother Rock by building a ladder to go down

Dig the two blocks in front of you, and one below them. Step back and repeat

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 2
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 2

Step 2. Once you reach the Mother Rock, if you haven't already found the Raw Red Stone, dig and get a larger space around you and place some torches

It is usually sufficient to dig a space that is 5 blocks wide, 5 blocks long and 3 blocks high

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 3
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 3

Step 3. Choose the center block of each empty wall and dig a 2 block high tunnel until you see nothing and it gets dark

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 4
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 4

Step 4. Place a torch at the far end of this tunnel

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 5
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 5

Step 5. Go through the tunnel to see if you have found any minerals (Red Stone or other

) on the walls, ceiling or floor.

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 6
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 6

Step 6. In the space you dug earlier, walk 3 blocks inside the smaller tunnel and choose a wall

You should have jumped 2 blocks of the wall and are now facing the third

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 7
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 7

Step 7. Press down on this wall, and dig all the blocks making a 1x1 tunnel at head height

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 8
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 8

Step 8. Check for ore on the walls, ceiling and floor of this tunnel

If you see it, get it.

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 9
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 9

Step 9. Turn to the opposite wall and repeat the operation

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 10
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 10

Step 10. Keep making these little tunnels, jumping 2 blocks each time, until you get to the torch

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 11
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 11

Step 11. Place a flashlight on the floor, remove the one on the wall, and dig the opposite side going back until you see nothing and it's all dark

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 12
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 12

Step 12. Repeat steps 7-13 until you find the Rough Red Stone

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 13
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 13

Step 13. Remember that this is not the only method for digging

Find one that suits you.

Method 2 of 6: Method 2: Caves

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 14
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 14

Step 1. Find a descending cave, possibly close to sea level

If it goes down sheer, you can dig by getting a ladder that surrounds the edges of the hole to go down

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 15
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 15

Step 2. Drop into the cave as low as you can

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 16
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 16

Step 3. If the cave ends not far from the entrance, try another cave

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 17
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 17

Step 4. When you find Lava or Mother Rock you have reached the right level to find the Rough Red Stone

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 18
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 18

Step 5. You can either start digging directly into the cave wall, or explore multiple sectors, which lead outside or go deeper, to find the Red Stone on the walls, ceiling or floor

Method 3 of 6: Method 3: Find the Red Stone Dust in other places

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 19
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 19

Step 1. Sometimes the Red Stone Dust can be found outside caves and mines

It can be traded, released upon the death of a witch, or used to trap Jungle Temples.

Method 4 of 6: Method 4: Temples in the Jungle

Jungle Temples are only found in the Jungle Biome, if you have Generated Structures mode activated.

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 20
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 20

Step 1. Find a jungle

A jungle is characterized by large trees, vines and bright green grass

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 21
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 21

Step 2. Find a Jungle Temple

They are large stone buildings partly covered with moss

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 22
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 22

Step 3. Enter the temple through the door, then take the stairs and go down

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 23
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 23

Step 4. Go down the hall avoiding the levers

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 24
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 24

Step 5. Continue by staying close to the corridor walls to avoid getting shot by the dispenser

Sometimes the dispenser can be hidden among the vines, so beware

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 25
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 25

Step 6. After you have rounded the first corner, you can excavate the Red Stone that goes from the rope of the trap to the dispenser

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 26
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 26

Step 7. Continue down the corridor, heading towards the chest, always staying close to the walls

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 27
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 27

Step 8. Next to the chest is another track to find the Red Stone which ends up in the dispenser above the chest

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 28
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 28

Step 9. Go back along the way, but walk in the direction of the levers instead of heading to the stairs

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 29
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 29

Step 10. The levers can be operated in the correct sequence to open a passage to the left of the stairs leading to the upper level

Alternatively, you can operate the center lever and dig the wall behind it

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 30
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 30

Step 11. In this space you can find both a few more pieces of Red Stone, as well as a chest, Red Stone Repeaters, and Sticky Pistons

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 31
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 31

Step 12. In a Jungle Temple, there are a total of 15 pieces of Red Stone Dust

Method 5 of 6: Method 5: Barter

It may happen that a village Priest may offer to trade 2-4 pieces of Red Stone for an Emerald. Emeralds can only be found while mining in the Extreme Relief biome.

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 32
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 32

Step 1. Find a village

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 33
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 33

Step 2. The best place to find a priest is a large tower:

look if you see one.

The priests wear purple cassocks

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 34
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 34

Step 3. With the right mouse button, click on the priest and see what he offers for the barter

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 35
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 35

Step 4. If you have any Red Stone, put an Emerald in the barter box and drag the Red Stone to your inventory

Method 6 of 6: Method 6: Witches

Witches are enemies found only in the huts of the Swamp biome, and can release Red Stone Dust.

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 36
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 36

Step 1. Find a Swamp biome

The Marshes are characterized by the presence of water lilies, climbing plants on trees, cloudy water and grass

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 37
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 37

Step 2. Locate a swamp hut and the witch inside it

The Witch

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 38
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 38

Step 3. Kill the witch

Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 39
Mine Redstone in Minecraft Step 39

Step 4. When a witch is killed, she can release up to 6 pieces of Red Stone Dust


  • Not in all the Jungles there are temples.
  • The best way to kill a witch is with a bow. Its range is greater than the distance a witch casts potions.
  • When in a cave, remember to leave any torches or other signs behind you to help you find the exit!
  • Make sure your mine is above the Mother Rock. If not, you'll have to dig around.
  • If you have shears, you can cut the trap rope in a Jungle Temple without letting it trigger
  • Illuminating caves while exploring them makes it easier to find minerals on the floor, ceiling or walls.
  • Villages are found only in lowland biomes (Plains, Savannah or Desert).
  • A Witch cannot attack while regaining strength, so it is good to land the first blow.
