From time to time, each of us is bound to be selfish. Although there are many elements of society that encourage it, selfishness hurts other people, sometimes even without any real results. A selfish person tends to lose friends and loved ones because it makes any type of relationship difficult to maintain, no matter how charming or interesting it may be. A truly selfish person will never consider the possibility that others may be too. Many think that pride and selfishness are two positive factors, and that putting the needs of others before their own is a sign of weakness and stupidity.
Step 1. Try to develop empathy towards other people and other living creatures
Give yourself time to imagine how they feel, what hurts them, and what makes them happy. Open your heart.
Step 2. Look for a way to help; anticipates the needs and feelings of others
Hang out with kind people and reciprocate their kindness. Spending your time with other selfish people won't help you become a better person. The people around us define and influence our way of being.
Step 3. Listen
There is a big difference between perceiving something and intentionally hearing what others have to say. Make an effort to see problems from someone else's point of view.
Step 4. Don't interrupt people
Allow them to finish their sentences. Remember that your opinion can always wait. If you have to say something urgent, like I have to go, apologize before you speak.
Step 5. Put the needs of others before your own
Pay attention to the people in your life and find out what their needs are.
Step 6. Reflect on the personality of others
When choosing a gift or birthday card, buy something that reflects the personality of the recipient. Don't just buy something because it's affordable.
Step 7. Remember birthdays
Forgetting an important date will cause someone suffering. Fortunately, you can always get forgiven if that happens.
Step 8. Stay in touch with friends, family and relatives
Step 9. Volunteer
Step 10. Be honest and fair
Step 11. Consider the advice of people close to you
Follow them if you believe they make sense.
Step 12. If you have to ask someone for a favor, offer to do something in return
Step 13. Compliment other people
Don't just praise yourself.
Step 14. Be considerate and include everyone you know when planning an invitation-only party or event
Nobody likes to be left out.
Step 15. Don't skip the queue
If you see a person in trouble, slow down or help them instead of speeding up to overcome them.
Step 16. Be on time
If you know you're late, let us know with a phone call.
Step 17. Give your time or kindness to the people who need it
Random gestures of kindness will make you feel good too.
Step 18. Don't take another person's actions or words personally
- Hug those who need it. Don't hold back the emotions or the tears because of your ego.
- Changing yourself will take time, but recognizing that you are wrong is taking an important first step.
- Learn to stop judging others and make an effort to understand them.
- Offer your encouragement to other people because we all need it.
- Don't hate yourself because you think you can't change, you'll get the desired results.
- Don't expect to be a saint overnight.
- Use fewer words like "me" or "I".
- If there's only one cookie left and you're not the only one who wants it, leave it to others or offer to share it
- Don't flaunt your good deeds. The purpose of being thoughtful and kind is to do the right thing and not get glory.
- Don't be insolent to people just because you're stressed out.