Vector graphics are the ideal format to use in logos, images or simple illustrations because they have well-defined lines and outlines. Due to the lack of shading and pixel depth, vectors load quickly on websites and in animations. These images are used in graphic design, website design and commercial marketing. Read this article and learn how to convert-j.webp
Step 1. Choose a professional photo editing program to convert your image
Step 2. Upload or scan the-j.webp" />
The image must be large and detailed enough to be able to enlarge it. It should be at least 600 x 600 pixels or larger
Step 3. Open the image in the photo editing program and click on the layer bar, separating them
Step 4. Select the background layer and duplicate it twice
Step 5. Select the first copy of the background and click on the visibility tab, making it invisible
Step 6. Click on the second copy and lower the saturation by clicking on the "Edit" tab and selecting "Desaturation"
Step 7. Select the second copy and click on the "Images" tab, clicking on "Posterize"
Step 8. Set posterization to level 9 and rename the layer as "Posterized"
Step 9. Select the background copy and click on the "Visibility" tab, making it visible
Step 10. Click on the "Layer" tab and click to create a new layer, then drag it so that it is behind the background copy
Step 11. Use the eyedropper to select an element of the photo and use the pen tool to outline the part of the selected color
Step 12. Add a new layer for each element and color of the image (one layer for the dark brown of the tree, one layer for the light brown of the tree, and one layer for the black of the tree bark)
For each layer, trace with the pen tool and use the eyedropper to take the original color and put it in the shape you traced
Step 13. Change the opacity of each layer by moving the selector to make them more transparent
This will make the final product more realistic and three-dimensional.
Step 14. Zoom in and out of the image to capture less noticeable shadows and tones, adding more layers and strokes for each shadow
Step 15. Save the final image with the.eps extension, to keep the vector formatting intact
- You can scale vector images as you like without loss of quality, because the colors and shapes are made with mathematical formulas that are not affected by their scale.
- Lock each layer when you are satisfied with the changes you have made, so as not to risk editing it again or moving it in the rest of the operation. You can do this by selecting the layer card and then selecting the one you want to lock and clicking on the small padlock.
- There are free websites that will convert-j.webp" />