Would you like to know if a girl has a thing for you? Sometimes it can be a pain! Some girls flirt and may blush when they are with their dream boy, while others are more shy and have difficulty communicating what they are feeling. If you are dealing with a girl of this type, read this article to go beyond the surface of her behavior.
Method 1 of 3: Observe it

Step 1. Find out if they tend to look at you
Observe her (discreetly, of course!) When you are in class or at a party and try to catch her in the act while she looks at you. If he does, he may have a crush on you, especially if he quickly looks away and blushes or smiles shyly.
Don't stare at her all the time, or you'll make her uncomfortable

Step 2. Find out if he blushes when he sees or talks to you:
she probably likes you and is afraid of saying the wrong thing. However, don't tease her or say a single word about her blush, or she'll tend to avoid having a conversation with you so as not to feel embarrassed.
Make sure she doesn't blush with any guy - in which case she may be shy with everyone

Step 3. Do you laugh often when you are together?
A lot of girls do it when they are with the guy they have a soft spot for because they feel happy around him. If the girl you like does, even when you don't say something particularly funny, she probably likes you.
The next time you see her and talk to her, try to observe this feature. Try making a funny joke and see how he reacts

Step 4. Observe the behavior of her friends in your presence
If you notice them looking at you talking or giggling when you greet the girl you like, then chances are she has a crush on you.
Ditto if her friends greet you with a knowing smile

Step 5. If she likes you, she will always look for an excuse to be with you
For example, she will ask you to help her with her math homework or accompany her to a concert or movie. Maybe he asks you informally to disguise his interest.
If you hang out with the same company of friends and have been spending a lot of time with you lately, maybe she does it because she likes you

Step 6. Try to notice if he pays more attention to her look when she is with you
If she likes you, she'll dress better, take care of her hair and put on makeup when she has to meet you, because she'll want to hit you. If you go out with her or your group of friends and she often touches up her lipstick or lip balm, mirrors or adjusts her clothes, maybe she wants to make a good impression on you.
- He may also take more care of his physical appearance if he is in doubt that he might meet you by chance.
- If you see her at the grocery store or run into her by accident and she makes a joke about how bad her hair is, then she feels embarrassed because she didn't want to show herself this way in front of you.

Step 7. Notice her body language
He can be more talkative than words. If she always looks you in the eye, tries to get close to you and directs her body in your direction when you are together, then she likes you. Here are a few more clues:
- Do you play with her hair while you chat? She's a little upset because she likes you!
- Do you shift your weight from foot to foot when you speak? She feels nervous because she likes you.
- From time to time she looks away and turns it towards the ground: even in this case she likes you.

Step 8. Observe how he behaves with other kids
Maybe you think she likes you, only to find that she flirts and jokes with many others. Some girls may have various crushes or prefer male over female friendship. Take a good look at her whole attitude to see if you misinterpreted the signs: maybe she was just trying to be friendly towards you. If he acts the same to everyone, then this is his personality.
- Evaluate his attitude in the presence of other guys: if he behaves the same way with everyone, it is part of his personality.
- If, on the other hand, he treats you differently and pays more or less attention to you, he may have a crush.
Method 2 of 3: Observe What It Says

Step 1. If she teases you, she probably likes you
Doing so is a form of flirting and allows you to communicate your interest in a playful way. If he makes jokes about your clothes, hair or shoes or pushes you, don't be offended - he's trying to get your attention.
See if he makes fun of the other guys too. If so, he simply has a playful personality. Does he do it only with you? He considers you special

Step 2. If she compliments you, she probably likes you
He might like your new shoes, your story presentation, or your performance at a football match. If she likes you, she will appreciate everything about you, even the smallest, and may not be ashamed to tell you.
- See if he's the guy who compliments everyone or if he just compliments you. Who knows, maybe she really is a very nice girl.
- If she compliments you on your new shirt or haircut, that means she's looking at your wardrobe or look, so she's probably interested in it.

Step 3. If she takes every opportunity to talk to you, then she likes you
But if she doesn't, she may be shy. If you have no mutual friends or other reasons to hang out, then she will try to get closer to you, perhaps by asking you for math homework, which she might have asked a friend. He may also call or text you to ask you a simple ice-breaking question.
If she likes you, she might try to talk to you about something that interests you, like a sport or a show, or share her hobbies

Step 4. If she asks if you like someone, if you have a date this weekend or if you are interested in a particular girl, she is trying to discreetly figure out if you are interested in her
- However, she may also ask you because maybe a friend of her likes you, who asked her to investigate for her.
- If you tell her you don't like anyone and she asks you “How is that possible? There has to be a girl you're interested in,”then she wants you to tell her you like her.
- Just showing interest in a guy's love life in most cases means a girl has a crush on him.

Step 5. What do you say about the other girls you date?
If she tries to subtly belittle them, she is telling you that she is more suited to you than them. If she does this with any female presence in your life, then she is jealous and wants your full attention.
Jealousy can be flattering, but in the long run it can become a problem in a relationship

Step 6. If she lets you know between the lines that she wants a boyfriend or says it clearly through phrases like "It would be great to have a boyfriend", "Being single is not that fun" or "I wish I had a boyfriend to go to the movies with.”, She is asking you to get together with her
Or, he may be doing it because he wants to go out with your friend. But if she never asks you questions about your friends, then she likes you

Step 7. Listen to what he says about the other guys
If he tends to compare them to you and you come out on top, he is trying to tell you that he has a crush on you. She may also tell you that she would like her boyfriend to have a certain quality that you possess.
- If she says she wants to be with a guy with a great sense of humor and you are, she's letting you know that she wants to go out with you.
- If she always says other guys are not your match, try to make it clear that she likes you more than anyone.

Step 8. If he calls you and texts you a lot, then he has a crush on you, especially if he uses a lot of emoticons or calls you with any excuse, like asking your homework, that he might ask anyone else
If he texts you with a smiley face or inserts giggles like "hehe", he may be flirting with you
Method 3 of 3: Find out if she likes you

Step 1. Ask your friends for an honest opinion:
surely they saw you together and got an idea about her.
- Your friends may even know if this girl likes someone else. This will help you avoid making a hole in the water.
- Avoid asking a gossip or very close friend of this girl, or she may go and tell her everything.

Step 2. Ask his friends
In a way, it's like you're asking her directly. But if you trust them and don't think they'll tell them, go for it. They probably know if she likes you or not.
Don't reveal all your feelings for her when you ask

Step 3. Ask her for no further doubts
Find the right time and place. Talk calmly, make eye contact and tell her that you like her and that she is important to you. But don't be melodramatic! You might scare her.
- If he admits he has a crush on you, then go out together.
- If she tells you she doesn't have a crush on you, don't be upset or offended - keep calm and show her you're mature.
- Don't pester or ignore it: find a middle ground.
- Don't give her the idea that you are a coward.
- Behave normally.
- If she's shy but you know she likes you, you need to take the first step.
- If you want to tell her you like her and ask her if you are reciprocated, avoid doing it in class or when there are other people: choose a private place.
- Take all of these tips together as you try to figure out if she likes you - if you only rely on one, you could go wrong.