You can't force maturity, but it's something you can learn. Maturity involves a completely different mindset. You are still a teenager and cannot yet be developed enough to fully possess it. There will be times when you will be bright and your thoughts will flow clear, but it will not always be like this.

Step 1. Ask yourself why you want to be more mature
Yes, you've read this in thousands of other wikiHow articles, and again, the first step in changing any aspect of your life is to ask yourself the question: Do I really want to change or do I think I have to? If you don't really want it (and you feel forced by someone else) or if you just think you need it but you don't really want it, you will never succeed. Trying to impress peers, parents or teachers by showing off maturity is the essence of immaturity. To mature you "must" want it. Think about what would happen if you weren't mature enough. Would you get a bad grade in science? Would you be punished? Would you lose a babysitting job? Think about the real consequences that would result from insufficient maturity and how much they would sadden you. If you can't think of a valid reason to mature, it will be very difficult to stay motivated.

Step 2. Choose a good model to follow
It can be anyone, from your mother to your teacher to a TV personality.

Step 3. Keep your back straight
Bad posture not only makes you look tired, it's bad for your back as well.

Step 4. Stay informed of the most recent events and current events by reading newspapers and other authoritative sources
To know what's happening in the world, don't trust the flash news or watered-down reports offered by teen channels.

Step 5. Pay attention to what's going on around you
Don't always stare at your iPod. Pause the video games, and watch the people around you.

Step 6. Think twice before taking action
When you are about to do or say something, wait a couple of seconds, think about what your opinion is or how to take part in the matter. Don't react immediately and don't react on an emotional wave when you face a problem. Take a step back and try to judge the whole situation from the "outside". Your mind is an amazing tool, yet it takes time to work out solutions.

Step 7. Read some books
A book is a great friend and an unparalleled resource. Time is never wasted and there is always a lot to learn. Reading not only makes you wiser but adds new terms to your vocabulary.

Step 8. Behave Responsibly
Being responsible means being able to "respond" to stimuli. When you are given a task or notice something wrong, react to the situation with a cool head and purpose. Collect clothes off the floor. Wash the dishes you use. Don't put on the shoes you used for a week again. Walk the dog and feed him. She studies. Find a job. Manage responsibilities. The more you "respond" to stimuli, the more you will be able to do so.

Step 9. Finally, stop worrying so much about being mature
Remember this well, it is important. Adult people don't become adults to show off with friends. They do it because otherwise they would go hungry, lose their home, their car, their income. Trying to impress mates with one's maturity is the essence of immaturity.
Method 1 of 2: Part 1: Dress like a Mature Person

Step 1. The way you behave is more important than the clothes, but you can buy some "grown-up" clothes if you wish
Actions matter more than words and, undoubtedly, more than clothes.

Step 2. Assess your posture
Mature girls do not walk bent over and do not drag their feet. Imagine there is a rope pulling your head to the sky.

Step 3. Don't overdo the makeup
Put on some dark, not shiny lipstick and some mascara. The dark lipstick will make your face more "adult" while the mascara makes your eyes bigger. You could add some powder if you like.
Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Your Way of Speaking

Step 1. This is very important. Record while chatting with a friend for about 10 minutes and then listen to yourself again.
- How many times have you raised your voice too much?
- How many times have you used teenage terms?
- Try to speak slower and keep your voice low. Try to avoid overly colloquial terms and look for more mature words to make the same meaning.
- Try to keep your breathing slow and steady. Don't get too excited when you talk, stay focused.
- Despite all this, try to cheer up your speech. You can be serious but happy. Smile occasionally, but don't overdo it.
- Another tip: disguising your personality just to be different and to get people talking, putting yourself in the spotlight, is rather pathetic and "immature".
- Use appropriate language and don't swear. Think about your group of friends, ask yourself if they are like you or if you are trying to change to fit in.
- Always be yourself. 'Don't change your personality to make others happy.
- Just listen to the advice your parents give you. They only want the best for you and will not lead you wrong.
- Never use drugs or alcohol.
- Don't shorten words when you write them, don't use kids' jargon.