How to make your cat learn to know and love you

How to make your cat learn to know and love you
How to make your cat learn to know and love you

Table of contents:


It can be difficult to get to grips with cats. Most of them have an independent character and don't need constant interactions with humans to be happy. If you want to strengthen your bond with your cat, you also need to create a safe and positive environment for your cat. You also need to teach him to associate you with things he already likes, like food. It doesn't matter if your kitty is young or adult, know that you can build a great relationship with him with a little work and patience.


Method 1 of 2: Make a New Cat Sociable

Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 1
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 1

Step 1. Get to know your new cat as soon as possible

To build a strong bond with your cat, you first need to make sure they are comfortable with people in general. It is important to communicate with the cat from a young age for its future relationships with people.

  • If he can become friendly to people between 2 and 7 weeks of age, then there is a foundation for him to be friendly for the rest of his life.
  • Helping a cat socialize with humans also means holding it and encouraging it during development to interact with people and animals. These contacts with other beings must be pleasant if you want me to maintain them in the future.
  • Consider signing up for socialization courses. Your vet probably has some pointers and advice for you in this regard, which you can consider.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 2
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 2

Step 2. Be patient with older cats

If you have an adult cat, don't despair, you can still help him become familiar with humans. Positive interactions are effective at all ages and there are no limits to making friends with a feline friend.

  • Even if he is a wild cat (he has never lived with people) that is no more than four years old, know that you can get to know him.
  • Making an adult cat friendly takes a lot more time and patience. The steps that are described in this article apply to him as well, but be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot longer before he comes to accept you.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 3
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 3

Step 3. Create a comfortable environment for the animal

The cat is not willing to relate to humans if it does not feel comfortable and safe. Make sure that the atmosphere around is serene and non-threatening when you introduce a new cat into the house.

  • Start by putting him in a quiet room where he can feel comfortable; the bedroom is a good solution, as spending time here will help him get used to your smell. Then give him the opportunity to slowly explore the rest of the house, so that he becomes more familiar with the environment.
  • Provide him with comfortable and pleasant surfaces on which he can lie down or squat. A scratching post can be a good solution for a cat that needs some security and a place of its own.
  • Also make sure your cat has easy access to food, water, a litter box, and a place to get her nails done.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 4
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 4

Step 4. Keep a respectful distance

Don't hang around him all the time and don't overwhelm him with your presence. By staying calm and keeping your distance, you show him that you are not a threat and that he need not fear you.

  • This is especially important for older cats who are not used to spending time around people. If you show too much attention to such a cat, you can do more harm than good. Rather, you need to get him to get close to you.
  • Sit down to read or watch TV and ignore the cat. Leave some treats or food scattered around the room and encourage the animal to show itself and hunt for food. You will see that it will follow the delicacies and slowly get closer to you. At that point, stay still, do not touch it and do not talk to the kitten at first. Wait for him to get used to staying in the same room with you. Food is a way to create a positive association when you are nearby.
  • Let the cat get close to you. Hang or throw a toy at him to make yourself more interesting. Don't try to pet him the first few times, as you might frighten him. First you have to make sure that your presence is not threatening and only then you have to try to become familiar to the point of being able to caress it, even one caress at a time. Don't push too hard, though, or you'll have to start over to be able to gain her trust again.
  • Remember that it may take some time before the cat understands that you don't want to hurt him; does not know you yet. Show him all your love and be patient when you bring a new kitten home.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 5
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 5

Step 5. Use a pheromone diffuser to calm the cat if it is frightened

This device contains feline pheromones that have a calming action on the cat and can help him relax and calm down when he is anxious or agitated.

  • The pheromone diffuser is very simple to use. All you have to do is plug it into a power outlet, just like many room speakers you find on the market. Then, just check it periodically to make sure it doesn't run out of content.
  • These products are readily available in pet supply stores and online retailers.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 6
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 6

Step 6. Gently pat the cat when you invite him to come closer

Cats get nervous easily and get anxious or defensive if you try to show them affection when they're not looking for it. Make sure your cat associates you with deliberate and gentle attention, not anxiety.

  • Caress it gently if it rubs against you. When he starts rubbing himself on your body, he is showing you a friendly gesture. Strengthen the contact he is having with you and take the opportunity to caress him.
  • Cats like to have their head and neck scratched, they also love gentle stroking on the back, right where the spine meets the tail. If you caress him all over his back, however, you could stimulate him too much and also hurt him, risking being scratched or bitten.
  • You can give him a treat after caressing him to try to create a positive association with touch.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 7
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 7

Step 7. Pick up the cat when it is relaxed

Stroke it until you see it likes it and then grab it and put it in a nice spot in the sun or feed it. You need to make him associate being picked up with a positive thing.

  • Don't force him to stay in your arms if you see he doesn't want to, or you could ruin or compromise the trust you are building with him. This is especially important with older cats.
  • There may be times when you have to grab the cat against his will, for example when you have to put him in a pet carrier. In this case, act in the most delicate way possible, taking care to calm him down with a calm tone of voice, caressing him and possibly even giving him sweets.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 8
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 8

Step 8. See your vet if all else fails

Particularly fearful and anxious adult cats may need specific medications to facilitate the socialization process. Talk to your vet if you don't get the desired results with the advice in this tutorial.

There are medical animal behavior specialists who can help you in extreme cases. Ask your veterinarian to refer you to any of these professionals

Method 2 of 2: Build a Positive Relationship with the Cat

Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 9
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 9

Step 1. Make sure you are feeding the cat

When your cat begins to feel comfortable in your presence, you can begin to build a positive relationship with him. Food is a great stimulus and you have to make sure that the cat associates it with you; this will help them create a positive bond in your presence.

  • Give him two or three small meals a day, rather than leaving the food available in the bowl all the time, so you strengthen the association between you and the food. If you leave them with kibble all the time, you can still provide them with small meals of wet food for this purpose.
  • Stay in the room when your cat eats, again to strengthen the association between you and the food. Eventually you can also caress it.
  • If you also give him high-quality treats, you also make him understand that you are providing him with all the good and tasty things. Use treats to reinforce good behavior, such as rubbing against your leg or showing you affection.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 10
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 10

Step 2. Make sure your pet is spayed or neutered

It is easier for the cat to become attached to you if it does not have the instinct to mate.

Spaying or neutering is also important for limiting the cat population. This is even more true if your cat also spends time outdoors. If he is not spayed or neutered, contact a veterinary clinic or the association for the protection of animals in your area and make an appointment

Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 11
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 11

Step 3. Talk to your furry friend

You should talk to him often, using a calm, never threatening tone of voice. The tone of voice, with body language, conveys a message to him and you need to be sure that this message is gentle and gentle.

If you yell at your cat (or any other pet) you frighten him and make him distrust you. Even if he has misbehaved, you must make sure you never scold him

Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 12
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 12

Step 4. Play with him

Once he feels comfortable and approaches, dangle a toy or string to invite him to play. He may not even feel like playing with you all the time, so be sure to take the opportunity when he wants to, in order to create an emotional bond.

  • Many specimens like catnip. Consider purchasing a toy that contains it to encourage your cat to play.
  • You can be more successful and be able to play with the cat when he invites you to interact with him. For example, it can rub against your body or climb onto your lap. Even if you sometimes want to invite him to play by showing him a flashy toy or dangling rope, keep in mind that if he doesn't want to play, he will completely ignore you.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 13
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 13

Step 5. Keep your pet and its litter box clean

Cats need to have their fur and their surroundings always clean, to feel at ease. Clean the litter box regularly so it doesn't have to get into dirty sand. In fact, when it is dirty, the cat becomes anxious and unhappy and is induced to do its business in another place.

While your cat will most likely spend a lot of time brushing their fur, you should also brush and groom them to bond with them. Make sure you use a cat-specific brush or comb. Not all cats allow their owners to brush them, but some do enjoy the feeling of grooming. Furthermore, this procedure allows you to reduce the hair that is shedding at home, especially if your cat is of a long-haired breed

Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 14
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 14

Step 6. Keep your four-legged friend healthy

The cat can become reluctant and avoid people if they have untreated health problems. Make sure you take him to the vet regularly for medical checkups. Contact your vet if you notice any significant changes in his health or behavior.

  • Your cat may not understand that you are only doing his good by having him undergo frequent medical checks, but keeping him healthy is actually the best way to express your affection for him.
  • Likewise, the cat can't show you its affection when you put it in the crate to go to the vet, but the healthy years you can share should more than make up for it.
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 15
Get Your Cat to Know and Love You Step 15

Step 7. Recognize their displays of affection

Everyone knows purring is their best way to show joy. But not everyone knows that a slow wink is another way to show contentment and acceptance.

Try to respond to this by winking back at him. Some people call this a "cat kiss". Your furry friend may recognize this as a sign that you are not threatening and that you are a friend


  • Be patient. Some cats are more shy than others and need more time to get to know people. However, if you commit to him, the relationship you build will be worth the time and effort it takes.
  • While a kitten may be able to accept you and even bond emotionally very quickly, an adult cat, especially if it was stray or feral, needs a long time before being able to become familiar and, even when it shows affection, know that it will never become docile. like one you have kept since childhood. If you get an adult cat, be prepared for the fact that it will remain aloof and skittish for quite some time. You will have to be very patient with him.
