4 Ways to Make Your Free Time Worthwhile

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4 Ways to Make Your Free Time Worthwhile
4 Ways to Make Your Free Time Worthwhile

Sudden changes in life can lead to you having more free time than you used to before. Occupy him with useful activities in order to increase creativity, energy, enthusiasm and satisfaction. Try developing a new hobby, learning a language, volunteering for a local government, or joining a religious organization.


Method 1 of 4: Learning new Skills

Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 7
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 7

Step 1. Take an adult or public university course

Use your free time to learn something that doesn't directly impact your job or career. Devote yourself to learning for the sake of discovery, without the pressure of reaching a goal.

For example, you may have always wanted to learn more about archeology, ballet, goldsmithing, first aid or paragliding

Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 9
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 9

Step 2. Go gardening

This is a great pastime, allowing you to create food for family and friends with your own hands. Cacti are wonderful plants that produce beautiful flowers, as well as surviving in almost any conditions. Alternatively, you can try aromatic herbs, which are easy to grow, fun to use in the kitchen and for craft projects.

If you are already an experienced gardener, redesign your garden or plant something new. Try experimenting and creating a meditation garden or a Persian one

Step 3. Turn cooking into a source of joy instead of a duty

Making new recipes is a fun way to pass the time if you're doing it for pleasure and not out of necessity. Find a recipe book and try something new, otherwise look in the fridge and pantry, then search the internet for dishes that use the ingredients available to you (for example, search for "broccoli pineapple chili recipe").

  • Spend an afternoon making desserts and learning new techniques you've never used before.
  • Once you learn some tasty recipes, invite your loved ones to dinner.

Step 4. Learn a language

This is a great way to keep your mind busy in your free time. It can help you better understand foreign cultures and learn about other parts of the world. Buy a book that teaches the basics of the language you are interested in on the internet or in bookstores. You can also read magazines and books, or watch foreign language films and TV shows.

Learning a new language allows you to communicate with non-Italian speaking people in your community

Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 8
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 8

Step 5. Paint or draw as a hobby

Making works of art is a great pastime - it allows you to express your personality and learn a new skill. Try various types of paint, such as tempera, enamel, fresco, oil paint, ink, watercolor, pastel, or graffiti. If you're more interested in drawing, grab a notebook and some charcoal.

  • The world of art and crafts is an endless source of ideas for a hobby; only within the painting there are decides of techniques to be experimented.
  • Get the supplies at a local art or hobby store.

Method 2 of 4: Helping your community

Step 1. Become part of a church, synagogue, mosque or temple

This is a risk-free way to meet interesting people and participate in the social life of your community, as well as develop your spirituality. Search the internet for all the confessions that exist in your area.

  • You don't have to follow a series of precepts to spend your time in a religious organization;
  • For example, Universalist Unitarians, who are born of Christian roots, welcome and accept people of all religions, including agnostics, atheists, pagans, free thinkers, secular humanists and liberals of all kinds.
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 5
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 5

Step 2. Spend your free time as a volunteer for an organization that is involved in keeping the community clean

Volunteering is an ideal way to be active in your community and make new friends. By helping to clean up your city you will improve the environment in the neighborhood and spend time outdoors.

Try to recruit other volunteers from local churches, youth organizations (such as Boy Scouts) or charities

Step 3. Volunteer at a soup kitchen

They are often organized by charities. If you like the idea of spending your time doing good for your community, contact the organizers of a local canteen and ask what you can do to help. They might hire you to ask for food from local supermarkets or for donations from church members.

  • If you don't like the idea of working in a soup kitchen, there are many other ways to volunteer, such as recovering used clothes or raising money for local charities.
  • You will find that volunteering is an extremely rewarding experience that helps many people.

Step 4. Write for free for charities via the internet

If you live in a rural, remote area or if you prefer to have interactions online rather than in person, you can volunteer over the internet. For example, work as a web designer for a non-profit organization for free or write newsletters for Caritas. This activity can make you feel accomplished and allows you to meet new people.

To find many more volunteer opportunities online (and in person), visit VolunteerMatch at

Method 3 of 4: Develop Your Career

Step 1. Build business relationships in your spare time

Just because you have already stamped the card does not mean that you cannot advance your career or develop professional bonds. Call friends of friends and invite a couple of colleagues for lunch, or stay in the office late after a meeting and invite a few people you don't know well to have a drink at the bar.

Even if you don't mind spending time making business relationships, commit to dedicating at least a few hours a week to this activity, so as to create bonds with other people when you are not in a hurry, pressing obligations and deadlines imposed by the your boss or yourself

Step 2. Plan your agenda

Between work, meetings, professional obligations, social gatherings and other daily activities, it's easy to get overwhelmed with commitments. Spend 10 minutes of your free time arranging the calendar. Write down and organize the dates and times when you have plans to reduce stress and not miss appointments.

If you don't already have an agenda, write down all your plans on your mobile calendar. This helps you organize yourself better and always remember your commitments

Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 12
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 12

Step 3. Make friends with people at school, office, church, or in your community

Don't hide when you have free time. Contact the people you care about and meet them. Schedule weekly or monthly outings with friends, organize impromptu events from time to time, and stay up to date on the lives of relatives you haven't seen for a long time.

Relationships with other people give you the opportunity to share ideas, have fun and regain energy

Method 4 of 4: Deal with Health and Wellness

Step 1. Read more

Whether you are interested in fictional works, history, poetry, philosophy or biographies, reading engages your mind and gives you the impression that you have not wasted your free time. It also allows you to broaden your horizons and improve your vocabulary. Books also help open your mind to points of view and cultures you don't know well.

To find fun books to read, go to a local library or bookstore

Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 10
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 10

Step 2. Make time for a pet

If you don't already have a pet, it's a good time to get it. Pets require regular care and help you pass the time by playing, walking or preparing their food. If you are planning to adopt a pet, go to a local shelter.

  • Dogs and cats are the most common animals for very good reasons. They are fun, loving, loving, and can be left alone for hours.
  • If you don't have a lot of time to devote to an animal or if you prefer a less demanding option, try a fish.
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 11
Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things Step 11

Step 3. Focus on your spirituality

Free time is the ideal time for spiritual activities, because it gives you the opportunity to relax, reflect, think about the really important things and the purpose of life. Even if you are not religious, spirituality is very important to all people and caring for this side of you is crucial for your health.

  • After a few weeks of praying you can begin to notice positive results in your life - you will be calmer, more focused and centered.
  • The centering prayers use a method similar to meditation in a Christian context.

Step 4. Learn to meditate

Sit quietly for 20 minutes and breathe naturally. Count the breaths to 10, then start over. The idea of meditation is to focus on something so that you are fully living in the present and not letting your mind wander. This activity can calm you down, as well as help you avoid negative thoughts and feelings.

Step 5. Exercise to stay fit

Make the most of your free time in a healthy way by dedicating an hour to training. When you're not too busy, you have the option to get moving, whether you decide to lift weights in the garage or do push-ups in the living room. If you're short on time, work out for 15-30 minutes at home.

  • Develop a personalized training program based on the time available to you. If you have several hours a day, train at home or run a few kilometers.
  • If you'd rather leave the house to work out, join a local gym to lift weights and gain muscle mass or to run on treadmills. You can also run to the park near your home or office, or maybe join a local rock climbing group.


  • If you are looking for a new hobby, consider the following activities: learn a new programming language, write a story or play, create jewelry, learn web design, engage in amateur photography or dance. You can also become a carpenter or start playing an instrument.
  • Don't spend all your time with activities. You won't have much fun with too many things to do. Free time should be a time of relaxation, not chaos.
  • Try the new experiences for some time. An activity that seems difficult at first to you may start to like it and become rewarding after a few tries.
  • Only you can decide how to spend your free time. If you'd rather stop volunteering, going to church, or pursuing a hobby, don't feel guilty.
  • Try to relax when you are not busy.
