How To Apply Sunscreen: 14 Steps

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How To Apply Sunscreen: 14 Steps
How To Apply Sunscreen: 14 Steps

You probably already know that you need to apply sunscreen when you lie down on the beach and soak up the sun. However, dermatologists recommend using it anytime you go outside for more than 20 minutes, even in winter. You should also wear sunscreen when you are in the shade or the sky is overcast. The sun's UV (ultraviolet) rays can cause skin damage in just 15 minutes! This damage can also cause cancer.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing Sun Protection

Apply Sunscreen Step 1
Apply Sunscreen Step 1

Step 1. Look at the SPF number on the package

"SPF" refers to the "sun protection factor" of the cream, which is how long it blocks UVB rays. The SPF number expresses how long you can stay in the sun without getting burned by applying sunscreen versus not wearing it at all.

  • For example, a cream with SPF 30 means that you can stay 30 times longer in the sun before getting burned than without applying any sunscreen. So, if you usually start to burn after 5 minutes in the sun, an SPF 30 theoretically allows you to spend 150 minutes (30 x 5) outdoors before getting burned. However, the peculiarities of your skin, your activities and the intensity of the sun all affect the effectiveness of the sunscreen, so you may need to use it even more than other people.
  • However, be aware that the number of SPFs can be misleading, because it does not lead to a proportional increase in protection. Therefore, SPF 60 is not twice as effective as protection 30. SPF 15 blocks about 94% of UVB rays, SPF 30 blocks about 97% and SPF 45 blocks about 98%. No sunscreen protects 100% from UVB rays.
  • The American Academy of Dermatology in the USA recommends a product with SPF 30 or higher. The difference between creams with extremely high SPF is often negligible and it is not worth using a more protective product.
Apply Sunscreen Step 2
Apply Sunscreen Step 2

Step 2. Choose a "broad spectrum" sunscreen

The SPF factor only refers to the ability to block UVB rays that cause sunburn. However, the sun also emits UVA rays, which cause skin damage, such as signs of aging, wrinkles, and dark or light spots. They also increase the risk of skin cancer. A broad spectrum sun product ensures protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

  • Some products do not have "broad spectrum" on the packaging. However, they must always specify whether they protect against UVB and UVA rays.
  • Broader spectrum sunscreens contain "inorganic" components, such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, as well as "organic" components, such as avobenzone, Cinoxate, oxybenzone or octylmethoxycinnamate.
Apply Sunscreen Step 3
Apply Sunscreen Step 3

Step 3. Look for a water resistant sunscreen

Since the body expels water through sweat, you should get water resistant sunscreen. This is especially important if you go out in the sun to do some physical activity, such as running or hiking, or if you plan to get in the water.

  • However, no sunscreen is totally "water resistant" or "sweat proof", even if it says "waterproof" on the package.
  • In any case, even if you get water resistant sunscreen, you need to reapply it every 40-80 minutes or as directed on the label.
Apply Sunscreen Step 4
Apply Sunscreen Step 4

Step 4. Choose the protection you prefer

Some people prefer spray sunscreens, while others prefer thick or gel creams. Whatever you decide, be sure to apply a thick, well-covering layer. The application is just as important as the SPF and other factors: if you don't put it correctly, it doesn't do its job of protection adequately.

  • Spray products may be better for hairy skin areas, while creams are generally more suitable for dry skin. Those in gel or with alcohol are suitable for oily skin.
  • You can also buy the wax-based sunscreen stick, it is a product suitable for the lips, but also great to apply around the eyes.
  • Water-resistant sunscreens are generally sticky, so they are not recommended for pre-makeup application;
  • If you tend to suffer from acne, you need to be especially careful when choosing your sunscreen. Use a specific sunscreen for the face; it generally has a fairly high SPF (15 or higher) and is unlikely to clog pores or increase acne breakouts.

    • A zinc oxide cream appears to be particularly effective
    • Always check the label for phrases like "non-comedogenic", "for sensitive skin" or "for acne-prone skin"
    Apply Sunscreen Step 5
    Apply Sunscreen Step 5

    Step 5. Go home and try a small amount of cream around your wrist

    If you notice any allergic reactions or skin problems, buy a different type. Repeat the process until you find the right sunscreen for your skin or consult your doctor for specific brands if you have sensitive skin or suffer from allergies.

    Itching, redness, burning or blistering are all signs of an allergic reaction. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are generally less likely to cause allergic skin reactions

    Part 2 of 3: Apply Sunscreen

    Apply Sunscreen Step 6
    Apply Sunscreen Step 6

    Step 1. Check the expiration date

    Generally, the Italian law provides that the product is considered expired after 12 months from opening, to maintain its protective power. However, you should always make a note of the date you open the package, and if it is over 12 months, it would be wise to discard the cream and buy a new one.

    • If the product does not have the expiration date stamped on the package, you can use a permanent marker or label and write the date you open the package. This way you will know how long you have had the product.
    • If the cream changes considerably in color and / or consistency with the solid part separating from the liquid, it means that it has expired.
    Apply Sunscreen Step 7
    Apply Sunscreen Step 7

    Step 2. Apply protection before going out in the sun

    The chemicals present in the product take some time to bind to the skin and become fully effective; therefore it is good to apply sunscreen before exposing yourself to the rays.

    • Sunscreen should be applied to the skin 30 minutes before going outside, while lip balm should be applied 45-60 minutes before sun exposure.
    • The protection must "tan" the skin to be fully effective. This is especially important with regard to the waterproof factor. If you put the cream on and dive into the water 5 minutes later, a lot of the protection will be lost.
    • This is also important for children. Children are usually evasive and impatient, and they are even more so if they know they are going outside to have fun; after all, who can stand still if you have the sea right under your nose? Instead, try putting protection on before you leave the house, in the parking lot or while waiting for the bus.
    Apply Sunscreen Step 8
    Apply Sunscreen Step 8

    Step 3. Use adequate amounts

    One of the biggest mistakes in using sunscreen is not putting on enough. Adults typically need about 30g - equivalent to the entire palm of the hand or as much as a full shot - of sunscreen to cover exposed skin.

    • To apply the cream or gel product, squeeze a nut into the palm of your hand and distribute it all over the skin that will be exposed to the sun. Rub it into your skin until you no longer see white (this means that the product has been absorbed into the skin).
    • To apply spray sunscreen, hold the bottle upright and across the surface of your skin as you spray. Apply even, abundant coverage. Make sure the wind does not blow the cream away before it comes into contact with the skin and be careful not to inhale it, as there is this risk due to the fact that it is sprayed. Be especially cautious when applying the spray product around the face, especially on children.
    Apply Sunscreen Step 9
    Apply Sunscreen Step 9

    Step 4. Apply the protection all over the skin

    Also remember those areas such as the ears, neck, tips of the feet and hands and even the scalp. Any area of skin that is exposed to the sun should be covered with sunscreen.

    • Getting the cream into hard-to-reach areas, such as the back, can be tricky. In this case, ask someone to help you.
    • Light clothing often doesn't offer much sun protection. For example, a white T-shirt has an SPF of just 7. Try to wear clothing designed specifically to block UV rays or smear sunscreen under your clothing.
    Apply Sunscreen Step 10
    Apply Sunscreen Step 10

    Step 5. Don't forget your face

    The face needs more sun protection than the rest of the body, as many types of skin cancer occur here, especially on or around the nose. Some cosmetics or lotions may contain sunscreen, but if you plan to be outside for more than 20 minutes (in total, not at a time), you should apply sunscreen to your face as well.

    • You can find many specific sunscreens for the face on the market in the form of creams or lotions. If you use a spray sunscreen, spray it on your hands and then apply it to your face. In any case, you should avoid these protectors in spray format if possible.
    • Check with your doctor or dermatologist for the best sunscreens for your face, or do a search online.
    • Use a lip balm or cream with an SPF of at least 15 to apply to the lips.
    • If you are bald or have thin or thin hair, remember to apply sunscreen to your head as well. You can also possibly wear a hat to protect it from sun damage.
    Apply Sunscreen Step 11
    Apply Sunscreen Step 11

    Step 6. Reapply the product after 15-30 minutes

    Studies have shown that putting on sunscreen again after about 15-30 minutes of sun exposure is even more protective than waiting 2 hours.

    Once the initial protection is applied, you should put it back every 2 hours or as directed on the package

    Part 3 of 3: Stay in the Sun safely

    Apply Sunscreen Step 12
    Apply Sunscreen Step 12

    Step 1. Stay in the shade

    Even when you're wearing sunscreen, you can still be exposed to the sun's powerful rays. Staying in the shade or sheltering under an umbrella will help protect you from sun damage.

    Avoid "peak hours". The sun is highest from 10am to 2pm. If you can, try to avoid sun exposure during this time slot. Stay in the shade if you are away from home at this time of day

    Apply Sunscreen Step 13
    Apply Sunscreen Step 13

    Step 2. Put on protective clothing

    Not all clothing items are the same. However, long-sleeved shirts and long pants can help protect your skin from sun damage. Also wear a hat to offer more shade to the face and protect the scalp.

    • Choose thick fabrics and dark colors, as they offer maximum protection. If you do a lot of physical activity outdoors, you can get special clothing that already has some form of sunscreen inside, available in specialty stores or online.
    • Also remember the sunglasses! The sun's UV rays can cause cataracts, so buy a pair of glasses with lenses that block UVB and UVA rays.
    Apply Sunscreen Step 14
    Apply Sunscreen Step 14

    Step 3. Do not expose children to the sun

    The sun's rays, especially during the "peak" hours from 10:00 to 14:00, are particularly harmful to small children. Look for sunscreens specifically for children and babies. Consult your pediatrician to find out which product is safe for your child.

    • Babies younger than 6 months should not wear sunscreen or be exposed to direct sunlight. The young skin of babies is not yet mature enough and would absorb more chemicals present in the product. If you have to bring small children outdoors, keep them in the shade.
    • If your baby is over 6 months old, use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Be very careful when applying the cream near the eyes.
    • Wear sun-protective clothing for the child, such as hats, long-sleeved shirts, or light long pants.
    • Make sure you wear UV-protective sunglasses on him too.


    • Purchase a special sunscreen for your face. If you have oily skin or tend to have clogged pores, look for "non-comedogenic" or "oil-free" sunscreen. For sensitive skin, products with special formulas are commercially available.
    • Even if you apply sunscreen correctly, don't stay in the sun for too long.
    • Reapply sunscreen after getting wet, every 2 hours or as directed on the label. If you put it on once, it doesn't mean you're covered all day.
