There is no person who has not emitted intestinal gas in public. It is quite natural and, in some cases, inevitable; however, it is an embarrassing situation for most people. There are techniques to hide the smell, reduce the chances of being detected and muffle the noise.
Method 1 of 3: Reduce the Chances of Being Detected

Step 1. Step away
This method is the most used. If you've been quietly giving off gas in public and really couldn't do anything to stop it, leave.
- Even if you have to stay in the room you are in, you can move from place to place; if you are not in the area where most of the stink is, people will not be able to understand that you are responsible.
- If you feel the need to free yourself, do it as you walk, so that the smell spreads over a larger space.
- If you realize that you are going to have a fart, it would be better to go outside; if you can even leave the room right after, that's even better.

Step 2. Hide the smell
If you've already released the gas, do whatever it takes to disguise or reduce the stench.
- If you have cologne or perfume in your bag, sprinkle some. Some restaurants and hotels make perfume available to guests in the bathrooms; deodorant is also a good solution.
- Take a perfumed sanitizer and apply it naturally on your hands. You are less likely to be considered the "culprit" if you show yourself carelessly busy doing other things and if you are using something scented.
- If you don't have cologne or perfume, remember that hairspray can also come in handy.

Step 3. Move to a place where there is already a bad smell
One of the best techniques for getting rid of gas in public is to do it in a smelly area.
- For example, suppose you are at the supermarket and feel the need to release air: move to the fish or seafood counter!
- Another useful area for this is near the garbage cans; people might think that the bad smell comes from the garbage and not from you.
- The bathrooms are obviously the most appropriate place, if you can control yourself until you reach them. People don't expect these places to smell good.

Step 4. Act cautiously when in a couple
When you're on a romantic date, it's harder to get away to break free; in this case, you have to completely hide the "wrongdoing".
- Before releasing the gas, walk behind the other person. This technique is similar to the one described in the first step, but in that case you spread the smell behind and away from your partner.
- Get rid of the fart before opening the door for the other person; in this way, the stench remains outside the cabin instead of inside the vehicle.
- Apologize and go to the bathroom. The partner is likely to think that you really need to go to services and not that you need to emit gas.

Step 5. Contract your glutes
If you move your butt in the right way, you may be able to weaken and dampen flatulence when you feel it coming; sometimes it is useful to sit down.
- Contract your glutes as much as you can. If you can hold this position long enough, you should be able to weaken the gas output. Release the air onto a cushion or other soft surface to muffle the sound.
- Slightly separating the buttocks helps to dissipate the pressure with which the air is expelled; It's not easy to practice this move without being seen, but you can try to do it quickly behind a wall or in the bathroom.
- Releasing a few air at a time should make the fart less noticeable. Proceed at 30-second intervals until you are completely free. Be careful not to get dirty, sometimes he defecates a bit involuntarily during the release of gas; to avoid this, try to evacuate completely every time you go to the bathroom.
Method 2 of 3: Blame Someone Else

Step 1. Blame another person
You can't prove someone else farted, but chances are you can direct the suspicions on him and not on you.
- Use the rule of three. This means that you only have to free yourself when you are in a group of three or more people.
- In this situation it is easier for everyone to suspect everyone, but it is more difficult to identify the author. The main factor is to emit the air as quietly as possible; you can accuse another directly or make it clear that you are disgusted by the smell and ask who emitted it.
- But don't react until someone else does. When you see the other group members sniff the air and start realizing that someone has been emitting flatulence, your time has come. Act as if you are disgusted and only make it clear after another person has raised the issue. If you make accusations too soon, you may be singled out as the "culprit" under the old saying "the first hen that sings laid the egg".

Step 2. Stay close to the right person
It is terrible to say, but if you want to make others believe that the crime was not done by you, you must choose the right individual to be close to.
- For example, infants and young children cannot speak to deny the allegations, and most people aren't surprised if they release flatulence.
- A person who wears dirty clothes or who is not always very clean could be another perfect "exhalation" goat.
- Older people and pets are other great "victims," but it's not very fair to blame grandma for something you did.

Step 3. Take responsibility
You could actually "earn points" by simply confessing and admitting that you are responsible for the stench.
- Apologize and act like this is completely normal; people probably laugh a little or feel slightly uncomfortable, but eventually forget about it.
- You could mention cartoon character Peter Griffin who is well known for his "farts" in public.
- Just say, "Yeah, it was me. I'm really sorry, I tried to stop her but obviously I couldn't." It is something that concerns everyone, sooner or later every person lives this experience.
Method 3 of 3: Making Noise to Hide the Fart

Step 1. Handle the situation in the elevator
The worst place to release abdominal gas (other than in the car) is the elevator. If you feel you can't do without it, there are some remedies to minimize the problem.
- Try to hold back until the doors open; the good news is that they always make noise when opening and closing.
- Also, new people come in on each floor and more people come out.
- As a result, people who just walked in may accuse those who just walked out of farting in the elevator (and you can join in the cheers of disapproval without fear of being proven wrong). However, it is always better to remain silent, because there are so many suspects, but no one will ever know who to accuse.

Step 2. Wait for noise
If you are concerned about making sounds, wait for something naturally noisy to happen before you free yourself.
- For example, if you are in the cinema, wait until there is a particularly loud sound effect.
- At the restaurant, you can wait for the waiter to make noise with the dishes or for the couple who is talking loudly to pass right by your table.
- At a family reunion, wait for music to play or for someone to toast or laugh at a joke.

Step 3. Make noise yourself
Instead of waiting for "outside help", you can give it yourself when you feel you are about to release air.
- Cough loudly as soon as you are about to make a fart; cough repeatedly, as if you are having a fit and then ask for a glass of water.
- Move the chair noisily by dragging it across the floor or otherwise. If you are sitting on a vinyl surface, move your body so that the legs make noise creating friction; pretend it's the chair creak.
- If the situation allows, start singing, talking loudly, sneezing, or fiddling with the plate.

Step 4. Reduce your gas production first
If you are concerned about flatulence when in public, do something to limit the phenomenon before you leave the house.
- A pinch of cayenne pepper dissolved in a glass of water is believed to minimize gas formation. Ginger is also helpful, eating and drinking slowly, avoiding sodas, smoking, and using antacids.
- Do not chew gum as this habit promotes flatulence. Do not consume foods known to cause this problem, such as beans; gases are produced when the digestive system struggles to separate certain foods into energy and waste.
- Milk and its derivatives, starches such as pasta and potatoes, some fruits (plums, peaches, apricots), certain vegetables (cauliflower, peas, Brussels sprouts) and certain cereals (wheat and oat bran) cause flatulence.
- Remember that it is a natural phenomenon; it is completely normal and, contrary to what you may believe, it also affects girls.
- Don't be the first to ask questions about noise.
- Silent emissions are the ones that stink the most.
- Wash your hands if necessary.