From time to time, we all get bored, especially during the summer holidays. Here are some tips to get rid of boredom. Good fun!

Step 1. Internet
As you know, the Internet is the ideal tool to chase away boredom! Allows access to tons of cool sites and other great content! All you have to do is explore them. Start with Google, the most famous site in the world, from here you can really find everything:
- Computer games (such as
- Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and others.
- Chat where you can talk to people from all parts of the world.
- Wikipedia where you can get all the information you need.
- wikiHow, where you can read, edit and write new articles.
- Sites where you can learn a new language.
- Virtual cities.
- Programs for drawing.
- Google Earth, which allows you to travel and explore every inch of the Earth.
- YouTube - for sharing videos and music, etc.

Step 2. Improve your social status
Invite friends over for a sleepover or start a study group (which is a great way to meet new people). Try going out with friends and storm the nearest mall! You can also go to the cinema or to a restaurant… you'll have a blast!

Step 3. Exercise
Holidays are the perfect time to start exercising. Try moving with a friend of yours, you will see that you will have a lot of fun. Go to the gym or sign up for a Pilates, Yoga or any other class you find interesting. You can buy an aerobics DVD and start exercising with a friend, sister, parent or other person you like (partner sports = better results and lots of fun together). Plus, you can put your favorite music on your iPod or other player and go jogging. Try it, it will be fun. Good luck!

Step 4. Study
Yes, you shouldn't spend all your free time studying - the most important thing is to relax and disconnect from school. But the point is, you shouldn't postpone studying, because you'll wake up one day and say, "Man! I have a lot of homework to do and I'm not ready at all!" you will get stressed out, which is a bad thing, and the situation will not be easy. So, take things seriously - you need it. If you study regularly a little at a time in your free time, it will be more effective "and" will save you time, compared to studying all day before a test because you are not ready. If studying makes you nervous because you aren't very good at it, try reading articles on "How to Learn Effectively" or consider hiring someone for help.

Step 5. Read
Reading isn't for geeks, it's actually fun. Eventually, everyone manages to find their own kind of books (horror, romance, thriller, etc.). You can go to the nearest library or bookstore and take a look at what they offer.

Step 6. Reserve some time for yourself
If you have some free time, you can simply use it for yourself. Take a couple of hours for body and soul: take a beauty bath, relax, breathe, take care of your skin and body, listen to relaxing music and create your own personal wellness center in your home.

Step 7. Get plenty of sleep
Weekends and holidays are ideal times to catch up on some sleep.