How to Call a Function in Visual Basic: 3 Steps

How to Call a Function in Visual Basic: 3 Steps
How to Call a Function in Visual Basic: 3 Steps

Table of contents:


Are you stuck by the concept of "Function" in Visual Basic (VB)? If so, read this guide to learn about the constructs of functions according to the VB paradigms.


Call a Function in VB Step 1
Call a Function in VB Step 1

Step 1. What is a Function?

  • Use a Function when you need to get a value to the calling code.
  • The function itself has a type, and will call a value to the calling subroutine based on the code it contains.
Call a Function in VB Step 2
Call a Function in VB Step 2

Step 2. How to declare a Function?

  • You can define a Function procedure only at the module level. This means that a function's declaration context must be a class, structure, module, or interface, and cannot be a source file, namespace, procedure, or block.
  • A function is declared in the same way as a subroutine, with the only exception of using the word "Function" instead of "Sub".
  • The Function procedure is public access by default. You can adjust their access level with access modifiers.
Call a Function in VB Step 3
Call a Function in VB Step 3

Step 3. How to call a Function?

  • You call a Function procedure using the procedure name, followed by the argument in parentheses, in an expression.
  • You can omit the brackets if you are not providing any arguments. However, your code will be more readable if you always include parentheses.
  • You can also call a function using the Call statement, in which case the return value is ignored.
  • To get a value, assign a value of the appropriate type to the function name, as if it were a variable.



[access modifier] [procedure modifier] [share] Function name [(Of parameter list type)] [(parameter list)] [As return type] [statements] [Exit function] [statements] End Function


'Without Call Function_Name ()' With Call Call Function_Name ()


Below you will find an example of a function that adds two numbers

Private Function Addizione (ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer Dim Res as integer Res = x + y Addizione = Res End Function Private Sub Form_Carica () Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer a = 32 b = 64 c = Addition (a, b) MsgBox ("The sum is:" & c) End Sub
