How to Deal With Your Crush: 10 Steps

How to Deal With Your Crush: 10 Steps
How to Deal With Your Crush: 10 Steps

Table of contents:


It is difficult to behave spontaneously in the presence of a person with whom you dream of starting a romantic relationship. If you want to have a chance with your crush, you will need to change your behavior to look good in front of him. Try to be friendly, mature, and outgoing, just like you would be with any friend. Who knows, maybe your confident and decisive way of doing things will make you look at you with different eyes than your crush.


Get Along with Your Crush Step 1
Get Along with Your Crush Step 1

Step 1. Don't be precious

It's one of the biggest mistakes you could make, and there's nothing more sickening than seeing a girl trying to get precious with a guy and failing miserably. Plus, most guys don't fall for this trick; they usually make the wrong impression because, while they reciprocate your feelings, they may think they are not your type.

Get Along with Your Crush Step 2
Get Along with Your Crush Step 2

Step 2. If you want to start a conversation with your crush but are afraid to take the first step, you don't have to

Start a conversation with a friend about a topic you know your crush is interested in (if he's around) and raise your voice a little if necessary (not too loud though). If he inserts himself into the conversation, it would be perfect! Listen to what he says and continue to converse normally. If he doesn't, turn around, and ask his opinion casually: "Hey, didn't you like it too [whatever you're talking about]?"

Get Along with Your Crush Step 3
Get Along with Your Crush Step 3

Step 3. Be kind

Treat him like a person, not just a crush. Treat him like you would one of your friends! If he needs a pen, borrow one of yours. If he seems tired, sick or sad, ask him if everything is okay or if there is something wrong. He will appreciate it very much.

Get Along with Your Crush Step 4
Get Along with Your Crush Step 4

Step 4. Try to be a mature person

Laugh when they make a funny joke, but like a normal person would. If they say something stupid, but somehow witty, smile, but roll your eyes as if to say 'How stupid you are'. Don't act as if you live in the clouds or as if you were incapable. Be strong. Be insightful and never act silly.

Get Along with Your Crush Step 5
Get Along with Your Crush Step 5

Step 5. If you have nothing in common, come up with something

Is there a band you like very much (make sure it's not a boy band!)? Try to name the group by making your crush hear you, mentioning a popular piece of theirs or something. If he seems interested, ask him if he would like to borrow the CD. Things like this. Keep your eyes peeled for what they like; you may find that there is something you both love that you could talk about together.

Get Along with Your Crush Step 6
Get Along with Your Crush Step 6

Step 6. Show your best

Don't go overboard to look sexy, attractive, or incredibly beautiful just for him. Wear clothes that you like and that look good on you. Wash your hair. Take care of your skin. Exercise. Brush your teeth. Do not wear too low-cut clothes, because it could get the wrong idea. When you get your hair cut, ask the hairdresser to recommend a style that suits you. Your crush may notice this and compliment you about it!

Get Along with Your Crush Step 7
Get Along with Your Crush Step 7

Step 7. Conversation is incredibly important

Try to be yourself as much as possible. Don't try to be soft or tough. Don't talk too much; two sentences at a time, unless you are telling a story or something that seems to interest him very much. Try to make him laugh, but don't overdo the jokes. Let him speak. Listen to what he has to say and, later, try to return to the subject. Laugh at his jokes, even if they're not too funny and pretend to smile. Don't talk with your mouth full.

Get Along with Your Crush Step 8
Get Along with Your Crush Step 8

Step 8. If you are in the classroom tell him about the lesson, for example:

"Do you like it (insert topic)?" Then after he replies, you can have your say and you could start an interesting conversation. If you are afraid to talk to us just try to do it. He'll probably like it. If he is talking to other people, try to join them.

Get Along with Your Crush Step 9
Get Along with Your Crush Step 9

Step 9. If your crush also has feelings for you, you may find that she looks or stares at you often

If he makes the first move, it means SOMETHING, or that he likes you …

Get Along with Your Crush Step 10
Get Along with Your Crush Step 10

Step 10. Treat him as you would treat a friend

Don't pretend that he is some kind of alien who speaks another language. She is a person just like everyone else. Thinking of you as a friend will start to like you more (if he doesn't already like you!)


  • If you are truly desperate, try not to think of him as the person you like when you talk. By doing this you can relax and be more comfortable.
  • Don't overdo it by trying to impress him and don't be too nervous in his presence. This would only make you both uncomfortable.
  • Be yourself. This is one of the most important things to do.
  • Be nice to his friends and your other mates too, but don't treat them like you do to him. It's great that he sees that you are nice to everyone, but he also needs to know that he is special.
  • If he lets you know he feels something, try to show your feelings too.
  • Make sure he has noticed you before you try to impress him.
  • To avoid getting too nervous, remember this: it's just a piece of cake. You can also have a huge crush on someone, but remember it's just a crush and, if it's love, remember you're in the thoughts of your crush like anyone else, so it's not the end of the world. If, on the other hand, he considers you something more than others, then this is the right time to go and talk to him.
  • If you're hiding your crush from other people you know, try not to make it obvious. Don't spend too much time with him; your other friends are also very important.
  • Remember her birthday. Wish him a happy birthday when the fateful day comes. If you're feeling bold, get him a small gift. If you don't see each other on his birthday, try to wish him well in advance anyway.
  • Try not to constantly think about him, however, if you are destined, you will be together.
  • Tell him your secret and make him promise that he will not tell anyone. You will show that you trust him and the guys like it.
  • Knowing its smell well or touching it could drive you crazy with joy, but don't make it obvious that you are trying to smell it and don't try to inadvertently bump it every time you cross paths. You would scare him and he would try to stay away from you. Instead, try to compliment him on his new cologne, creating an excuse to smell it.
  • Don't mention other guys when you talk to him, as long as it's not your brother or something. You want to let him know you're available without going straight to the point.
  • Find out if he's interested in you before you ask him out.


  • If he doesn't behave well with your friends, things could take a turn for the worse. It will be difficult to decide which side to take and you may have to make some very difficult choices.
  • Make sure this person is single. You certainly don't want to get the reputation of someone who intrudes on other people's relationships and you don't want to make his girlfriend angry either.
  • Also try not to flirt with his friends. He may misunderstand and believe that you feel nothing for him.
