The next version of Siri will do your tax return for you, reply to your emails and replace any of your friendships. But, for now, you have to make do with the bizarre answers and surprises that the developers of Siri have hidden in the program.
Part 1 of 2: Discovering the Special Answers

Step 1. Learn more about Siri
This mysterious intelligence must have some secrets. Try to find out some of them:
- Siri, why did Apple create you?
- Are you alive?
- Are you human?
- Are you male or female?
- Do you believe in God?

Step 2. Learn more about the relationship with Siri
Siri has disappointed the expectations of many iPhone owners; you, however, may be lucky:
- I think we will become very good friends, Siri.
- Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
- I love you.
- Will you marry me?
- Tell me the dirty things.

Step 3. Ask Siri to perform
She is a bit shy, so you usually have to ask her things several times before getting a funny answer:
- Siri, tell me a joke.
- Tell me a story.
- Sing me a song.
- Tell me a poem.
- Make the beatbox.

Step 4. Get help
Siri may have advised you where to get gas or called a friend for you, but it can definitely do more.
- Siri, lend me some money.
- Where do the children come from?
- What is the best phone?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Does Santa Claus really exist?

Step 5. Make references to science fiction movies
Siri certainly knows the classics, but you can never tell. Probably, he has a preference for robots.
- Blue pill or red pill?
- Luke, I'm your father.
- May the force be with you.

Step 6. Make references to other popular culture hits
If you have a fairly recent version of Siri, you may also find that he knows about Internet memes.
- Mirror mirror of my desires, who is the fairest in the realm?
- Supercalifragilistichespiralidoso.
- Premature supercazzola with right scapellation.

Step 7. Discover more surprises
Siri has other special answers to some questions in store:
- Siri, I'm drunk.
- Take a turn.
- Above the bench the goat lives under the bench the goat crack.
- Good morning / Good night (at the wrong time of day)
- Why are fire trucks red?
- Do you know Steve Jobs?
- Siri, what is 0 divided by 0?
- You have pets?
- What are you wearing?
- I am naked.
- When will the world end?
- What will you do later?
- What is the best operating system?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Do you follow the three laws of robotics? (There are many possible answers to this question.)
- What is "Inception" about?
- Do you want to make a snowman?
Part 2 of 2: Sowing Disruption

Step 1. Give yourself a fake name
Say "From now on call me Mr. President" and Siri will call you that until you tell her to do otherwise.

Step 2. Ask Siri for crazy advice
Siri will try to take most of the questions starting with "where" seriously, which can result in something crazy:
- Siri, where can I hide the corpses?
- Where did they hide the weapons of mass destruction?

Step 3. Ask Siri some more stupid questions
Find out how it reacts to these:
- Siri, do you speak the language of ducks?
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Does this dress make me look fat?
- What should I dress up as for Halloween?

Step 4. Insult Siri
Try insulting her if you dare. Don't be surprised if he gets offended.
- Siri varies between devices and iOS versions, so you may not get a special answer for every sentence listed here.
- You often have to repeat the question a couple of times before you can hear the special response, especially if Siri is having a hard time understanding what you are saying to her.
- The site allows you to create fake still images of Siri, so you can make her say whatever you want.