Are you throwing a sleepover and want it to have a feminine theme? Then follow this guide for the perfect girls-only sleepover.

Step 1. Make a list with the names of the friends you want to invite (if you only have one invitee, you can still have fun with these helpful tips)

Step 2. Send the invitations
Don't give them to school. Send them in the mail.

Step 3. If not possible, then try to give them when others don't notice too much
Remember to make a list of everything they will need to bring, such as sleeping bags, pillows, CDs, etc.

Step 4. Think of a theme
For example, if you choose the theme of the awards ceremony, make small prizes and find a red carpet! Or tell all your guests to come in their most elegant dress!

Step 5. A couple of hours before the guests arrive, decorate your room
Put pillows everywhere and bring some light and healthy snacks. If you want, you can light scented candles, especially for the spa part.

Step 6. When the girls arrive, explain to them where they can leave their clothes and belongings
If this is their first time, show them the house. Establish ground rules and then follow them. If, for example, your mom doesn't want you to come into her studio, don't!

Step 7. Start with something fun for the day
Play, play sports, and if you live near the beach or have a swimming pool, go swimming! Leave the juicy games and gossip for the night.

Step 8. As soon as the sun starts to go down, re-enter and go to your "den", your bedroom or wherever you have established it
Let the gossip begin! Guys are a good topic to start with.

Step 9. As soon as you're done gossiping about cute guys, put on a CD and dance
Come up with a little choreography and try it out!

Step 10. Make funny videos, where you dance or do something like that and post them on Youtube

Step 11. When you can't stand dancing anymore, it's time for beauty treatments
Create small "stations" where you will take turns. If a girl is very good at manicure or pedicure, she will have this assignment. If someone else is really good at makeup, she'll be the makeup girl, then swap it. You will be (and you will feel) all extremely fascinating!

Step 12. Play Say or Do, Would You Prefer, or other such games
Just think about having fun! To play Say or Do, give each girl a piece of paper on which she will write all the obligations and truths that come to her mind. Put all the truths in one box and the obligations in another. Then, each girl will take a card from the desired box.

Step 13. Do the pillow fight
It's always fun!

Step 14. Prank your friends on the phone
Don't do anything too scary though, like taking a deep breath and saying "I'll kill you" or anything like that. Do something fun!

Step 15. Watch a movie and eat lots of healthy popcorn
(yes, healthy ones also exist!)

Step 16. Prank the girls invited to your sleepover
If your friends aren't going to get mad and think it's funny, throw a joke! Before the party you can tell a joke to one or two friends, and when the time comes, you do! You have to be sure that the victims won't get angry and won't want to leave. It's not nice to spoil the party. If you've only invited one friend and you're sure she won't be mad, play a joke on her! It should be fun and give you a chance to remember it forever, instead of crying and calling the parents to come and pick them up. It should be an unforgettable night!

Step 17. Play around tweaking your style and creating new looks
But be careful not to overdo it! Put on a face mask or do it yourself! Put two slices of cucumber over your eyes, lie down and chat for a while!

Step 18. Take lots of photos that show your friendship
It must be a wonderful night that you will never forget!

Step 19. You could also make a scrapbook full of party memories
Make up and write nicknames for the guys you like, take hilarious photos, etc.
- Be careful that none of your friends are allergic to any of the makeup ingredients or anything like that.
- Maintain a cheerful and happy atmosphere.
- Feel free to do these things in another order or to do other things.
- Make sure that all girls can sleep in a comfortable and warm place, feeling like at home.
- Try going to the mall! Go out of your mind! Try on bizarre clothes that you would never dream of wearing. Who knows, maybe someone will think that even the ugliest tutus and accessories are cute!
- If you think you're going to mess up a lot (which is very likely with a group of girls), put a trash can in the area where you sleep, but make sure it has a new bag in it. Nobody likes trash that stinks!
- Make sure all the guests are friends with each other and that they won't fight.
- Don't invite too many people, the situation could get out of hand!
- Don't be too serious!
- Don't make a mess (if it happens, tidy up).
- If everyone agrees, he tells scary stories.