3 Ways to Stop the Development of a Yeast Infection

3 Ways to Stop the Development of a Yeast Infection
3 Ways to Stop the Development of a Yeast Infection

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A yeast infection, which in the medical world is referred to as candidiasis, is more easily found on the skin, mouth or vaginal region. These infections can be very unpleasant, so it is important to start treatment as soon as you notice symptoms. Read on to learn more. If you are looking for information on how to diagnose a yeast infection, read this article.


Method 1 of 3: Home Remedies

While these home remedies can be helpful in combating symptoms and can also be effective in treating yeast infections, it is always good to combine them with drug treatments.

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 1
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 1

Step 1. Drink onion water

Onions contain allicin, a nutrient that slows down and kills the body's bad bacteria. Consuming onion products also helps strengthen the immune system, which can, in turn, fight yeast infection. To prepare this solution, you can mash the onion pieces and boil them in water or add an onion seed extract to boiling water. Drink a teaspoon of onion juice a day. While the flavor may be a little tart, you will be rewarded with the positive effects.

If you have a juicer, you can juice some onions to give your immune system the necessary momentum, plus the juice is an antibacterial agent

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 2
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 2

Step 2. Increase your garlic intake

Garlic stimulates immune cells which block the development of fungal and bacterial infections. Garlic also contains allicin, which boosts the immune system by fighting infections. Eat four grams of garlic every day for health benefits, or take supplements if eating it raw isn't really your thing.

If you have candidiasis on the skin, you can rub a clove of garlic on the affected area

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 3
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 3

Step 3. Use a combination of salt and sun

One of the best ways to fight any skin infection is to take a dip in the sea and then let the skin dry naturally in the sun, so it stays salty. The salt works by drying and eliminating the skin infection.

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 4
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 4

Step 4. Immerse yourself in an Epsom salt bath

If you are not near the ocean or the sea, take a salt water bath. Fill the tub with hot water and add 450 grams (or 1 to 3 cups) of Epsom salt. You can also add baking soda, another substance used to fight skin infections, as well as essential oils. The most common ones used in an Epsom salt bath are:

Lavender, rose, patchouli and eucalyptus oil

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 5
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 5

Step 5. Eat yogurts that contain Lactobacillus acidophilus

Some doctors urge you to consume yogurt with live cultures that include Lactobacillus acidophilus which are good bacteria that fight yeast infection. You can find these types of yogurt in almost any grocery store.

Method 2 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

As with home remedies, by making lifestyle changes, the fight against a yeast infection will be more effective, although, even in this case, it is advisable to combine the intake of drugs.

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 6
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 6

Step 1. Wash twice a day

While showering or bathing twice a day can change your daily schedule, it's important to stay as clean as possible to combat candidiasis. However, do not use chemical cleaners, because they can kill the necessary good bacteria without having great benefits in reducing the infection.

Women suffering from vaginal infections should take a bath instead of a shower. Bathing can help rid the vaginal area of yeast

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 7
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 7

Step 2. Use towels to dry yourself

It is important that the body dries up as well as possible after a shower or bath. Yeast lives in humid environments, so it is important to take a clean and dry towel to get rid of persistent moisture. Make sure you wash the towel after using it.

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 8
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 8

Step 3. Wear loose fitting clothing

If the yeast infection is found in the vaginal area or on the skin, it is important to wear comfortable clothes that allow the skin to breathe. This is particularly important if the infection is vaginal. Wear cotton underwear and avoid silk or nylon clothing, as these two fabrics don't let you breathe.

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 9
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 9

Step 4. Avoid using any products that may worsen the infection

In particular, you need to avoid soaps that may kill off good bacteria, as well as feminine hygiene sprays or powders. Although it is sometimes advised to use sprays or powders to combat some of the side effects of yeast infections, these products can actually irritate the skin further.

Method 3 of 3: Pharmacological Treatments

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 10
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 10

Step 1. Fight skin candidiasis

For this type of infections, doctors generally recommend antifungal creams that are applied directly to the affected area. These treatments are usually able to clear the infection within a couple of weeks. The two most common antifungal creams are miconazole and econazole based.

Wash the affected area with water and then dry it very well. The skin doesn't have to be damp at all. Apply the recommended amount (read the directions on the leaflet) and then let it absorb into the skin

Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 11
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 11

Step 2. Treat vaginal yeast infection

You can take over-the-counter medications for this treatment or have your doctor prescribe a specific one. If episodes of infection are rare and have only mild or moderate symptoms, you can take cream medications, oral tablets, or pessaries that are inserted directly into the vagina.

  • The most common cream drugs include miconazole and itraconazole.
  • The most common oral antifungals you can take are fluconazole (Diflucan) based.
  • A complex yeast infection should be treated for 1-2 weeks rather than several days or, in the case of some oral medications, only one tablet can be taken to complete the course of treatment.
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 12
Stop a Developing Yeast Infection Step 12

Step 3. Stop the infection in the mouth with a medical mouthwash

Talk to your doctor about prescriptions for oral medications you can take. Those oral antifungals are available in the form of tablets, lozenges or medical mouthwash with which to rinse in the mouth and which can be ingested.
