Although the etiquette of e-mails is less strict, to write a letter you must follow the rules of grammar and etiquette. A business or personal letter should begin with a title or header that identifies the sender, content and date.
Method 1 of 2: Make a Business Letter Heading

Step 1. Open a document from a writing program
You can use a computer writing program or a sheet of paper in a typewriter, but in any case, a business letter should always be written, printed and signed by hand.

Step 2. If available, use a sheet of letterhead
It should include the name of the person who writes, the company name, the address, the telephone number and the company logo. This information must be placed in the space reserved for the sender's address in the body of the letter.

Step 3. If you don't have letterhead, start the letter with your address
Put the street, city, state, zip code in the first two lines on the top right. Do not put your name or your title as they will appear in the closing at the end of the letter.
If you want to be contacted by email or phone, please indicate your email address or phone number

Step 4. Put the date
In Latin languages (eg: Italian, French, Spanish, German) a format such as "Rome, 4 May 2014" or "Rome, 2014-05-04" is used. (corresponding to day / month / year). The date must be inserted two lines below the address, on the left.
- In English-speaking countries (UK, USA, etc.) the dates are written with month, day, year. For example "Rome, May 4, 2014".
- There are various versions of where to put the date. Check other letters from your company to follow suit.

Step 5. Write the recipient's address two lines below the date, on the left of the page
This is also known as an “internal address” and should indicate the recipient's name with title, address in US Post Office or Royal Mail format. Indicate the name of the company, if any, in a line between the person's name and the address.
- The paragraphs of a business letter are separated by spaces and begin left-aligned, with no indentations for the address, date or paragraphs.
- If you are writing a letter abroad, write the name of the country in capital letters on the last line of the address.
- The internal address should be about 2.5 cm below the date, if the date is on the left side, or a line spacing under the date, if the date is aligned on the right.

Step 6. Press the "Enter" key twice
It begins with the greetings with "Dear Mr. Rossi" or "Dear President Rossi". After the greetings put a comma.

Step 7. Now write the contents of the letter
Conclude with formal greetings, signature and your name and title.
Method 2 of 2: Make a Personal Letter Heading

Step 1. Choose some patterned letter paper
Unlike business letters, many personal letters are handwritten on decorated paper with the initials or full name of the person writing at the top of the page.

Step 2. Write your address in the upper right corner only if the recipient does not already know it
Envelopes are often thrown away and putting the sender's address inside the letter is the best way to get a response. If you are familiar with the recipient, start from the date.
The sender's address must be written on two lines indicating the street and city, the postal code and the state. The name is not required

Step 3. Write the date two lines below your address on the right or left
Use the day, month and year format. For example September 15, 2014.
Personal letters must be sent immediately after being written, so that they do not lose their meaning with the passage of time

Step 4. The address of the recipient is not included in a personal letter
If you are writing a complaint letter or a letter to an organization, you must follow the rules of business letters.

Step 5. Begin the letter with “Dear- Dearest XXXX”
The degree of formality depends on the degree of confidence you have with the person you are writing to. Always put a comma after the greetings.
- You can use "Dear Mr. Rossi", "Dear Paolo Rossi" or "Dear Paolo".
- Continue the letter with the various paragraphs, a closing formula, the signature and the attachments.