Reputation is how others see you and is based on what you do or don't do, the gossip circulating about you and how you present yourself in real and virtual life. It can be good, bad, or somewhere between these two extremes. You may not be happy with the image you plan to convey, but luckily the way people view you doesn't stay the same, so you can change that over time and with a little planning.
Part 1 of 3: Analyzing Your Reputation

Step 1. Determine what exactly your reputation is
You may already know how people view you, but sometimes you don't know exactly what they think of you.
- If you're not sure how you look in the eyes of others, think about what people are saying about you.
- Think about all the things that some people highlight when they talk about you.
- Ask a colleague you trust for an opinion on your reputation.

Step 2. Find out why people have a certain concept of you
There are several reasons why you may have earned a reputation. Take some time to figure out exactly what they are. Where does the opinion that others have about you come from?
- Does your reputation depend on something you actually said or did?
- Is it based on what you post, share or comment on social networks?
- Does it arise from misperceptions, gossip or unfounded rumors?

Step 3. Separate your reputation from your self-image
Understand that others' regard for you does not always reflect who you really are. It's the way people see you, and people can be wrong.
- Ask yourself if your reputation really describes who you are.
- If people have a negative view of you, don't let it affect how you see yourself.
- Always remember that you deserve to be treated with respect, regardless of your reputation.
Part 2 of 3: Studying Your New Reputation

Step 1. Think about why you want to change your reputation
Be honest with yourself and try to understand why you really want to change.
- You may find that there are some aspects of your image that you don't want and don't need to change.
- If you want to integrate into a group or impress someone, you probably don't want to change your reputation, just the friendships around you.
- If you have earned a bad name and this situation hurts or creates problems for you, you should think about improving your credibility.

Step 2. Create your ideal "profile"
Make a written description of how you would like to be. If you prefer, create a "vision board" (a table to help you identify what you want) or a drawing that depicts the person you would like to become.
- Be precise and rigorous. Instead of using vague terms like "funny" or "smart", use other more clear and detailed terms, like "make people comfortable" or "know Latin well".
- While you can add "looking good" or something similar, don't just focus on the physical and material aspects.
- Describe the characteristics that allow you to build your ideal, the places you intend to frequent and so on.
- Consider your reputation in the virtual world. What sites, shared items, and comments might reflect the reputation you want to earn?

Step 3. Make a realistic, detailed and accurate plan that will allow you to change your reputation
Using your ideal profile, think about how you might change some aspects of your image.
- Consider the behaviors to adopt and / or the activities to follow. How will you have to change your attitude, your habits and / or your appearance? How will you have to behave and dress? Which places to go to? What will you have to do?
- Make sure you have the capacity, time and money to make your changes. Think about the financial, material and human resources that will serve your transformation. Think about what you need, but also try to figure out if and how you can get it.

Step 4. Organize yourself to build healthier friendships
Changing does not mean breaking all existing friendships.
- Talk about your plan with someone you trust. Some may make fun of you or not believe you, so choose carefully who to confide in your goal. Make sure they love you.
- Surround yourself with people who support the new reputation you intend to develop. Avoid those who want to make you appear for who you were until yesterday or who simply don't fit into the canons of the person you are trying to be now.
- Talk to your friends and hang out regularly. They may offer you advice and guidance to improve your reputation and, for example, suggest people to know or places to go.

Step 5. Find and make new friends
Be open to meeting and getting to know new people.
- To make new friends, take the opportunities presented to you at school, at group events, and elsewhere.
- Become part of associations or groups (in real and virtual life) in line with the reputation you are building.
- If it doesn't already exist, create a group or party with which to pursue your current interests.

Step 6. Change your appearance
You don't have to change your entire wardrobe, just pay attention to your look and make sure you look great.
- Choose a look that allows you to feel good in your skin.
- Your appearance must reflect how you want people to see you.
Part 3 of 3: Begin the Change

Step 1. Implement the plan to improve
Once you are aware of why, what and how to change, your transformation begins. Use your plan to know what to wear, do, say, etc.

Step 2. Admit past mistakes
If you've earned a bad name for some past mistake, you need to acknowledge it, sincerely apologize, and show people that you are sorry and are changing.

Step 3. Be consistent
Strive every day, in every situation, in everything you say, do and post in virtual life in order to demonstrate your progress.
- The outward appearance must coincide with the improvements that are taking place in your image. Talk, walk, and introduce yourself based on the credibility you are acquiring in the eyes of the people.
- Show confidence in yourself. Don't be upset by gossip or negative people. If you can, ignore them and believe in yourself: you are improving.
- Make sure that the people you relate to are in line with your true nature and the reputation you are building for yourself.
- Make sure your personality in the virtual world reflects the changes you are making in the real one.

Step 4. Keep your lifestyle in tune with your new reputation
Everything you do, the places you frequent and the items you post on the net must faithfully represent the person you are becoming.
- Take courses, attend social events, go to meetings and meetings as long as they are in line with your new image.
- You'll likely need to step out of your comfort zone, but if you can, volunteer or find a way to get involved in activities that fuel your credibility.
- Become part of online groups and forums that allow you to improve your reputation.

Step 5. Get support from people you trust
It is always helpful to have someone who is ready to encourage you and help you out when things go wrong or willing to remind you that you are doing a great job.

Step 6. Be patient
Unfortunately, if a good reputation can be demolished in a moment, it takes time to build and rebuild it. At first, people may not see or even believe your progress. However, remember that changes take time, but if you are constant, people will start to see you with different eyes.
- Stay true to yourself. It only changes because you are you going to improve for the your well, not to impress anyone. If others don't like the way you are, who cares? However, always remember that you can become a better version of yourself!
- Believe in the fact that you can change and keep in mind that no one forbids you. You have every right, as a teenager and as a person, although some people will be reluctant to accept it.
- Follow your plan and apply your strategies so that over time they become a part of you. Use the "vision board" you have created or another outline to stay focused on your wishes and goals.
- People will notice your changes. If you explain that you are trying to improve yourself, they will certainly be more likely to understand and appreciate you. However, you don't have to explain if he doesn't understand.
- If someone is being rude or treating you badly, don't worry. Unfortunately, it is part of life. Unkindness is always around the corner and it is impossible to please everyone.
- There is a difference between a rude person and one who mistreats you. If you feel threatened by someone's impropriety or cruelty (at school, online, or elsewhere), talk to a teacher, coordinator, or your parents.
- Don't let anyone tell you who you need to be. It is up to you to decide. It will be a constantly evolving path.