4 Ways to Know if a Middle School Girl Likes You

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4 Ways to Know if a Middle School Girl Likes You
4 Ways to Know if a Middle School Girl Likes You

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a girl likes you in school. Some girls are shy and never say what they really feel. Others, on the other hand, are very outgoing and talk to you, but without saying anything, sending you signals. Here, there is a series of signs that will allow you to understand if that girl of middle school likes you. If you want to know what a girl thinks of you, follow these simple steps.


Method 1 of 4: Body Language

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 1
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 1

Step 1. Pay attention to body language

Body language can help you figure out if that girl likes you or not. His words may not tell you, but his gestures certainly will. If she likes you, usually the girl turns to you and leans a little in your direction, to get closer. Here are other signs of interest:

  • Notice if she curls her hair between her toes or looks at her feet. These behaviors indicate a clear shyness, probably because she likes you.
  • Notice if he drags his feet or if he plays with his hands or with the ring. This is another sign of agitation due to your presence.
  • Notice the eye contact. If she can't look you in the eye, she's probably too nervous and can't talk to you.
  • The smile. Does she smile when you talk to her? Even if you don't say anything funny? The smile is a clear sign, she likes you!
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 2
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 2

Step 2. Note their behavior when you are around

Does he dress particularly well if he knows you need to see each other? If you make a date and she dresses up, she does it for you. If she knows you're going to see each other over the weekend and you notice that she has put on a little more makeup, she's trying to look beautiful for you!

Another characteristic sign is the use of perfume. If she doesn't use any perfume at school, but wears it to go out with you, then she likes you

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 3
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 3

Step 3. Do you make her blush?

If she blushes, she's crazy about you. If you notice that she blushes as soon as you look at her and if her face turns red when you talk to her, she feels shy, because she really likes you. Observe it for a while. He may be shy in general, or he may only blush when he's with you. If she only blushes when she's with you, she really likes you!

Method 2 of 4: Behavior

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 4
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 4

Step 1. See if you can catch her staring at you

If you turn around during a class and catch her staring at you, then she may like you. If she suddenly looks away, blushes, and looks at everyone but you, she's even more likely to like you, she'll feel pecked! Pay attention even when you are not at school, for example if he stares at you from the other side of the room during a party.

He may not be looking at you if he's the daydream type

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 5
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 5

Step 2. Notice if he chuckles often when you are around

If you talk to her and she doesn't stop giggling, or laughs even when you haven't said something funny, she probably likes you. Laughing is as good a way as any to release stress, and she probably laughs because she feels nervous or embarrassed about your presence.

Try to understand if she laughs with everyone or does it only with you: maybe you have a particular effect on her

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 6
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 6

Step 3. Notice if she laughs with her friends when she passes you by

If her friends giggle when she passes you in the hallway, it's a clear sign that they know she likes you. When such a thing happens and you notice that she asks her friends embarrassed to stop, surely there is something underneath!

When a girl in middle school likes a guy, her friends are sure to know. Watch her friends to see if there are any signs that she likes you

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 7
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 7

Step 4. Notice if he tries to touch you gently

He probably touches you by gently shoving you, or seeks your attention by touching your shoulder. If she doesn't do it with everyone, but only with you, it means she likes you.

If, on the other hand, he touches everyone in a gentle way, maybe he's just a very physical type

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 8
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 8

Step 5. Did he bring you a present?

If she gives you a jar she made at the pottery class, or if she brought you a little gift from the last time she went to the mall, she is sending you a precise signal. If she brings some candy or cookies to school and offers you one, she's trying to hit you and she's definitely texting you: she likes you!

Method 3 of 4: Conversation Topics

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 9
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 9

Step 1. See if he tries to talk about common interests

If she knows that you support Juve, and she starts talking about it, maybe she does it because she likes you. If he knows you like the new Game of Thrones series and tells you about all the characters overnight, maybe he's just doing it to impress you.

If before she didn't care about what you like, and then overnight she started to take an interest, she probably likes you

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 10
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 10

Step 2. Notice if he uses any excuses to talk to you

If he approaches you and asks you simple questions that he could ask anyone else, such as how your math test went, or what sport you are doing during physical education, he is obviously using an excuse to be able to talk to you. If she asks you what you think about a particular teacher or a new classmate, she is just trying to spend some time with you asking all the questions that cross her mind.

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 11
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 11

Step 3. See if he makes fun of you

If a girl teases you, she sure likes you! If he takes you for a ride, laughs at your shoes and clothes, or makes comments about your backpack, he's doing it just to get noticed. While these teasing may seem mean at times, it doesn't mean she doesn't like you.

Remember the golden rule: if she pays attention to you, she likes you. Teasing is just a form of attention

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 12
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 12

Step 4. See if he tries

In junior high, teasing and flirting are almost the same thing. These are clear signs that the girl is hitting on you. If he winks at you, even for fun, he is trying. If he teases you a bit about your new haircut, using a bit of irony, he is undoubtedly trying.

  • If she is grumpy, playful, or even a little bit of a "fool", it means that she is hitting on you!
  • If he makes fun of you because you like another girl, especially when it's not true, he is really trying.
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 13
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 13

Step 5. Note if it asks who you like

If a girl wants to know who you like and if you want to ask some girl on a date, she wants to know if you like her - unless you are asking for it instead of a friend. If he constantly asks you if you like someone, or gives you names of girls that aren't your thing, he's just trying to get you to talk about your romantic life so he can be included.

If she makes fun of your ex girlfriend or makes fun of the girls hanging around you, she's probably just jealous because she really likes you

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 14
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 14

Step 6. Notice what he writes on Facebook or via text message

Middle school girls love flirting on Facebook and texting. Remember the rule: if she pays attention to you, there's a good chance she likes you. If she is constantly texting you or posting repeatedly on your Facebook wall for no reason, then she likes you.

  • If she posts you a video or link of something you like on your Facebook wall, then she is much more likely to like you.
  • If she always asks what you do when you text on the weekend, she likes you.
  • Monitor their Facebook activity. Do you post as much on your wall as you post on other kids'?

Method 4 of 4: Find out if she likes you

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 15
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 15

Step 1. Ask her friends

Asking her friends if she likes you is like admitting that you are interested in her yourself. If you are shy and don't know what her feelings are towards you, ask her friends or friends what she thinks about you. They probably won't tell you, but they may be acting weird, giggling, and they may advise you to ask them personally. In any case, they will immediately report everything, so be careful.

However, her friends may tell you that she doesn't like you, which could hurt your feelings

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 16
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 16

Step 2. Ask her

If you are feeling brave enough and really want to go out with her, you should find a time when she is alone, perhaps during recess, and ask her how she feels about you. You can also admit that you like him (if so) and see his reaction. Don't put too much pressure on her, just tell her that you've noticed her and that you like her and would like to know what she thinks about it.

You can give her some compliments to make her more comfortable

Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 17
Know if a Girl in Middle School Likes You Step 17

Step 3. React appropriately

If she admits that she likes you and she likes you, don't jump for joy or you'll look like a desperate poor man. Instead, show her that you're thrilled that you like each other and ask her on a date. If she doesn't like you, don't be mad and don't be a fool. Just say "Okay, don't worry", behave normally and greet her with kindness. This way you will let her know that you are comfortable with yourself and who knows, she may change her mind in the future.

Whatever happens, remember that you are in middle school. Middle school relationships are fun, but they're usually short and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Have fun and, if it doesn't work out with this girl, someone else is certainly waiting for you at the gate


  • Girls want you to make the first move. Trust me, they are extremely shy. There are very few who ask a guy on a date.
  • Do not ask her out by email, text or in any other way that is not in person. If you do, you will look like a coward.
  • Don't be afraid when you ask a girl out. Make sure you are well dressed and clean, and take care of your personal hygiene.
  • Don't call her offensive titles.
  • Don't start a conversation that doesn't interest you. You may feel awkward and make a fool of yourself, making the situation awkward.
  • When he talks to you, don't look down. Maintain eye contact to show confidence. If you don't, he'll think you're too embarrassed. Don't be domineering though, girls hate him.
  • If you notice that she likes another guy, don't blame him, don't hurt him, and don't insult him. It would put you in the wrong.
  • Don't be too bold. Girls don't like men with exaggerated egos.
  • Don't ask her random questions or far-fetched talk, she'll think you're weird and desperate.
  • If you meet her eyes, smile or wave at her. It's normal to blush, don't worry.
  • Don't make her jealous by flirting with another girl just to see how she reacts, she might pick it up and ditch you.
  • Usually girls smile and blush very close to you.
  • You smile. Not too much, but a proud smile can let a girl know you like her.
  • If you are on a trip to some amusement park, ask her to take a ride on a carousel with some friends: if she accepts, she probably likes you.
  • If you find that she doesn't like you, forget it. If you don't, it becomes embarrassing for both of you.
  • If she puts her arm around your shoulders or comes close when you're sitting close, she's comfortable with you and she likes you. Even if she rocks her head while continuing to look at you, it means she likes you.
  • Show her you care, send her a gift as a secret admirer. It will be more curious.
  • If he leans towards you even when there is no reason, there is a good chance.
  • Don't bother her by talking too much (if you do, make sure you say something funny or cute).
  • If he talks to you about other guys, maybe he's doing it to make you jealous. Play along and talk to her about other girls, but don't overdo it or she'll think you like someone else.
  • If she says "it's cold" out loud, give her your jacket. She says it to see if you take care of her.
  • Girls like it when you touch them gently, brush her hand or nudge her, she'll notice you more.
