Negative comments from your enemies, or from people who hate you, can put you in a bad mood and offend you. Learn how to deal with them …

Step 1. If you don't know why they hate you, ask them calmly and politely
But don't get close to your enemies if you think they might hurt you, physically attack you, or publicly embarrass you. If they behave badly towards you, if you notice that their reaction is violent, go away and try to avoid them until they are civilized again. Some people deserve a second chance to understand their mistakes and behave better around you, others will never change, so there's no point in trying to reason with them, accept that they just don't like you.

Step 2. Pay no attention to everything they say
It is likely that if they insult you, they do it out of envy. So don't pay attention to them, don't let them offend you, don't give weight to their words. Remember that they are only provoking you and waiting for your reaction, so the best way to not satisfy them is to not react. Don't give them consideration and don't talk to them, ignore them completely. After some time they may get tired and ask you for explanations.

Step 3. Surround yourself with friends who appreciate you and who love you
Being close to the right people will make you more confident and make you realize that you don't have to care about the judgment of people who hate you as long as you have good friends next to you.

Step 4. If they behave violently towards you, or continue to offend and demoralize you, and even ignoring them has not solved anything, tell them clearly that their behavior is making you feel bad and that you would like to know why
If they continue to offend you in the future you will need to stop taking it for their comments, and understand that what they say is probably a lie.

Step 5. If you know the reason for their hatred, be mature enough to admit your faults
Holding a grudge and not apologizing might seem like the only thing to do, but, if it depends on you, try to remedy your mistakes. Apologize and be honest, if they don't accept your words, all you have to do is start ignoring them.

Step 6. Respect your enemies as you respect your friends, when they need help be willing to help them
This will make him realize how good and generous you are. Compliment them and try not to offend them, not to judge them, even if they don't behave well with you. If this doesn't work, talk to your friends and calm down, take a deep breath and try again. Learn not to give weight to the words of your enemies and not to lose control. Staying calm is very important, when the situation between you gets complicated, control yourself and invent an excuse to walk away, it is better to leave the scene than to lose your head in anger.

Step 7. Don't let them take advantage of your kindness, if someone is always being hostile to you there is no point in continuing to strive to make things better
Don't let your enemies drain your energy. If you continue to help your enemies, people who don't deserve it may continually take advantage of you. Get rid of their negative shadow and forget about them, give them exactly what they deserve.
- When you address them, think about talking first.
- Don't be afraid of them.
- Sometimes the enemies with their behavior just try to attract attention.
- Don't act like those losers.
- Don't argue with them.
- Do not let them hurt you.
- Face them without fear.