3 Ways To Know If A Girl Likes You Even If She's Already Girlfriend

3 Ways To Know If A Girl Likes You Even If She's Already Girlfriend
3 Ways To Know If A Girl Likes You Even If She's Already Girlfriend

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The heart is not commanded. You may end up falling in love with a girlfriend without wanting to. If so, it won't be easy to tell if your feelings are reciprocated.


Method 1 of 3: Pay Attention to His Actions

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 1
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 1

Step 1. Notice if the girl you like touches you

Has he crossed the barrier of physical contact? In that case, you need to figure out if he's friendly or if he's trying to flirt with you. She may pat you on the back as a friend or try to seduce you because she is interested in you. If she brushes against you often, she probably likes you.

  • The duration of a contact can help you understand if it is a friend gesture or an attempt to flirt. Was it a quick caress or did his hand linger for a few seconds?
  • Where it touches you can also give you directions. A pat on the back is a friend's gesture, while a pat on the face or hand can reveal interest.
  • Notice how she behaves when you touch her. If you put your hand around her shoulders and she comes close to you, she might like you. If it seems uncomfortable and recedes, it probably isn't.
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 2
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention to her body language

If she keeps her distance when she talks to you, she probably doesn't like you. Conversely, if she turns her body and feet towards you, she may be affected. Some women feel nervous around the guys they are attracted to. If you notice that she touches her hair and neck, it means that she feels nervous and agitated when she is with you, so she probably likes you.

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 3
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 3

Step 3. Notice if she looks you in the eye

Some women often look at guys they are attracted to. If a girl likes you, she won't be able to take her eyes off you. If you've noticed a lot of looks from her when you talk, she might be interested in you. However, if you know that they are a rather shy and nervous person, they may do the opposite and not look at you at all. Even then, you might like it.

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 4
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 4

Step 4. Pay attention to how she behaves when she is with her boyfriend

If he's smiling every time she's with him, maybe you should take a step back. If, on the other hand, he always seems unhappy to you, he could probably develop feelings for another person. By paying attention to these details you can understand how he feels about you, but you may also find nothing. If he seems sad to you when he's with his partner, it doesn't necessarily mean you don't love him or want to be with you.

Method 2 of 3: Interpreting Your Conversations

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 5
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 5

Step 1. Notice her sense of humor

If she is always very serious when she is with you, maybe she doesn't like you. She may just be shy or dislike irony, but girls often joke with the guys they are attracted to. If she really seems to be enjoying herself when she is with you, teasing you, joking and laughing at your jokes, she might like you.

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 6
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 6

Step 2. Think about the topics you are talking about

If you only discuss this and that ("What did you do over the weekend?" Or "It's really hot outside"), you may not like it. However, she may be too nervous to tell you anything more meaningful. If she asks you questions about your life, your passions and talks about hers, she might be interested in you.

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 7
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 7

Step 3. Be careful when talking about her boyfriend

If she never talks about him or always talks badly about him, her feelings for him may have lost intensity. If she does nothing but brag about how perfect it is, she probably doesn't like you. Don't draw too many conclusions from this, because it is possible to have feelings for more than one person.

If she says "Marco brought me roses yesterday and we're going out to dinner tonight! He's the perfect boyfriend", she probably doesn't like you. If, on the other hand, he confesses to you "Marco and I had a long fight last night because we never do anything together", perhaps doubts arose in his heart

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 8
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 8

Step 4. Notice at what times he talks to you

If she goes out of her way to talk to you and get your attention, she may like you. Does he quicken his pace to get closer to you and talk to you, or does he speak to you only when you happen to be close by?

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 9
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 9

Step 5. Read what he writes to you

Pay attention to conversations you have on the internet, not just those in person. If she never texts you and doesn't contact you on Snapchat, maybe she doesn't like you (although she might not be looking for you because she has a boyfriend). If she just writes or sends you pictures to tell you what happens to her during the day or to ask questions, she's probably interested in you. If she only writes to you once a month to ask about homework, it's best to leave it alone.

Method 3 of 3: Reveal Your Feelings to Her

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 10
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 10

Step 1. Clarify your ideas

Before you decide to ask her how she feels about you, you should be sure what you want to achieve. Do you want to spend a night of love with her and never talk to her again or are you in love with her? If you don't have deep feelings for this girl, it's probably not worth trying to win her over. If you really like her, asking her how she feels may be the right choice.

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 11
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 11

Step 2. Flirt with her

Don't ask her how she feels about you right away. First try to seduce her to let her know that you are interested. Be yourself and joke with her. Compliment her and ask her to tell you about her. Smile when you see her and look her in the eye. Try to overcome the barrier of physical contact by finding an excuse to brush or touch her arm. Be honest and don't pretend.

Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 12
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 12

Step 3. Let her know that you are interested in her

If you feel like a bond has developed between you and are reasonably certain that she reciprocates your feelings, ask her how she feels. Asking this question is without stress stressful and unnerving, but having a clear answer is worth the effort. Be confident, but always remember that this is a delicate situation, which will put the girl in an awkward position. Even if she flirted with you, it doesn't mean she doesn't love her partner.

  • Try saying, "I know you have a boyfriend and I'm not going to get in the way, but I want you to know that I have feelings for you. I understand that you are busy, but I want to tell you that if I were free I would love to go out with you."
  • Give it time to reflect on your words and decide how to react.
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 13
Tell if a Girl Likes You Even Though She Already Has a Boyfriend Step 13

Step 4. If necessary, give it space

If she says she isn't interested in you, you have to believe her words. Leave her alone and allow her to be happy with her boyfriend. Continuing to pester her would be rude and disrespectful. Give her all the space she wants or needs to forget her. You can continue to be his friend if both of you are okay with it.


  • If she doesn't like you, remember that lots of other girls will like you.
  • Be friendly and honest with her when flirting.
  • Don't assume she likes you just because she flirts with you.
