How To Turn Dry Hair Into Healthy Hair

Table of contents:

How To Turn Dry Hair Into Healthy Hair
How To Turn Dry Hair Into Healthy Hair

Does your hair appear dry, brittle and lifeless? Whatever the severity of their condition, with time and effort you will be able to get them back in shape. Taking care of them gently, avoiding damaging treatments and resorting to the many deep hydration techniques available will allow you to have that healthy and shiny hair you want so much.


Part 1 of 3: Acquiring Healthy Habits

Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 1
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 1

Step 1. When washing and drying them, treat your hair gently

Dry hair is also brittle. Treating them too vigorously will cause split ends to appear and may even break them. During shampooing, drying and any other operation involving the hair, treat it as if it were a delicate fabric that needs special attention. This implies that you will need to avoid rubbing, pulling or squeezing them.

  • While shampooing, use your fingertips to gently distribute the product through your hair, rather than rubbing it vigorously.
  • Rinse them with cold or lukewarm water; too hot water damages dry hair further.
  • After washing them, press them gently between your hands to get rid of excess water. Then pat them dry with a towel.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 2
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 2

Step 2. Shampoo less often

Hair dries up when the natural oils produced by the scalp are unable to nourish it. Applying the shampoo to dry hair every day will only dehydrate it further, making it even more fragile due to the daily elimination of its precious oils. Reduce shampoo use to no more than 2-3 times a week, giving them a chance to benefit from the nourishment of the oils.

  • Initially, after reducing the number of shampoo applications, the scalp will appear to produce an excessive amount of oil, normally being forced into overproduction caused by frequent washing. Be patient for a week or two so that the skin regains its balance. You will soon be able to wait several days without your hair looking dirty.
  • If the roots start to look oily, use a dry shampoo - this is a great temporary solution that will allow you to fix the problem without washing your hair.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 3
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 3

Step 3. Let your hair air dry

Do you have a real hair dryer addiction? It's time to put it back in the drawer and let your hair dry naturally. Directing a stream of hot air over your hair will not allow you to restore it to health. Although after using the hair dryer they may appear shiny, in fact the heat tends to damage them deeply, and over time it will cause them to break and the appearance of split ends.

  • At first attempts at natural hair drying, the results may not be exciting. Be patient, after about a month of gentle treatments your hair will have regained its precious natural texture, finally appearing healthy, beautiful and shiny.
  • When you just can't help but style them with the hair dryer (for example on special occasions), set it to a cold or lukewarm temperature, and keep it well away from your head.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 4
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 4

Step 4. Comb instead of brushing

The brush tends to pull knots out of the hair, thereby damaging it. Because dry hair breaks so easily, the result could be frizzy and uneven hair. Therefore, prefer to use a wide-toothed comb on damp hair: it will be noticeably sweeter and will allow you not to tear or break your hair.

  • If there are knots, start combing them from the ends, then gradually move towards the roots. If you were to start combing them from above, you would tend to break them.
  • Alternatively, you can remove the knots using your fingers, making gentle movements. Apply the conditioner and massage the knots until they dissolve.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 5
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 5

Step 5. Stop harmful treatments

Long-term straightening, curling, dyeing, etc. damages the hair, even though it is an isolated episode. If you have dry hair and are looking to restore its health, understand that it is not possible for it to regain its natural luster and texture unless you put an end to such harmful treatments. Therefore avoid:

  • Use styling tools that rely on heat, such as curling irons, heated curlers, straighteners etc. Instead, consider learning how to iron them without using heat.
  • Dye, bleach, or lighten them (experiment with natural alternatives).
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 6
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 6

Step 6. Avoid hairstyles that tend to pull the hair at the roots and damage it, especially if it is dry

You could break them or, worse, cause bald patches to appear. If you intend to restore your hair to its former glory it is advisable to style it naturally.

Part 2 of 3: Moisturize Dry Hair

Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 7
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 7

Step 1. After shampooing, always use a good conditioner

Apply a small amount, naturally considering the length of your hair. You will want to use enough of it to coat the lengths without weighing them down. Gently massage it into your hair, focusing on the ends, then rinse with cold or lukewarm water.

  • If you have very dry hair, consider using a leave-in conditioner as well. It will protect them by preventing them from drying out during the day, helping them to remain shiny and easily manageable.
  • If, after using the conditioner, your hair looks dull and lifeless, it may be worth trying a different product. Look for one that's made from natural moisturizing oils and is silicone-free.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 8
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 8

Step 2. Get regular treatments to deeply hydrate your hair

Bringing dull hair back to health may take more than a normal hydration routine. To regain the shine and texture you crave, try applying a moisturizing mask weekly. You can buy a ready-made one or make it yourself using a common quality vegetable oil, such as coconut, almond or jojoba. To deeply moisturize hair:

  • Moisten them and apply the moisturizing mask, in a dose of about one or two tablespoons. Make sure you coat each strand of hair by distributing the product with a comb or your fingers, from the roots to the ends.
  • Wrap your hair in a shower cap or plastic wrap.
  • Leave the mask on for at least an hour - or rather overnight.
  • Eliminate it by shampooing as usual. To get rid of any residue it may be necessary to repeat the shampoo a second time.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 9
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 9

Step 3. Make a DIY hair mask

If you want to give your hair an instant shine, and reduce frizz, create yourself a homemade moisturizer that can be applied right before shampooing. Wet your hair in the shower and apply the mask. After you've done your regular beauty routine, wash them off with shampoo. Try the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • 1 mashed banana or 1 avocado.
  • 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt.
  • 1 beaten egg.
  • Any combination of the listed ingredients.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 10
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 10

Step 4. Protect your hair with a finishing oil

If they are very dry, you will avoid them becoming unpleasantly frizzy and bulky during the day. Use a very small amount, and apply it to your hair using your fingers, focusing on the tips and avoiding the roots. Experiment with one of these natural oils:

  • Argan oil.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Jojoba oil.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 11
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 11

Step 5. Use a boar bristle brush

While it is advisable to avoid most brushes, boar bristles are an exception. These are in fact special natural bristles that mimic the texture of the hair. Specifically, this brush is used to transfer hair oils from the scalp to the ends, without damaging them. In case your lengths appear dry this could therefore be a good investment. Here's how to use a boar bristle brush:

  • Wait for the evening before the day of the shampoo to arrive, so that the roots have an abundant quantity of oils.
  • Remove any knots with a wide-toothed comb.
  • Brush your hair from the roots to the ends. Repeat the movement several times for each individual section of hair, before moving on.
  • Continue until all of your hair is brushed. When finished, they should appear soft and silky. Wait at least an hour or two before washing them.

Part 3 of 3: Promote Healthy Growth

Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 12
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 12

Step 1. Massage the scalp

You will stimulate circulation around the hair roots, promoting growth. Get in the habit of massaging your scalp with each shampoo. Using your fingertips, rub your skin in circular motions, covering every inch of your head.

  • Plus, a head massage helps reduce stress and relieve headaches.
  • For an ideal result, use an oil suitable for massage. Distribute it on the skin and then wash it off with shampoo. You can choose for example coconut oil, almond oil, extra virgin olive oil or jojoba.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 13
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 13

Step 2. Use natural products

Many of the commercially available cosmetics promise to make your hair healthy, while still containing ingredients that do just the opposite. Your shampoos, conditioners and styling products could make your hair even drier and more brittle than normal. Switch to all-natural products, avoiding those that contain the following harmful ingredients:

  • Sulfates: found in shampoos and other cleansing products, they strip the hair of its natural oils and make it dry.
  • Silicones: found in conditioners, they form accumulations in the hair which, over time, make them appear dull.
  • Alcohol: contained in styling products, it helps dehydrate the hair.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 14
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 14

Step 3. Nourish your hair from the inside

What we eat and drink plays a vital role in the appearance of the hair. If you want them to look beautiful and healthy, it is important that you nourish your body accordingly, so that they can grow strong and healthy. To promote the quality of your hair:

  • Eat copious amounts of foods that are known to benefit your hair. Fill up on protein, omega-3 fatty acids and iron; therefore choose salmon, sardines, nuts, avocados and flax seeds.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You will prevent your hair from drying out.
  • Not smoking. Smoking from cigarettes damages hair.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 15
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 15

Step 4. Protect your hair from the sun and other atmospheric elements

Spending a lot of time in the sun without protecting your hair could risk "frying" it. It's important to protect them, just like you would your skin, by covering them up when you know you want to spend several hours in direct sunlight.

  • If you intend to stay in the sun all day, wear a hat to keep them in the shade.
  • In the pool, protect your hair from chemicals by wearing a swimming cap.
  • In very cold weather, protect your hair from dry, freezing air by wearing a warm hat.
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 16
Turn Dry Hair to Healthy Hair Step 16

Step 5. Check them regularly

Thanks to the steps indicated, you will see new hair begin to grow. Shorten the tips to eliminate dry or damaged parts. As the months go by, the old and damaged hair will have been replaced by beautiful new hair.
