How to Woo a Girl You Like: 12 Steps

How to Woo a Girl You Like: 12 Steps
How to Woo a Girl You Like: 12 Steps

Table of contents:


Do you like a girl and want to win her over, but are you shy, or you don't know how to do it?


Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 01
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 01

Step 1. Make sure she is single

You don't want to woo an engaged girl; it would be absolutely out of place and she might think you are desperate.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 02
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 02

Step 2. Wait for the right time

Whether it's a party, or a chance meeting in the corridors, or during the lunch break. Keep in mind what he will be doing at that moment; do not disturb her while she is talking to friends or is busy, she will think you are intrusive. The best time is when she is alone. In this case, you don't have to worry about being interrupted by other people. NEVER get her attention by putting your arm around her shoulders, and don't bore her with heavy talk.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 03
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 03

Step 3. Look for interests you have in common

This is the key to approaching it without letting it run away. If you both like football, comment on a recent match. If, on the other hand, you both like a TV show, talk about the last episode. Keep in mind, though, girls hate, and they always find out if guys lie to appear more interesting. Don't lie because if, for example, you tell her you like a certain TV show, she may ask you questions that you won't be able to answer. Be honest and don't pretend; if she doesn't like you for who you are, then she doesn't deserve you.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 04
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 04

Step 4. Make eye contact

Look in her direction, but don't stare! If your eyes meet, don't look down. Instead, look deeply into her eyes in a relaxed, smiling way. This way he will understand your interest.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 05
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 05

Step 5. Take care of your hygiene

Don't get close to her after a workout. It will run away as soon as it sees your tangled and dirty hair, and as soon as it smells you. Take a shower, wash your hair thoroughly, brush your teeth and tongue, and apply a few drops of perfume.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 06
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 06

Step 6. Start a conversation

You can do it in the classroom, in the corridors, outside in the garden; practically everywhere. If she is not already engaged in another conversation, start chatting. It's always best to start by asking her a question to get her attention.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 07
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 07

Step 7. Smile

You don't need a 32-tooth smile, but don't look like a block of ice at the same time. Smile softly and at intervals.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 08
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 08

Step 8. Break the physical barrier

The "Physical Barrier" is a line that many kids are afraid to break, because it involves physical contact with someone they don't know very well. However, it won't be difficult at all to overcome this barrier if you know how to do it. A light and innocent contact is ideal. Move a lock of hair from her eyes, take her hand to lead her somewhere, give her a quick hug, or rub her shoulder. Make sure the contact is FAST and DO NOT hold it steady in one place. He will get scared and walk away from you.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 09
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 09

Step 9. Make jokes and be funny

Girls love funny guys; if you entertain her, it means that she enjoys being with you. If necessary, get involved and a little embarrassed. This does NOT mean that you have to make weird noises or roll around in mud. If, for example, you stumble and slightly lose your balance, it is a great way to make her smile and say "Don't laugh!", Or something similar.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 10
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 10

Step 10. Be yourself

Don't hide your true nature; show her who you really are and have fun wooing her. Don't waste time thinking about the most fascinating aspects of your life to make yourself appear more interesting. Be yourself: if she doesn't know how to appreciate you, there will surely be many other girls who will.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 11
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 11

Step 11. Enjoy

You don't have to woo her. If you like her, enjoy the experience to the fullest. If you are both laughing and having fun, then you are making the right move. If you feel embarrassed, laugh at it and tell her "This is a bit embarrassing …" Most likely she will smile at you and joke about what happened.

Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 12
Flirt With the Girl You Like Step 12

Step 12. Relax

If you feel comfortable, confident and ready, then everything will be fine and something more important may be born.


  • Be fun. Tell jokes, tease her a little and laugh a lot. Girls love funny guys.
  • Break the physical barrier with light, innocent and short touches.
  • Wash, comb and dress well. This doesn't mean you have to wear a suit and tie, but at the same time, don't show up in a T-shirt and shorts.
  • Be sure of yourself. No girl is attracted to insecure guys who talk softly or who don't look them in the eye.
  • Don't be afraid to "sacrifice yourself" and get slightly embarrassed.
  • Always make sure she is available to talk. If she is busy, try another time.


  • Be clean. Don't go near her if you smell bad. Ask a friend to check your smell and ask for advice on your appearance.
  • Don't lie to her to get her attention; most likely, you will get caught and the situation will become unmanageable.
  • When trying to break through the physical barrier, don't be too aggressive; girls like light touches, such as moving a lock of hair from her eyes.
  • Don't flirt with her when she's busy. It will annoy you a lot.
  • Don't overdo it when you embarrass yourself; you will look awkward and annoying.
  • Don't woo a girl who's already engaged. You may have big problems with the current boyfriend.
