How to Call a Cat: 4 Steps

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How to Call a Cat: 4 Steps
How to Call a Cat: 4 Steps

Every cat is different and it's not always easy to decide what to call them, while being sure that they recognize you. But you can try a few methods - read on to find out which ones!


Call a Cat Step 1
Call a Cat Step 1

Step 1. Call your cat's name

If your cat knows their name well, it should be something that interests them. Always start teaching your cat to come to you as early as possible. Kittens (as in humans) learn faster and easier than adult cats. But, in any case, a beloved cat will be able to overcome the reluctance to learn to adulthood if they are given prizes and gifts.

Call a Cat Step 2
Call a Cat Step 2

Step 2. Pat your cat when she is on the ground or on the floor

Try to show him where he should come towards you. Another useful thing is to crouch where you are patting - in fact, the biggest reason the cat wants to come towards you is your presence, not the sound of your tapping. There should be some sound involved in getting your cat's attention. If the cat notices this, continue; otherwise, try something else.

Call a Cat Step 3
Call a Cat Step 3

Step 3. Use different special sounds to attract your cat

You will have to try different types of clicks, whistles, kissing noises, fake meowing, etc., which may attract your feline; then, use them ONLY to call him!

Call a Cat Step 4
Call a Cat Step 4

Step 4. Use rewards

Have bites ready to give him when he comes towards you - more, if he does it quickly. In this way, he will associate the speed with which he comes towards you with the very good rewards you give him - followed, of course, by a caress.


  • Caress your feline friend! (or may not trust to get close to you)
  • Play with him / her frequently or he may become overweight.
  • Reward him every time he answers your calls.
  • Before you get the toys you will use with him, call him by name. By doing so, he will associate his name with fun!


  • Avoid making noises that are too loud, which could frighten your cat.
  • If not kept properly, cats can scratch.
  • Don't give your cat too many treats, or he'll become overweight.
  • Never use force.
