How to Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated

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How to Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated
How to Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated

The first step in asking a girl out is to treat her well. Even if you are already dating, keep in mind that it could easily drain you in case you fail to behave.


Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 1
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 1

Step 1. Look her in the eye

You don't want her to think you're only interested in her physique?

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 2
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 2

Step 2. Don't call her "sexy" or "waving" - you may even get a slap in the face

Use "sweetie" or "beautiful" instead. Try to stay away from words like "pretty". Although some girls like them, these are words that are mostly addressed to girls and not to women. However, these compliments make sure that the girl in question understands that you like her and that you are not only interested in one thing, as words like "sexy" or "waving" imply.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 3
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 3

Step 3. Make her fall in love, hug her and kiss her

When it comes to kissing, take responsibility for it.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 4
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 4

Step 4. Hug her from behind and kiss her cheek when you greet her

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 5
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 5

Step 5. Pamper her when you are lying down together

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 6
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 6

Step 6. Hug her from behind, rest your neck on her shoulder

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 7
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 7

Step 7. Compliment her, but don't overdo it

If you really like this girl, give her unique compliments, like "I love your laugh, light up the whole room" instead of "you have beautiful eyes". This might sound like a classic pickup line that she may have already heard.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 8
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 8

Step 8. Don't treat her like one of your male friends

Be nice, sweet, generous. Avoid physical noises; don't be obnoxious and show her that you have been raised well and raised to treat a woman with respect. This is a trait that women find very attractive. Don't throw in inappropriate topics that they may not want to hear - some topics have to stay with kids!

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 9
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 9

Step 9. Don't talk about a girl's physique

Don't talk about other girls in her presence, and how cute or sexy they are. It's a big mistake and you might even get dumped for such a thing: it shows, in fact, that you have no respect and that you only value women sexually.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 10
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 10

Step 10. Don't force her to have physical relationships with you

Show her that you care by kissing her anytime, anywhere (forehead, hand, ear) and make her feel special every day.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 11
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 11

Step 11. Even if you don't feel like talking, text her every morning to wish her good morning so that she will have a message that will make her smile as soon as she wakes up

However, it is important not to overwhelm it with messages and calls.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 12
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 12

Step 12. Call her often just to see if she'd like to go somewhere with you

A party invitation when she is stressed or bored will make her like you more and more.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 13
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 13

Step 13. Do not call her in any way that she would find offensive

If she's a girl who doesn't like swearing, don't use any words that might get you a slap. Never hit it, even if you're doing it for fun!

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 14
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 14

Step 14. When she is angry, try to make her laugh

This shows that you try to go all out to make her feel better. She does not expect you to be able to find a solution but only to listen to her and treat her with affection and attention when she shares her feelings with you.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 15
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 15

Step 15. When you are at a party and she is alone, go and sit next to her, talk to her or invite her to dance

If you haven't kissed her yet and you're taking it easy, when you dance to a romantic song look her in the eye and kiss her on the cheek - she might be the one pushing things further! If she does, let her lead, but keep her pace or she might think she's too aggressive.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 16
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 16

Step 16. When she is angry and says she doesn't want to talk about something, she actually does

She really wants to talk about it and wants to figure out if you are a boyfriend who is attentive enough to be interested in her and want to argue.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 17
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 17

Step 17. Be nice to her

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 18
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 18

Step 18. If you hug her don't squeeze her too tightly:

be kind and careful and she will think you are sincere and don't want to hurt her. It's the "good giant" effect: it always works. Even holding her hand shows that you just want to be with her, regardless of everything.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 19
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 19

Step 19. Take her to romantic dates

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 20
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 20

Step 20. Surprise her and take her to nice places, like taking a walk in a moonlit park

Imagine being the male lead in a girls' movie and behave like he would. In fact, girls create fantasies about their ideal boyfriend by watching these movies.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 21
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 21

Step 21. Manners are important

Many guys don't pay attention to them because they think they're not important, but nothing grabs girls' attention like little gestures - for example, holding the door, helping her with books, or moving the chair for her. Some believe this insults a woman's independence but in reality they are things that will make her like you 10 times more than ever before. Bring out your inner gentleman!

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 22
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 22

Step 22. Don't act differently when you are in public

Show affection, regardless of who is around.

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 23
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 23

Step 23. Don't play the fool and don't talk too much about yourself:

it's immature behavior and she won't like it. Just point out how awesome you are or how cute you are. It's more fun for her to discover these aspects of you slowly instead of having them hit your face!

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 24
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 24

Step 24. Don't talk disrespectfully to your friends about her, you will authorize them to do the same

Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 25
Treat a Girl the Way She Should Be Treated Step 25

Step 25. Remember that the things you do with her are personal and you don't have to talk to your friends about it


  • Protect Her: From the kids who make fun of her, from a horror movie and whenever she is scared in general.
  • Compliment her! Nothing makes a girl feel as attractive as "you look cute today" or "what a beautiful hair" at the right time!
  • Gifts are great, but don't just give them on special occasions. Put a little gift on her desk at school and leave a note that says "just because it's Wednesday"!
  • When she is alone, go to her.
  • When you are sitting next to her, hug her so that she feels safe with you.
  • If you want to let a girl know that you like her, just talk to her at first. Don't woo her, but be interested. No girl wants to rush things.


  • A girl is as human as you are. Treat her with respect and don't act stupid in front of her. They are the basis for being a true gentleman.
  • Don't rush things. It is easier for you to be dumped or called a fool behind your back.
  • When you kiss her, do it slowly. If it moves, it means it is not ready yet. Some girls need some time. You have to be patient and not put pressure on her, otherwise she will think that you are only interested in one thing!
  • While some girls enjoy this kind of treatment, others prefer the bad boy to the nice guy. Try both styles and figure out which one works best for you and most importantly for her!
