Cats need love and care to live a healthy life. Therefore, if loved and cared for properly, your cat will return your affection. This guide will help you enrich your relationship with your furry friend.
Part 1 of 3: Understanding the Cat

Step 1. Treat the cat as an independent pet
Even if she relies on your care, she has a strong need for independence and personal space. Although he enjoys company, he is not always willing to interact with people. If you can strike a healthy balance between when you play together and when you allow him to be alone, he will love you more.
- One of the biggest mistakes you can make is treating it like a dog. Remember they are very different animals!
- Dogs are pack animals, originally bred to work alongside humans. On the contrary, cats are rather solitary, historically used to kill beasts that are harmful to humans.
- Don't be overwhelming with the cat and don't blame yourself for hiding from you sometimes. It is part of his nature.

Step 2. Don't resort to punishment
When a cat is punished with yelling or other aggressive measures, it is prone to run away. In most cases, he does not learn through the imposition of discipline, nor does he become attached to his master if he is treated badly.
- Don't beat him, or you will only make the situation worse.
- While spraying a little water is used to punish bad behavior, this tactic could make the cat fearful and distrustful of you.

Step 3. Discover his favorite treats
As with people, there are some foods that cats prefer over others. Find out what they are, and instead of trying to be strict, use some rewards to encourage him to behave correctly. Tastes vary from cat to cat, but a few tuna flakes or pieces of cooked chicken often turn out to be an irresistible snack. Give him these treats to make him grow fond of you.
- Avoid feeding him milk. Contrary to popular belief, dairy products are not healthy for these animals at all.
- Also avoid giving him chocolate, candy, raw eggs, raw meat or fish.
- Remember that rewards are no substitute for a full meal.

Step 4. Accept your cat's character
Although some behaviors are common in all felines, there are significant differences between one cat and another. Spend your time with him to find out what he prefers and what he hates. It is important to know and respect the nature of your cat to make it become attached.
Part 2 of 3: Communicating with the Cat

Step 1. Learn to respect her body language
Just like people, cats use the body as a form of communication to express everything from trust to fear. Their postures send important messages. For instance:
- If he arches his back, straightens the hair along his spine, and pulls out his claws, it means he feels threatened. In this case, leave it alone!
- If he brushes against you while pushing you, chances are he wants to play.
- If she curls her tail over you, she's probably expressing her contentment.
- If he hides his tail under or between his paws, he may feel anxious or insecure.

Step 2. Listen to the sounds it makes
Purring is a sign of affection and contentment. If he shows his teeth and starts to blow, it means you have to stay away from him. If it meows, it intends to attract attention to communicate any kind of need, from hunger to the desire to receive affection.
- Cats do not meow to each other, but to communicate with people.
- A constant meowing can indicate physical discomfort, so in these cases it would be advisable to take the cat to the vet.

Step 3. Avoid staring directly into his eyes for too long
While they are not aggressive when interacting with people, many cats may consider prolonged eye contact a threat. When he slowly opens and closes his eyelids facing you, he is communicating that he trusts you.
- The next time he starts blinking, try to copy his behavior.
- If you open and close your eyelids slowly, you communicate trust and availability, but also that you want to nurture an emotional relationship.

Step 4. Before picking up your cat, lean down towards him
Slowly lean towards the floor before lifting it. If he gets a chance to see you before you catch him, he is less likely to get scared.
Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of the Cat

Step 1. Keep it out of harm's way
If he is safe and secure, he will grow fonder. Make sure he has a quiet place to sleep, that he is not disturbed when he goes about his business, that he has easy access to food, and that he does not feel threatened by other family members or pets.
- Make sure the cat can't get close to poisonous substances.
- Keep pantry and cupboard doors closed, as cats are curious animals and can get in trouble.
- Equip it with a collar with a quick release buckle (in case it gets stuck) and a tag with all your contact information in case it gets lost.

Step 2. Feed him according to careful food planning
Cats are animals of habit. Don't change your meal times drastically or too often. When he behaves well, try to reward him with a few treats, but don't let them interfere with the main meal. To make it more affectionate, avoid frequently changing the kind or brand of food you buy.
- Cats can stay perfectly healthy by eating dry, canned food, or a combination of both.
- Most experts recommend feeding these animals no more than twice a day. In industrialized countries, one in five cats is obese. Remember that obesity can cause serious health problems.

Step 3. Don't neglect it
When you leave the house, make sure she has enough food and access to water. If you have to be away for an extended period of time, get someone to take care of him, clean the litter box and stimulate him. If neglected, he won't grow fond of you.
- Although cats are quite independent animals, they also need attention and hygienic care from people.
- If you go on vacation, consider taking him to a pet boarding house or hiring a cat sitter.

Step 4. Clean the litter box regularly
Cats love cleaning. If the litter box is dirty, they can find another place to go. Add a new layer of pebbles every day. Wash the container regularly with water and detergent.
- Do not suddenly change the type or brand of the litter box.
- If you switch to another type of litter box, use it gradually by mixing the new with the old.

Step 5. Brush it often
It will make him a huge pleasure! Brushing it regularly will keep the coat and skin healthy, prevent the coat from dulling and reduce hair loss and hairball formation. Furthermore, it is an excellent opportunity to discover knots, fleas or injuries, but also to strengthen the bond with your four-legged friend.
- Don't brush against the grain - it could cause stress and discomfort.
- Remember to brush it gently, making long, rather than small, sharp strokes.

Step 6. Play with him
The cat loves simple toys, which do not involve excessive expenditure. Try tying something to a piece of string so that it simulates an animal to be caught. Make toys that move quickly like rodents or flutter like birds. Your kitty will playfully pounce on them as you wave them in front of his eyes. Cats grow fond of owners who stimulate them through play.
Encourage him to jump on toys, not on your hands

Step 7. Give him a place to sharpen his nails
By nature, cats are prone to scratching surfaces and furniture in the home. However, it is possible to teach them to tear certain objects, especially those with rough surfaces, such as carpet or rather double hemp fabrics. Your furry friend will love you more if you give him an area of the house where he is allowed to sharpen his powerful claws.

Step 8. Consider buying or building a multi-story "cat tree" that also serves as a scratching post and can have fun in
He will love climbing and playing on this structure.

Step 9. Identify your preferences
Many cats prefer that among the people living in the house it is always the same to feed them. If your family is made up of several people, try to always feed them yourself. He will get used to it and will come to you right away if he's hungry or it's time for dinner.
Food is one of the best ways to get a cat to get attached to you
- These things take time. You cannot force your cat to become attached to you.
- Caress him all over to find places where he loves to be touched.
- Many cats love to be stroked under the chin.
- If he blows or scratches you, don't continue petting him. He'll get even more nervous. Instead, leave it alone for a while and try again later.
- Don't grab it and don't pull it by the tail. He can't stand it.