It can be difficult to extricate yourself in the jungle of flirting and dating: trying to understand if a girl is shy, is precious or is not interested can create a lot of confusion. While it is important to remember that no girls are alike and that each may express interest in different ways, there are some signs to be aware of that suggest that a girl is not feeling any transport.
Part 1 of 3: Observe His Behavior

Step 1. Try to interpret body language when you are together
Usually, people are aware of their facial expressions, but they don't always realize that their body also communicates quite strongly. Therefore, she may suggest that she is not interested in you by the position she takes with her body.
- If he turns away from you or leans back and distances himself from you, he is likely to feel uncomfortable.
- It keeps a barrier between you. If she always sits behind a chair or table, or holds her bag or backpack in front of her as if it were a shield, she may not be interested in you.
- If she goes away when she sees you or seems to avoid you, she is not attracted and, therefore, you don't have to try to follow her.

Step 2. Notice if he avoids looking you in the eye
Eye contact can actually be very intimate, in fact some girls may look down or away due to their shyness. However, if you notice that she always looks around when you talk to her, as if she is looking for her friends, she actually has no desire to converse and, as a result, you may want to politely apologize and end the conversation.
Remember that if she seems distracted or doesn't look at you during the conversation, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. But if you feel like it happens every time you try to talk to her, then that's different

Step 3. Notice if he treats you differently when you are in class than when you are around people
If your partner is pouting and talkative during class, looks straight in your direction whenever you see her with her friends, chances are she's flirting with you for convenience.
- She may also be too embarrassed or shy to greet you in front of all her friends. Notice if those around her always keep an eye on you, even if she doesn't. It could mean that she is talking about you with her friends.
- Try to make the first move and see how he reacts. Greet her when you meet her outside the classroom. If she looks embarrassed, is rude, or ignores you altogether, then you can be pretty sure she isn't interested.

Step 4. Watch her reaction when you tell something funny
Even if you don't say anything that witty, a girl usually laughs when someone she likes makes a joke. Keep in mind that most friends take this attitude too, so it doesn't automatically mean they're interested in you. However, if you don't even hint at a smile at your hilarious anecdotes, maybe it's best to find someone else who appreciates your sense of humor.
If your jokes can't get even a shy smile out of her, she may be having a bad day (or your humor is really bad). But if day after day you encounter his silence, then it's time to let it go

Step 5. Notice if your appointments always turn into group dates
If you invite her to go to the movies and she shows up with three friends, there may be a communication problem. However, if this happens every time you propose to do something, it may be her way of letting you know that she just wants to be your friend.
Be aware that some girls are not allowed to accept dating until a certain age. Chances are she will have to show up with her friends for her parents to let her go out with you. In any case, he should definitely tell you in advance that this is not a two-person date
Part 2 of 3: Listen to What He Has to Say

Step 1. Consider if he only comes to you when he needs something
If you feel that you are only looking for when she needs help with her homework, with a project or if she needs a ride somewhere, but never has time to talk to you or is always too busy to go out with you, chances are he is manipulating you and does not have a sincere interest in you.
Relationships are not one-sided: a person does not always have to give or do everything for the other without being reciprocated

Step 2. Get the message if he tells you that you are like a brother or if he defines you as his best friend
Even if it implies that you have a very close relationship and that he feels genuine affection for you, he is unlikely to want anything from you beyond a beautiful friendship. Basically, telling someone they're like a brother means eliminating any possibility of starting a romance.
Even if there's no chance, a girl who describes you this way definitely values your presence in her life

Step 3. Pay attention to how much she cares about you and how much she talks about herself
If you can hardly take the floor while she tells you how it went last weekend, she talks to you about the silly things her friend said, she communicates her hope of going skiing during the winter holidays, without asking you anything about how it was. your weekend, she's probably a lot more focused on herself than on you.
- If you know all the details of her life, while she has a hard time remembering even the most basic things about yours, she may not have such a great deal of interest in you and probably isn't a very good friend either.
- If he doesn't overwhelm you with questions, but already seems to know a lot about you, then chances are he has some interest. Perhaps he has asked his friends and paid attention to the sports or courses you take. Try telling her something surprising about yourself and see how she reacts.
Part 3 of 3: Handling a Rejection

Step 1. Decide if you can just be friends with her
If he makes it clear that he only sees you as a friend, think about whether it is okay for you to accept this role in his life. If you find it too painful to be around her and watch her hang out with other guys (and maybe she might even ask you for advice on how to deal with them), you might want to tell her. However, if you think you can put your feelings towards her aside, be happy that this beautiful girl wants you in her life and put your friendship to good use.
- Don't nail yourself to her hoping she can change her mind. Secretly hoping she falls in love with you doing extraordinary things for her isn't right for either of you. You will deceive her and risk feeling miserable.
- If you spend all your energy trying to convince her that you are the right person for her, you will miss the opportunity to meet other girls who would like to go out with you in the meantime.

Step 2. Give her some space
You will likely struggle with why she does not return your interest and be tempted to ask her for an explanation or convince her that she is wrong, or you will want to ask her friends to tell her that you make an incredible couple. However, you should calm down. If you keep looking for her when she's not interested, you run the risk of starting to annoy or even scare her.
You don't have to completely ignore it or misbehave. Just take a few steps back and treat her as if you were more than just an acquaintance

Step 3. Accept the situation and turn the page
Just as you can't avoid having a crush on her, so she can't force herself to have feelings for you. While it sure hurts, it's not the end of the world. It is completely normal to feel upset and sad when something is wrong. Thankfully, she's not the only girl in the world and it probably won't be long before you meet someone else.