Does your child have a beautiful smile, a strong personality and love being taken photos? If your child is confident, has an out of the ordinary character and likes to pose, he can become a role model. Of course, as long as he likes it and has a clear inclination and interest in doing it.

Step 1. Make sure your child is interested and willing
It's not fair to push a child to do this if he doesn't want to and, over time, he will develop a resentment towards you. If, on the other hand, he likes the idea, you will notice it: he will clearly demonstrate motivation and enthusiasm..

Step 2. Take pictures of it
Photograph her smile, her face and her entire body in relaxed poses. Don't take group photos, just photograph him. On the back of the photo write the child's height, size, date of birth (include the size of pants, shoes, etc.) and don't forget the contact information. You will need a collection of 20-25 photos of the baby in natural poses.

Step 3. Get in touch with the most reputable modeling agencies and make sure they work with children
Make an appointment to meet them. Keep your feet on the ground, the person on the other end of the phone may be disinterested or trying to dissuade you.

Step 4. Prepare the baby
The agency will interview him to find out if he is adequate. You need to make sure that your child feels safe by speaking in public, you could then give him some dance lessons, it will improve his self-esteem and it will be useful to him whatever he does next in life. It might be a good idea to try interviewing someone other than a family member, you might ask a friend.
- Practice with the child in front of a camera at home, to see how he reacts in front of this apparatus.
- Activate, you will get nothing by sitting and waiting! You have to get busy and keep calling the agencies to find out if there are places available.
- Only relate to agencies that you have a physical address for and that have been established for at least five years!
- Professional photographs are not usually needed. But make sure first. Currently many digital cameras are able to assure you a high quality result.
- Make sure you have enough time to take your child to castings, interviews and photo sessions… It takes a long time and usually there is no refund.
- There is a book by Gloria D. Heffner on model children. It explains how to create a good photo collection, discusses some marketing issues, and also provides resources for finding agents. It will also give you good ideas for writing a creative resume even if the child has little or no experience.
- Work on your child's smile, he will look kinder and more friendly
- Don't be angry if things don't go as you hope! It can take months of effort but if you work well you will surely get something good!
- Try to keep your child away from "junk foods", but remember that he is a toddler and that an occasional treat won't hurt him.
- Don't force the child: motivating him a little is fine but pushing him too hard would make him unhappy and counterproductive.
- NEVER pay an advance to an agency! If they ask you, leave them alone!
- There is no plausible reason why an agency should require you to leave your child alone with them. Unpleasant things can happen even in seconds. If your presence distracts the baby, you can simply look for a position that does not allow him to see you.
- Make sure a responsible adult is present at the photo session.
- Be careful - if something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. If you have to pay for your child to join an agency, it is definitely a scam and if you give them your bank account information they could steal your money. In a nutshell: if they ask you to pay, forget them.
- Some agencies have a "price per consultation". In this case it will be up to you to choose if it is worth paying for it, but to decide ask a few questions to understand what is included in this payment and what service they will offer you exactly in return.