How to Create a Google Profile: 6 Steps

How to Create a Google Profile: 6 Steps
How to Create a Google Profile: 6 Steps

Table of contents:


Find out what are the simple steps required to create a new Google profile that allows you to have access to all its tools. Enjoy the reading!


Make a Google Account Step 1
Make a Google Account Step 1

Step 1. Connect to the Google page

Select the 'Login' button located in the upper right corner of the page.

Make a Google Account Step 2
Make a Google Account Step 2

Step 2. Select the 'Register' button, located in the same position as the 'Login' button

Make a Google Account Step 3
Make a Google Account Step 3

Step 3. Fill in all the required fields by entering your information

Choose a username you like, knowing that it will also become your Gmail email address. Also think about possible alternatives, because the username you have chosen may already be in use, and it will not be possible in any way to create two identical usernames.

Step 4. Scroll down the page to fill in the remaining fields

  • You will need to provide your current e-mail address, so that Google can contact you in case someone tries to violate your profile or, more simply, if you forget your login password.

    Make a Google Account Step 4Bullet1
    Make a Google Account Step 4Bullet1
  • Enter the captcha code displayed to prove that you are a human being and accept the Google contractual conditions by selecting the appropriate check button.

    Make a Google Account Step 4Bullet2
    Make a Google Account Step 4Bullet2
  • Press the 'Next step' button.

    Make a Google Account Step 4Bullet3
    Make a Google Account Step 4Bullet3
Make a Google Account Step 5
Make a Google Account Step 5

Step 5. Insert a picture into your profile by selecting the 'Change profile picture' link

If you want to skip this step, select the 'Next step' button.

Step 6. Finished You are now ready to discover the world of Google


  • You can jump directly to step number 2 by entering the following address '' in the address bar of your browser.
  • Google's graphics, information and policy are constantly changing, so you may be forced to search for some information, very carefully, within the proposed pages.
  • Some browsers do not have the address bar marked 'RSS'. It will therefore be useful to know that, normally, this is the large text field found at the top of the browser page.
