Kissing is the sweetest expression of one's love, and kissing your girlfriend in public, if done right, can be an effective way to show her just how crazy you are. This article will tell you how to kiss her in public with passion, class and respect.
Method 1 of 2: The Preparation

Step 1. First try to figure out if she would feel comfortable kissing you in public
Observe her reactions to couples kissing publicly, or try to deal with the conversation. If you understand that she wouldn't feel comfortable, don't do it, at least until she wants to too.

Step 2. Freshen your breath
There is nothing more unpleasant than kissing someone who has bad breath. Heavy breath can ruin the mood of the moment in a second and discourage your girlfriend from kissing you again. Here are some tips to avoid the problem.
- Brush your teeth, also use mouthwash before going out with your girlfriend. A healthy mouth is the starting point for having a pleasant breath.
- Drink enough water and avoid drinking coffee before kissing her.
- Chew on a peppermint candy, or a refreshing-tasting gum.

Step 3. Take care of your lips
Very chapped lips are not attractive at all. Moisturize them and keep them soft, even using lip balm.
Method 2 of 2: The Kiss

Step 1. Look for the right time and place
Even if your girlfriend has no problem kissing you in public, pay attention to the location you choose to step forward. Try kissing her when she gets out of school, at a birthday party or on an outing, while walking, at the movies, etc.
- Wait for the moment when your girlfriend isn't talking to anyone. If you interrupt the conversation to kiss her, you will disrespect her.
- The right situation to kiss her for the first time is when you take her back home after going out together. It is also an ideal strategy to avoid moments of embarrassment in case she pulls back, if instead she likes it you will say goodbye leaving her a great desire to kiss you again.
- Don't kiss your girlfriend in front of her family, her teachers, or her employer. If you kiss her under the eyes of these people, she is very likely to feel uncomfortable, that she cannot reciprocate and kiss and that she will get angry with you.

Step 2. Take your time and be gentle
Don't rush to his lips right away, look for eye contact before approaching him. As you kiss her, hug her gently, squeeze her hand and caress her cheeks.
- If this is your first time kissing her in public, kiss her cheek first and watch her reaction. If she returns the gesture, immediately give her another quick kiss on the cheek. If she seems very tense, don't go any further and wait another moment.
- Kiss her on the lips after kissing her on the cheeks at least twice. And always be kind and respectful towards her, don't try to get your hands all over the place. Make the kiss short, do not try to do anything else and do not forget that you are in public.

Step 3. There is nothing wrong with kissing in public, but don't make out all the time
It wouldn't be polite, and it's not good to get too noticed. By keeping the situation under control you will show your girlfriend how much you care about her and how much you respect her. If you overdo it, people watching you will start making nasty comments about you. Be refined.
- Remember that the girl may be nervous and very shy. If it's her first kiss, don't do it in public! You will ruin a special moment.
- Don't give her a kiss too long or you'll attract disappointed looks from the people who look at you.
- Don't groped your girlfriend in public or she'll think you don't really care about her, and you'll make everyone else feel the same way too.
- If she refuses to kiss you in public, don't take offense or pressure her. Maybe she's not ready yet, or maybe she prefers to kiss you only in private.