Nunchaku are weapons. They consist of two sticks connected by a rope or chain. Most famous thanks to the Bruce Lee films, you too can learn this unusual technique which will give you an idea of what martial arts are like, will keep you fit enough and will surely leave others in awe.

Step 1. Buy the nunchakus
Go to a good martial arts site and buy a rubber or foam training pair with rope. The first time you try them, don't buy a pair of wooden, metal, or acrylic resin nunchakus.

Step 2. Buy a book
Nunchaku. Basic and Defense Techniques is a useful intermediate guide for those with experience with martial arts. Anyway, maybe you want to invest in a book aimed at the beginner level.
Step 3. Focus on the basic movements
The basic movements are the most advantageous for newbies. As Bruce Lee said: "Not time who has studied 1000 moves at once, but time who has practiced a move 1000 times". Practice then!

Step 4. Do your research
Watch Bruce Lee's "From China with Fury", paying particular attention to the scene in the karate dojo. Play the video game "Soulcalibur" choosing Maxi as a character. Go to YouTube and search for "nunchaku" and / or "nunchaku techniques". It's high-end stuff and it's not as hard as it sounds.

Step 5. Try to "feel" the nunchakus
They should be soft, not HARD as you might imagine.

Step 6. Learn the basic moves
Now that you can "feel" them, you can spin them faster, spin them to form an 8, pass them under your legs, over your shoulder and under your arms.

Step 7. Try the more complicated things
Try redoing some of the moves you've seen on the internet. Of course, take it easy the first time you try. Gradually increase the difficulty, as many of these tricky moves are simply basic techniques used in an unusual way. As a rule, these are just basic moves performed at blazing speed and with flawless timing. It can be difficult to remember to start slowly, but persevere and you will learn fast.
- Once you've managed to get them from one side to the other, try to perfect a technique that allows you to roll the nunchaku around one part of the body without your free hand getting in your way. Since it practically prevents the nunchaku from spinning out of control, it is useful for training with two pairs of nunchucks.
- Practice! You will never get better if you don't spend part of your day practicing moves and maneuvers.
- Watch real martial arts experts perform with and without nunchucks and get an idea of how to use them for one or two amazing moves.
- If you want to use a second pair, buy it of the same type as the first, so that they have the same weight, the same length and the same balance.
- Switching them from side to side is pretty simple, as you swing the nunchucks so that the free end goes around the body or part of the body to be taken by the free hand. Use your imagination.
- You can search for free online tutorials at
- Switch to rubber nunchucks (if you haven't already) when you feel ready, as it's a heavier material, then switch to wooden ones.
- Try two pairs at a time. See what you can do!
- Be aware that unless you use them correctly, nunchakus can and will seriously harm others, if not even yourself. Be careful when showing what you can do.
- As I said earlier, nunchaku are basically ancient deadly weapons. This article in no way authorizes you to walk around the street with a couple of nunchucks beating people up! While using them is fun, they are a martial arts tool and should be treated the same way as any other weapon or martial art: with respect.
- Nunchakus made of wood, acrylic resin, or steel may be illegal in some states or nations. Check before you buy them.
- Be responsible. Don't try to do totally crazy techniques you see someone like Maxi doing on a video game. They are "almost impossible" and no one should try to do them for fear of breaking their heads.